5e Familiar thread (both warlock and animal/spirit thingies)

I think "vapour" has more of an implied potency than mist now I think of it

By the way, we should decide on whether to use US or UK/Australian spelling for these entries and stick to it.

As you might have noticed, the Creature Catalog entries on Enworld use US spellings (i.e. "vapor") while the non-monster writeups I post usually use UK spellings since, well, that's what I prefer.

There are a few D&D monsters that officially used UK spelling in American published TSR or WotC works, such as the Spectre, although that's changed to the US spelling of Specter in 5E.

I doubt D&D Beyond has a style guide, so we can just use whichever we prefer!

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As an Australian, I use UK spelling though prefer "-ize" to "-ise" (seems to be a thing here). If we have to stick firmly with one, I'd say UK then

I was proposing 1d4+2 piercing plus 1 radiant for the bite, or possibly 1d4+1 piercing plus 1 radiant.

4d6 for the delirium is roughly par damage-wise with an Imp's stinger damage, so it works for me!

Okay, in that case I'm leaning towards the higher damage option of 10 (3d6) since the nightmare delirium does 14 (4d6).

Will we use the suggestion of it doing no damage to celestials?
yes x 3 ( 1d4+2 piercing), 3d6 radiant breath and no dam to celesitals

I also gave it poison resistance

So anything you want to add to the stats or is it just the Description?

I guess we could slap on a minor magical ability, since Imps have Shapechanging and Invisibility, and/or maybe add another skill or two as Imps have four skill proficiencies (Deception, Insight, Persuasion, Stealth).

Any ideas for those?

Hmm. Some sort of healing emotion? e.g...

Calming mind. the devadragonet can soothe (and hence remove) a frightened/confused state from a subject within 30 feet once per round? (like empathy on steroids?) optional - can attempt to calm and enemy raging barbarian, who must made a DC 11 wisdom roll to resist?

Current description:
Also nicknamed the "baby bahamut", the devadragonet is a minor celestial being native to the Upper Planes that occasionally ventures forth to the Material Plane, generally in the company of good-aligned wizards and warlocks with Celestial patrons. It is a stockily-built tiny dragon the size of a bobcat or badger. Its scales are silvery-white, with grey horns and claws, and sparkling white teeth.

Humble and Kind. Unlike many other draconic beings, the devadragonet is humble, with a calm and kind temperament. It generally avoids combat or making demands on others. If a being it associates with behaves in a cruel or evil manner, the devadragon prefers to slip away quietly rather than confront them.

Variant: Celestial Familiar. The devadragonet can enter into a contract to serve another creature as a familiar, forming a telepathic bond with its willing master. While the two are bonded, the master can sense what the devadragon senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. While the devadragonet is within 10 feet of its master, the master shares the devadragon’s Magic Resistance trait. If its master violates the terms of the contract, the devadragon can end its service as a familiar, ending the telepathic bond.

(Original monster designed by Casimir Liber and Cleon on the Creature Catalog Monster Homebrews forum)

ok have tried to align the statblock thus:


  • devadragonet2.PNG
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Calming mind. the devadragonet can soothe (and hence remove) a frightened/confused state from a subject within 30 feet once per round? (like empathy on steroids?) optional - can attempt to calm and enemy raging barbarian, who must made a DC 11 wisdom roll to resist?

I was thinking more some utility ability rather than one that directly affects creatures.

Maybe it can detect good or evil like a Paladin's Divine Sense ability?

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