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4th Level Monster Conversions

the Jester

EDIT: As there is an official version in the MM3, I won't update these guys unless requested to.


Meazels are disgusting little humanoids that lurk along the edges of the Shadowfell. They cross between the real world and that dark reflection of it fairly freely. Meazels bring plague and disease where they go, and are hated and feared by most other races because of it. They take great delight in sneaking into cities to spread disease.

MEAZEL SKULK--- Level 4 Lurker
Small shadow humanoid--- XP 175
Initiative +11; Senses Perception +4, darkvision
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 18; Fortitude 16; Reflex 18; Will 16
Immune disease (carrier)
Speed 6
[Melee basic] Dagger (standard; at will) Weapon: +9 vs. AC; 1d4 damage.

[Ranged basic] Dagger (standard; at will) Weapon: Range 5/10; +9 vs. AC; 1d4 damage.

[Melee] Garrote (standard; at will) Weapon: Requires combat advantage; +7 vs. Reflex; 1d10 damage and target is grabbed (escape ends).

[Melee] Choke (minor; at will) Weapon: Requires garrote; only against a grabbed target that the meazel hit with its garrote attack; the meazel tightens his garrote around the target’s neck and attempts to strangle it; +7 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 damage.

[Melee] Diseased Strike
(standard; encounter): The meazel makes an attack with its claws. +9 vs. AC; 1d3 damage, plus secondary attack: +7 vs. Fort; Hit: the target contracts the meazels (see below).

Combat Advantage: Once per round, a meazel skulk deals an extra 2d6 points of damage when it has combat advantage.
Alignment chaotic evil; Languages Common
Skills Stealth +12
Str 10; Dex 20; Wis 15
Con 16; Int 10; Cha 7
Equipment dagger, garrote

MEAZEL PLAGUE-BEARER--- Level 5 Skirmisher
Small shadow humanoid--- XP 200
Initiative +4; Senses Perception +4, darkvision
HP 67; Bloodied 33
AC 19; Fortitude 19; Reflex 17; Will 17
Immune disease (carrier)
Speed 6
[Melee basic] Dagger (standard; at will) Weapon: +10 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage.

[Ranged basic] Dagger (standard; at will) Weapon: Range 5/10; +10 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage.

[Melee] Diseased Strike (standard; at will) Weapon: +10 vs. AC; 1d4+2 damage, plus the victim is infected with the meazels.

[Ranged] Putrescent Phlegm (minor; encounter): +8 vs. Fortitude; 1d10+5 damage, target contracts meazels (see below) and target is weakened and slowed (save ends both).

If a meazel plague-bearer ends its turn at least 4 squares from where it started, it deals +1d6 damage until the start of its next turn.
Alignment chaotic evil; Languages Common
Skills Endurance, Intimidate
Str 14; Dex 15; Wis 15
Con 19; Int 8; Cha 7
Equipment dagger

The Meazels (Level 4 Disease)

Spread by the vicious creatures that share the disease’s name, the meazels are highly contagious. A person with the meazels will have a cough, red eyes and a runny nose. She will run a high fever while in the throes of the disease’s advanced stages, and unless she is very careful, she may well infect anyone she comes in contact with.

For higher level versions of the meazels, add 1 to the attack vs. Fortitude per level, and increase the Endurance DC by one for every two levels higher the disease is.

Attack: +7 vs. Fortitude.
Endurance: improve DC 20, maintain DC 16, worsen DC 15 or lower

The target is cured.
Initial Effect: The target suffers a -2 penalty on Acrobatics, Athletics and Endurance checks.
Worsening: The target is weakened.
Final State: The target is weakened and dazed and loses one healing surge.
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I just want to say that I appreciate the paragraph description of what this obscure stuff is. I had no clue what the majority of your posts were until I opened the 3e ToH, and even THEN some of the stuff was missing.

D&D History is Fun! :)

Holy crap, that Meazle Skulk can really put the hurt on! In one round, if it has combat advantage, it does 1d10+2d6(Sneak Attack)+3d6 (Choke)!

Also, since you didn't post the Meazle disease, I'll presume that you're still working on it.
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Mesh Hong

First Post
[Melee] Garrote (standard; at will) Weapon: Requires combat advantage; +7 vs. Reflex; 1d10 damage and target is grabbed (escape ends).

[Melee] Choke (minor; at will) Weapon: Requires garrote; only against a grabbed target that the meazel hit with its garrote attack; the meazel tightens his garrote around the target’s neck and attempts to strangle it; +7 vs. Fortitude; 3d6 damage.

Combat Advantage: Once per round, a meazel skulk deals an extra 2d6 points of damage when it has combat advantage.

In my opinion you should probably add a 1/round tag to the Choke attack to stop possible abuse. The way it is written there is a chance that the Meazle could use Garrotte (with CA) as a standard action, the use Choke as a minor action, then use Choke again as a minor action in place of a move action. If the creature didn't manage to get free of the grab before the Meazle acted again it could be facing 3x Choke attacks.

only against a grabbed target that the meazel hit with its garrote attack

There is the possibility that this phrase is supposed to limit the use of Choke, but as written it allows unlimited use of the Choke power while the target is grabbed.

the Jester

Here's the revised axe beak, now under "Terror Bird" along with a number of other stat blocks. Note that the kocho and bird of Pandos are both from my campaign.

Note also that the reference to "critical severity" under kocho references my campaign's "colorful critical hit" house rule. You can safely ignore this if you aren't using that house rule.

1e Monster Manual (axe beak) and 3e Fiend Folio (terror bird)

Terror birds are predatory birds large enough to treat human and demihuman creatures as prey. Intermediary in behavior between behemoths and conventional birds, there are many types of terror bird, some of which have even been domesticated. However, all are carnivores and not too fussy about what they eat, so they cannot be left unattended around livestock, pets or children.

Axe Beak Level 4 Soldier
Medium natural beast (bird) XP 175
An axe beak is named for its vicious beak, which is as long as a man's hand and viciously sharp. Axe beaks cannot be domesticated or trained. An axe beak can run at great speeds and for a considerable distance, but is motivated by hunger and easily distracted by food.
HP 58; Bloodied 29 Initiative +6
AC 19; Fortitude 18; Reflex 17; Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 8


(mbasic) Axe Beak * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC.
Hit: 1d10+7 damage (1d10+17 on a critical hit).
Effect: The axe beak marks the target until the end of the axe beak's next turn.


Enthusiastic Charger * Encounter
Trigger: The axe beak charges.
Effect (Free Action): The axe beak gains a +4 bonus to speed until the end of its turn.
Skills Endurance +11
Str 18 Dex 14 Wis 14
Con 18 Int 2 Cha 11
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Young Axe Beak Level 4 Minion Soldier
Small natural beast (bird) XP 44
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +6
AC 19; Fortitude 18; Reflex 17; Will 16 Perception +9
Speed 8


(mbasic) Axe Beak * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC.
Hit: 6 damage. If the target has been hit by two or more other axe beaks since the end of its last turn, it is also knocked prone.
Skills Endurance +11
Str 18 Dex 14 Wis 14
Con 18 Int 2 Cha 11
Alignment unaligned

Kocho Level 6 Skirmisher
Medium natural beast (bird, mount) XP 250
A kocho is a flightless bird that is commonly used as a mount on Cydra. However, a kocho is fairly difficult to maintain, given that it needs fresh meat and tends to try to eat other nearby mounts and pack animals. Kocho are foul-tempered at best.
HP 70; Bloodied 35 Initiative +9
AC 20; Fortitude 18; Reflex 20; Will 18 Perception +5
Speed 8

Sturdy Mount (mount)
A kocho can serve as a mount for a humanoid of up to Medium size.


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC. This attack scores a critical hit on a natural 19 or 20.
Hit: 1d10+9 damage. If this attack scores a critical hit, it gains a +1d4 bonus to critical severity.

(mbasic) Kick * At Will
Requirement: The kocho may not be carrying a rider.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. AC.
Hit: 2d6+7 damage and the kocho pushes the target 1 square.


Vicious Mount (mount) * Recharge when the kocho moves or shifts
Requirement: The kocho must be mounted by a creature of its level or higher with the Mounted Combat feat.
Trigger: The kocho's rider hits an enemy adjacent to the kocho with a melee attack.
Effect (Free Action): The kocho uses bite against the attack's target as a free action.
Str 15 Dex 19 Wis 15
Con 14 Int 2 Cha 10
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Predatory Terror Bird Level 8 Brute
Large natural beast (bird) XP 350
HP 108; Bloodied 54 Initiative +8
AC 18; Fortitude 22; Reflex 20; Will 19 Perception +12
Speed 8


(mbasic) Talon Rake * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC.
Hit: 3d8+7 damage.

(melee) Slashing Talons * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +11 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 3d8+7 damage, the predatory terror bird pushes the target 1 square and the target falls prone.

(close) Flurry of Talons * Encounter
Requirement: The predatory terror bird must be bloodied.
Attack: Close burst 1 (each enemy in burst); +9 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d8+7 damage, the predatory terror bird pushes the target 1 square and the target falls prone.
Skills Endurance +13
Str 20 Dex 19 Wis 16
Con 18 Int 2 Cha 11
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Bird of Pandos Level 11 Skirmisher
Large natural beast (mount) XP 600
A bird of Pandos is one of the few types of terror birds that can fly. A close relative of the kocho, the bird of Pandos is named for Pandos the Mute, one of the Companions of Dexter, a paladin who tamed the first of the breed to be used as a mount. Birds of Pandos are rare and expensive, but loyal and significantly smarter than most other terror birds.
HP 109; Bloodied 54 Initiative +12
AC 24; Fortitude 22; Reflex 25; Will 23 Perception +8
Speed 7, fly 10


(mbasic) Talons * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +16 vs. AC.
Hit: 3d6+9 damage.

Flyby Attack (mount) * At Will
Requirement: The bird of Pandos must be mounted by a rider of at least 11th level.
Effect: The bird of Pandos flies up to half its speed. At any point during this movement, either it or its rider may make a melee basic attack against one target within reach. Neither the bird of Pandos nor its rider trigger opportunity attacks from this movement.
Str 17 Dex 21 Wis 17
Con 13 Int 3 Cha 11
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Terror Bird Apex Predator Level 16 Elite Skirmisher

Large natural beast (bird) XP 2,800
HP 316; Bloodied 158 Initiative +15
AC 29; Fortitude 30; Reflex 29; Will 27 Perception +13
Speed 8
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Deadly Skirmisher
If the terror bird apex predator is at least 4 squares from where it started its turn, it deals an extra 2d8 damage with melee attacks.


(mbasic) Talon * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC.
Hit: 3d8+7 damage.
Dash and Slash * At Will
Effect: The terror bird apex predator moves up to 6 squares. This movement does not trigger opportunity attacks. At any points during the move, it uses talon twice.


(melee) Tearing Beak * At Will 1/round
Requirement: The terror bird apex predator must be bloodied.
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +21 vs. AC.
Hit: 1d10+2 damage.
Skills Endurance +19
Str 24 Dex 20 Wis 20
Con 22 Int 3 Cha 12
Alignment unaligned Languages -


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the Jester

A new addition to the list, including monsters from a lvl 4 minion all the way up to epic level: Worms! (Several of which are technically not actually worms, but hey.)

For the record, the nematodean is completely homebrewed, but those of you who followed my epic 3e story hour may recognize it; somewhere I have its 3e stats posted here on ENWorld, too, and it earned its CR 21 or whatever it was!

And yes, I do have the penis monster from the 3e Fiend Folio in here.

1e Fiend Folio (giant bloodworm); 3e Fiend Folio (lucent worm, century worm); 3e Libris Mortis (giant maggot); 1e Monster Manual 2 (tunnel worm, tenebrous worm)

There are many different types of dangerous worms, from the lowly rot grub to the great nematodean. The legendary purple worm, of course, is the archetypical example. Dangerous worms' characteristics vary greatly by type, but they are usually extremely stupid. Dangerous worms almost always require a diet of flesh or blood; however, there are exceptions, especially those worms from other planes or the worms of Chaos unleashed upon Cydra centuries ago.

Giant Maggot Level 4 Minion Brute
Small natural beast XP 175
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +1
AC 16; Fortitude 18; Reflex 14; Will 16 Perception +3
Speed 5
Immune disease


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +9 vs. AC.
Hit: 6 damage.


(close) Sickening Pop * At Will
Trigger: The giant maggot is reduced to 0 hit points.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 1 (each creature in burst); +5 vs. Will.
Hit: The target is weakened until the end of its next turn.
Str 15 Dex 8 Wis 12
Con 18 Int 1 Cha 7
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Giant Bloodworm Level 8 Elite Brute
Large natural beast XP 700
Giant bloodworms often lurk in wait below the surface of a body of water, where it strongly resembles a submerged log.
HP 220; Bloodied 110 Initiative +2
AC 19; Fortitude 24; Reflex 18; Will 20 Perception +6
Speed 4, burrow 3, swim 6 Tremorsense 10
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

Lightning Writhe
When the giant bloodworm takes lightning damage, it is slowed until the end of its next turn.

Bloody Surge
While the giant bloodworm is bloodied, at the start of its turn it gains a +2 bonus to attack rolls and a bonus of +2d6 to damage until the start of its next turn. It also takes 5 damage unless it has a creature grabbed with leeching bite.


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC.
Hit: 4d6+6 damage.

(melee) Leeching Bite (healing) * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +13 vs. AC.
Hit: 4d6+6 damage, and the target is grabbed (escape DC 16). While the target is grabbed, it takes 10 damage and the bloodworm regains 5 hit points at the start of the target's turn. While the giant bloodworm has the target grabbed, the only standard action it can take is to use leeching bite against the grabbed target.


(close) Bloody Spray * Recharge when first bloodied
Trigger: The bloodworm is hit by a melee attack.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Close blast 2 (the triggering attacker); +11 vs. Reflex.
Hit: The target is blinded (save ends).
Skills Stealth +7
Str 14 Dex 7 Wis 14
Con 20 Int 2 Cha 5
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Tunnel Worm Level 9 Lurker
Medium natural beast XP 400
The tunnel worm is technically closer to a centipede than a worm, but so the vagaries of monster nomenclature go. Armored in shiny black chitin, the tunnel worm prefers to lair in narrow passages that restrict movement (and often grant it combat advantage) and is adept at striking very quickly. Tunnel worms are found underground, from shallow dungeons beneath abandoned keeps to the depths of the Underdark.

A tunnel worm typically digs its lair perpendicular to a passageway or the wall of a chamber, then lays in wait for prey to pass by its tunnel, seizing it and retreating into its lair with its meal. If the prey is too large to pull into the tunnel, the tunnel worm chews bits off until it can fit.
HP 75; Bloodied 37 Initiative +13
AC 23; Fortitude 21; Reflex 23; Will 21 Perception +7
Speed 8 Darkvision

Tunnel Movement
A tunnel worm takes no penalties and does not grant combat advantage when squeezing. It can squeeze into an area sized for a tiny creature as long as there is at least one additional square that the tunnel worm can occupy adjacent to it.


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC.
Hit: 2d8+8 damage.

(melee) Sudden Lunge * At Will
Requirement: The tunnel worm must be squeezing and must not be grabbing a creature.
Attack: Melee 3 (one creature); +14 vs. AC.
Hit: 3d8+8 damage and the tunnel worm pulls the target up to 3 squares. If the target ends this pull adjacent to the tunnel worm, the tunnel worm grabs the target (escape DC 17).
Str 18 Dex 20 Wis 16
Con 15 Int 3 Cha 11
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Lucent Worm Level 12 Lurker
Huge fey beast XP 700
A lucent worm is extraordinarily good at concealing itself, especially for such a large and clumsy beast. However, it is semitransparent at the best of times, and the millions of tiny cilia that cover it aid it in moving in quick and versatile ways.
HP 97; Bloodied 48 Initiative +9
AC 26; Fortitude 26; Reflex 22; Will 24 Perception +6
Speed 8, burrow 6, swim 6 Tremorsense 10


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +17 vs. AC.
Hit: 2d8+11 damage.

(melee) Paralyzing Bite * At Will
Requirement: The lucent worm must be invisible or hidden from the target.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +17 vs. AC.
Hit: 3d8+12 damage and the target is immobilized (save ends).
Second Failed Save: The target is instead stunned (save ends).

Lucent Fade * At Will
Effect: The lucent worm becomes invisible and gains phasing until the end of its next turn or until it attacks.
Skills Stealth +13
Str 22 Dex 9 Wis 10
Con 19 Int 1 Cha 9
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Tenebrous Worm Level 12 Soldier
Large shadow beast XP 700
The tenebrous worm is a predator from the Shadowfell. Its head and forebody are covered with stiff bristles; its hind portion is naked, exposing a dull, dead grey skin. The creature's eyes are multifaceted and seem to swim with shades of grey, while its great maw is flanked by mandibles of a pearly grey; occasionally, eccentric collectors have been willing to pay for an undamaged set. The tenebrous worm's underbody has a series of bulges on it, suggestive of caterpillar legs; this had led some sages to suggest that the tenebrous worm may be the larval form of some other Shadowfell hunter.
HP 120; Bloodied 60 Initiative +12
AC 28; Fortitude 24; Reflex 24; Will 24 Perception +9
Speed 7 Darkvision


(mbasic) Mandibles (acid, necrotic) * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +17 vs. AC.
Hit: 1d10+5 damage plus 3d6 acid and necrotic damage.


(melee) Gloom Bristles (poison) * At Will
Trigger: An adjacent enemy makes a melee attack against the tenebrous worm.
Attack (Opportunity Action): Melee 1 (the triggering creature); +15 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 2d6+3 poison damage and the target is slowed and cannot shift (save ends both).
Str 22 Dex 18 Wis 16
Con 16 Int 3 Cha 11
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Century Worm Level 15 Soldier
Huge natural beast XP 1,200
A century worm is a gigantic worm with a voracious appetite. The monster takes its name from the fact that it takes a full century to grow to its adult size, but its larvae can be dangerous on their own. They dwell in its gut and sometimes emerge from its maw when the beast is under stress.
HP 148; Bloodied 74 Initiative +7
AC 31; Fortitude 30; Reflex 25; Will 25 Perception +7
Speed 8, burrow 4, swim 4 Tremorsense 20


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Requirement: The century worm may not have a creature grabbed.
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +20 vs. AC.
Hit: 4d6+9 damage and the target is grabbed (escape DC 22).

(melee) Slobbering Gulp (acid) * At Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature grabbed by the century worm); +18 vs. Reflex.
Hit: 4d10+1 acid damage and the target is swallowed (escape DC 24). While swallowed, the target takes ongoing 10 acid damage, plus see wriggling progeny. It has line of sight and line of effect only to the century worm, and no other creature has line of sight or line of effect to the target. When the target escapes or the century worm dies, the target reappears in a space adjacent to the century worm.


(close) Distracting Keen * At Will
Requirement: The century worm may not have a creature grabbed.
Attack: Close burst 2 (each creature in burst); +16 vs. Will.
Hit: The century worm marks the target (save ends).


Acid Reflux * Recharge when first bloodied
Trigger: The century worm takes at least 20 acid damage.
Effect (Immediate Reaction): The century worm vomits up 2 century worm larvae in unoccupied spaces adjacent to the worm (if there is no adjacent unoccupied space, the larvae appear in the nearest unoccupied space). (These larvae are worth full normal xp.)

(melee) Wriggling Progeny * At Will
Trigger: A creature swallowed by the century worm starts its turn.
Effect (Opportunity Action): 1d4 century worm larvae within the worm make melee basic attacks on the triggering creature.
Str 23 Dex 7 Wis 11
Con 20 Int 1 Cha 2
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Century Worm Larva Level 15 Minion Soldier
Small natural beast XP 300
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion Initiative +13
AC 31; Fortitude 25; Reflex 28; Will 26 Perception +7
Speed 8, burrow 4, swim 4 Tremorsense 20
Resist 15 acid


(mbasic) Bite * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +20 vs. AC.
Hit: 11 damage.

(melee) Spine Burrow * At Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one helpless creature); +18 vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 14 damage, and the century worm larva burrows into a Medium or larger target's spine. Unless the target receives a power with the Heal keyword or a Heal check, DC 22, within one hour, the worm cannot be removed without a remove affliction ritual or a Heal check, DC 28 (a failed Heal check drains 4 healing surges from the target and reduces the target to 0 hit points). In 1d4 weeks, the victim dies. The worm slowly grows thereafter, living off the remains for a century before emerging as an adult.
Miss: The century worm larva dies.
Str 10 Dex 19 Wis 11
Con 16 Int 1 Cha 2
Alignment unaligned Languages -

Nematodean Level 21 Solo Brute
Gargantuan natural beast XP 16,000
A nematodean is an immense and ancient worm. These dumb brutes are incredibly dangerous, as a single one can be split into many, equally-powerful nematodeans that are also able to split. These things are all locked in an ancient sleep, but if the seals leading to a nematodean's chamber are broken it will awaken. After a period of devastating activity, the great worm falls back into a sleep that lasts for decades or centuries, but no longer sealed away, it will awaken again to threaten the area it dwells in.
HP 726; Bloodied 363 Initiative +10
AC 34; Fortitude 37; Reflex 30; Will 33 Perception +16
Speed 5, burrow 3 Tremorsense 20
Immune daze, stun
Saving Throws +5; Action Points 2

The nematodean gains a +5 bonus to its defenses against effects with the Charm, Fear or Psychic keyword.

The nematodean regains 10 hit points whenever it starts its turn and has at least 1 hit point. When the nematodean takes fire or acid damage, its regeneration does not function on its next turn.


(mbasic) Crush * At Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +24 vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 4d12+10 damage and the target falls prone.

(melee) Crushing Surge * At Will
Effect: The nematodean moves its speed. It may enter enemy spaces during this movement and may end the move in occupied squares. As it moves, it makes the following attack once against each target.
Attack: Melee 0 (each creature whose space the nematodean enters); +22 vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 4d8+9 damage and the nematodean pushes the target to the nearest unoccupied space.


Split * Special
Trigger: The nematodean is reduced to 600 hit points for the first time in the encounter or 300 hit points for the first time in the encounter.
Effect (No Action): The nematodean splits in two. A second nematodean appears in unoccupied space adjacent to the nematodean; if there is no unoccupied space large enough for the new nematodean to appear, it makes a crushing surge attack as a free action. Each nematodean has half the original's hit points + 50. Each nematodean has the same statistics as the original, including this trait. The xp value of a nematodean includes the value of up to three additional nematodeans created via this power.

Writhing Thrash * Recharge when the nematodean uses split
Trigger: The nematodean is damaged by a close or melee attack.
Attack (Immediate Reaction): Melee 2 (the attacking creature); +24 vs. Fortitude.
Hit: 2d8+6 damage and the nematodean pushes the target 3 squares.
Str 26 Dex 10 Wis 22
Con 24 Int 1 Cha 8
Alignment unaligned Languages -


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Jester, I really dislike how several of these monsters only have two powers. And most of them are at-wills.

I mean look at the Bloodworm. It's an elite monster, and all it does is have an at-will bite, and an at-will grab. And when it grabs, it's just going to gain more HP. So it will spend the entire combat with HP going up and down as it just latches onto one person and gnaws; it doesn't even really move around. That's makes it a grindy, dull bag of HP. I guess it would be ok as a normal monster, but as an elite?

Same with the tunnelworm - all it can do is just pull someone close to it and then grab. That's not really interesting - you might as well just turn that into a terrain feature. It would be better if you jiggered it like the ankheg able to drag people, so that the worm forces someone to squeeze into its tunnel - that the grabbed target is the only one who can attack it, as it inches back into its burrow.
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the Jester

Jester, I really dislike how several of these monsters only have two powers. And most of them are at-wills.

I mean look at the Bloodworm. It's an elite monster, and all it does is have an at-will bite, and an at-will grab. And when it grabs, it's just going to gain more HP. So it will spend the entire combat with HP going up and down as it just latches onto one person and gnaws; it doesn't even really move around. That's makes it a grindy, dull bag of HP. I guess it would be ok as a normal monster, but as an elite?

Same with the tunnelworm - all it can do is just pull someone close to it and then grab. That's not really interesting - you might as well just turn that into a terrain feature. It would be better if you jiggered it like the ankheg able to drag people, so that the worm forces someone to squeeze into its tunnel - that the grabbed target is the only one who can attack it, as it inches back into its burrow.

You have a good point, especially regarding the bloodworm. To be honest, it's an update of a conversion I used in my campaign, so I was reluctant to add any wholly new abilities for the sake of consistency, but you're right, it does need something else.

Regarding the bag of hit points effect, bear in mind that once it's bloodied it starts to lose 5 hit points at the start of its turn, which is why I didn't make it "gain 10 temporary hit points", but maybe if I changed leeching bite to "gain temp hps" and added a minor "turn temp hps to healing" type of ability?

The tunnel worm, on the other hand, ought to play pretty much like it did in 1e (at least in my campaign) as is. I think the whole "lunge-drag-hold on and chew" cycle can be interesting; the way I envision it is the party is walking through a passage or chamber with holes in the walls when all of a sudden a tunnel worm lashes out and drags a pc to the front of the hole that it cannot fit into. (Kinda what you were talking about!) Bear in mind that the tunnel worm's sudden lunge is melee 3, so it can hang out back in its tunnel and do this.

After the tunnel worm bites-and-releases its target, the pcs have three options: 1. Stand around its tunnel and let it keep using its best abilities; 2. Move out of its reach and try to lure it out; or 3. Try to send some small pcs into the tunnel after it.

Yes, it is kind of terrain dependent, and I haven't tried this guy out yet, but it feels like it will work to me.

Given that, do you still think the tunnel worm needs something else?

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