D&D General 50 years, 50 products (closed, see new thread)

Voting in this competition is closed


This has been replaced with a new thread:
Below is historical:

Across the 50 years and many editions of D&D, there have been numerous products for the game. The purpose of this thread is to figure out the 50 products that you, fellow forum members, see as the best and greatest ever made for D&D!

Let's keep this focused on first-party (TSR or WotC) game products designed to support an edition of D&D (OD&D, Basic, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th). If you badly want to add something else I can't stop you, but that's against the spirit of the poll as far as I'm concerned.

I've set this to run for 2 weeks, then disable further replies, and we'll see where we wind up at that point. I set this for 10 competition winners (highest I could go) but I'm hoping it'll display the full 50 after it finishes (never tried this before).

You can vote or downvote as many times as you want, on as many products as you want. I'll add some products to start, but please add your own! If you do, you're encouraged to say why you think your addition is one of the greatest D&D products!

Note, while liking a post is fine, to raise it up or down the ranks you need to click the up or down arrow to the right of the product's post.

For discussion of the thread, go here.

EDIT: Also discovered, you can use the forum's search function to search this specific thread and see if a particular product has already been added.
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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
Rogues Gallery (1E) - Randomly generated NPCs, bandit gangs, etc. and -- more importantly -- full NPC write-ups (with illustrations) for many of the TSR staff's own characters, including some of the biggest names in the game, even today.

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