Hey all, zero experience with 5e but looking to get into a game this coming Autumn or whenever the DM is going to be ready. If you don't need the full origin story, skip down to posts 2-x.
I played and DMd at least a decade of 2e. I also DMd a 3e campaign that went for six years. At that point it was ~2010, we were all getting married, buying houses, some of us having children, etc. The gaming materials went up on shelves or packed in boxes, likely forever I assumed. In 2014 when 5e came out, one of my (ex)players started dropping hints that he wanted to get the band back together and run a story that had been in his mind for decades. I was excited enough by the idea of it that I went out and got a PHB and read it cover to cover. Nothing ever materialized, and we all moved on to other things, and I figured that was the end of that.
Then... last week the same guy says he's ready to revisit this idea. His kid is a bit more grown up now, he has more free time, his wife is interested enough to try D&D for the very first time, and a few other members of the old gang are available to give it a go. It looks like we'll have 5 or 6 of us - 2 of which have never played D&D in any form, but they've played things like Gloomhaven, MTG, and several video game RPGs. So I cracked the now 10 year old PHB open last weekend and started reading again. I didn't devour it front to back, but rather picked around while I re-familiarized myself. Here are a few, probably totally amateur, attempts at creating a character or theme. Keep in mind this is only vanilla PHB, no other products at this time, though that may not be the case when we start up. It is my understanding that a 10-year anniversary PHB is going to come out later this year with all the little rules additions and stuff that have come out in the interim. I will almost certainly be purchasing that. Ok, on to the builds:
I played and DMd at least a decade of 2e. I also DMd a 3e campaign that went for six years. At that point it was ~2010, we were all getting married, buying houses, some of us having children, etc. The gaming materials went up on shelves or packed in boxes, likely forever I assumed. In 2014 when 5e came out, one of my (ex)players started dropping hints that he wanted to get the band back together and run a story that had been in his mind for decades. I was excited enough by the idea of it that I went out and got a PHB and read it cover to cover. Nothing ever materialized, and we all moved on to other things, and I figured that was the end of that.
Then... last week the same guy says he's ready to revisit this idea. His kid is a bit more grown up now, he has more free time, his wife is interested enough to try D&D for the very first time, and a few other members of the old gang are available to give it a go. It looks like we'll have 5 or 6 of us - 2 of which have never played D&D in any form, but they've played things like Gloomhaven, MTG, and several video game RPGs. So I cracked the now 10 year old PHB open last weekend and started reading again. I didn't devour it front to back, but rather picked around while I re-familiarized myself. Here are a few, probably totally amateur, attempts at creating a character or theme. Keep in mind this is only vanilla PHB, no other products at this time, though that may not be the case when we start up. It is my understanding that a 10-year anniversary PHB is going to come out later this year with all the little rules additions and stuff that have come out in the interim. I will almost certainly be purchasing that. Ok, on to the builds: