D&D 5E "5E is of no interest to me" - really? Already?

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I suspect that most of the people who keep showing up on the New Horizon boards and incessantly talk about how they don't care about 5E are not telling the truth (to us or to themselves). They do care... they're just afraid of getting their hopes up.

If they truly didn't care, they wouldn't show up to post. I mean heck... I don't care a flying fig about knitting... which is why I don't post on knitting message boards. Even more to the point, I don't give a rat's ass about Pathfinder, which is why I don't post on ENWorld's Pathfinder boards either.

But for the amount of people who continually go onto the 4E board to go off on the problems they have with 4E, or the people who come onto New Horizons to rant about how 5E isn't going to be for them... it appears to me that they just have deep-seated wounds that they can't get to heal unless they just get the pain off their chests.

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El Mahdi

Muad'Dib of the Anauroch
Yeah. I don't completely understand feeling this way already either. I do understand those that are just done with WotC and the Edition Treadmill. They've decided that they're tired of riding this train and have made the decision to get off here (or have previously made that decision), and that's cool. I understand and do not begrudge that opinion one bit. I've almost made that decision myself a couple of times in the last few years. I'm willing to give WotC one more chance. But I don't have a problem with those that have decided WotC has used up all their chances.

What I don't understand is those that have made up their mind about 5E based on what they've heard so far. So little information is out. We have practically zero examples of real mechanics or structure, and the only reviews so far have been purely anecdotal and almost completely lacking in crunch and data.

How can one make a decision based on almost no data. We haven't even seen the tip of the iceberg yet. All we've seen is the ripples on the surface of something beneath the water.

Saying that such decisions at this point are premature is an understatement. Either people are making completely irrational decisions, or they aren't stating the real reasons why they're already giving it a pass (or maybe just not being honest with themselves about their reasons).

Either way, it doesn't make sense to me.



But for the amount of people who continually go onto the 4E board to go off on the problems they have with 4E, or the people who come onto New Horizons to rant about how 5E isn't going to be for them... it appears to me that they just have deep-seated wounds that they can't get to heal unless they just get the pain off their chests.

Haha. That might be a clever interpretation actually.

Jacob Marley

People can make decisions for purely financial or personal reasons that have nothing to do with game rules.

We were just having this conversation the other night in my group. Since the launch for 4th Edition my gaming group (along with our spouses, etc.) have created six new mouths to feed, purchased two new residences to live in, had two engagements, and had one bankruptcy. Quite frankly, our spending priorities and financial positions have changed. At this point in time, for me, a new countertop in the bathroom is more valuable than a new D&D book.

That's not to say that I am uninterested in 5th Edition conceptually - I am! Very. But when I compare purchasing another edition of D&D to purchasing a new end table for my living room, well, the end table wins.
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I always wonder how expensive RPGs really are for the majority of people. In most of my groups, we have one PHB and MM shared among the whole group. Mine. Often some of us have more dice than we could ever need, so other players often use those instead of getting their own. If you want to, you can easily shell out hundreds or even thousands of Dollars or Euros on a single RPG that you play, but you don't have to. You can get everything you need by pooling your money together for just as much as a night at the movies.

I always wonder how expensive RPGs really are for the majority of people. In most of my groups, we have one PHB and MM shared among the whole group. Mine. Often some of us have more dice than we could ever need, so other players often use those instead of getting their own. If you want to, you can easily shell out hundreds or even thousands of Dollars or Euros on a single RPG that you play, but you don't have to. You can get everything you need by pooling your money together for just as much as a night at the movies.

I find RPG is a very cheap hobby, even if I don't like 5e much I can don't buy a 60 dolar videogame to buy the basic books..

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