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D&D 5E 5e Halcyon Academy

With the monster gone, Quentin focuses fully on Asherach, trying to stem the bleeding. Between the two, Jordy and he stabilize the dying woman.

If it continues bleeding, in desperation he fills the wound with water and then freezes it. It may hurt a bit, but it will at least slow if not fully slow the bleeding.

[roll0] - or not :) I really could use Help action here :( unless Jordy rolled for both of us in the last post.

OOC: maybe advantage on stabilize roll due cold shock?
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Between the three of them, Quentin, Jordy and Dariana were able to get the bleeding to stop. Asherah is not out of the woods, but she is not in any danger of dying anytime soon.

OOC: Dariana gave help to Jordy, and we’ll say Quentin’s ice helped too.




When Asherah wakes up, she has the following:

Internal Injury.
Whenever you attempt an action
in combat, you must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, you lose your action and can't use reactions until the start of your next turn. The injury heals if you receive magical healing or if you spend ten days doing nothing but resting.


Grody watches the proceedings in a state of shock. Asherah was the one who was the nicest to him, and he had no way of helping her really aside from staying out of the way. Fortunately, the others seemed to have stopped the bleeding. The kobold slipped into the room where the creature had last been seen, looking around for clues as to why it had chosen this particular merchant to attack.

He wasn't particularly good at searching for information, but sometimes he got lucky.

[Sblock]Investigation:: 1D20+1 = [11]+1 = 12


Grody looks through the room, finding little information. The merchant, Opsin, had a some luggage, but on wares on him. He did, however, have a pouch with 500 gp in it, and a piece of paper. It appears to be a receipt for a trade done with the Hercule family.


Grody picked up the pouch and receipt before stepping out of the room to look for somebody who wasn't immediately trying to save Asherah's life.

"I find in room. We here to help... Herc... Herc... yes?" With a snap of his law, the kobold seems to give up on pronouncing the complicated name and simply holds up the receipt for whoever wants to look at it.


Mim finally snaps out of the daze he has been in since the monster left and takes the receipt from Grody more to study the hand writing than anything else.

Quentin sighs "It seems she's stable for the moment. Still, we should find real doctor. And soon." He takes tabaxi in his arms and carries her back to her room.
"That was both brave and foolish, little cat." he murmurs as he puts her down. Looking over his naked torso covered in blood, he gestures and the water from wash basin flies over the girl, cleaning as it goes. Splashing bloody water back he goes to his own room and repeats the process, quickly cleaning up and donning his armor.
"I'm going to get some help, guard her. Jordy, will you come with me? We shouldn't go off alone until this is resolved."

Genasi rushes off to find the proprietor and ask for the closest doctor or healer priest.
OOC: He WILL forcefully get the man out of bed if necessary, but he will try normal banging on the doors and talk first



Fast Forwarding a bit.

Quentin and Jordy find the owner's room, and it turns out to be the bartender from before. She opens the door, frightened from what she'd heard a moment before, to see what the problem is.

Upon hearing what happened, she looks completely flabbergasted. A monster? Here? Why on earth...

She gives them directions to the local healer, all this small village really has, and they head off. Within the hour, they are back with an old halfling healer carrying a medical kit.

He hops on the bed next to Asherah, and examines her. "Good work with the bandage," he said. "She would have certainly bled out if you had not stopped the bleeding."

It doesn't take him long. He takes off the bandage, cleans the wound and puts on a clean bandage, and his is a slight more professional than the one previous.

"She should live," he said. "But she's going to have a hard time for a while until it heals. If you could get ahold of some Divine Healing, you could fix her right up, but we don't have anything like that, here. I only know what I know from being a field healer in the army in my youth.

"Keep an eye on her. Make sure she doesn't break out into a fever. Call me if she does."

With that, the little man left.

An hour later, Asherah wakes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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