[5e] Spell & Crossbones


Also let me make sure I have this correct

[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] - Katarina's native language is Spanish
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] - Nia's native language is Jamaican?
[MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] - Etienne's native language is French
[MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] - Blaise's native language is French
[MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] - Jacques' native language is French
[MENTION=64406]Fen[/MENTION]irs - Ole Zef's native language is ?????

Everyone starts knowing English, which is the "Common" tongue for our campaign, which is based in Nassau, a British settlement (now a pirate port, but English-speaking roots remain).

When a historical issue – e.g. gender relations or language – would interfere with playability, I always go in favor of playability. Don't worry about being absolutely historically accurate; most of the PCs use historical events/figures/motifs as touchstones for their backstories, and then a whole lot of creativity, imagination, and improve from there. :)

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First Post
No you misunderstand the reason for that question -- people tend to speak with an accent associated with their native tongue -- I am just trying to mentally hear those words they are speaking with their applicable accent in mind -- it also helps me affirm their base nationality in a few cases -- its a more for me to enhance my following along with the story than any sort of historical accuracy

Oh and [MENTION=20323]Quickleaf[/MENTION] did you get my PM ??


Queen of Everything
Also let me make sure I have this correct

[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] - Katarina's native language is Spanish
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] - Nia's native language is Jamaican?
[MENTION=6787234]peterka99[/MENTION] - Etienne's native language is French
[MENTION=20005]Matthan[/MENTION] - Blaise's native language is French
[MENTION=6814006]Thateous[/MENTION] - Jacques' native language is French
[MENTION=64406]Fen[/MENTION]irs - Ole Zef's native language is ?????

Si, Senor. But Kat also speaks French and Thieves Cant as well as English.
[MENTION=2820]Fenris[/MENTION] Zef's native language is Dutch. But he can speak lots of languages.

I think as long as you also speak English, you'd be fine with any language.


First Post
Ah great -- yes I know she speaks additional languages -- what I was looking for was just a understanding of the native languages of the various characters.

As for Thieves Cant -- it is not really a language unto itself -- but a means to convey information within a language without others catching understanding it is even going on. For instance you can use Thieves Cant while speaking in Spanish or speaking in French or speaking in Dutch and while someone might know Thieves Cant if they do not understand the basic language they are going to be hard pressed to understand what you are saying using Thieves Cant as it is meant to deliver a message within a message. Note I only say this because some gamers I have met either forgot this or did not know it to begin with considering you gaming prowess I am going to guess you already knew but again just in case. I did not think it would hurt to reiterate it. That and just in case you all are playing this differently within this game -- and it was going to be something I needed to know ;)

Oh and is Ole Zef character information located anywhere ??


Oh and is Ole Zef character information located anywhere ??

Why, in my head of course!

Actually Quickleaf (almost shortened that to Quickie and decided not to ;) ) has asked for that info several times. Somehow I have forgotten to post him in the RG. I will fix that now.


I would say pick the option that feels the most like a pirate to you. Personally, I feel like tempest feels more pirate like, but I'm sure there's an interesting angle to go with a pirate life cleric. Also, QL has a houserule to discourage heavy armor use in the game (Errol Flynn didn't swing around in plate armor). If you have heavy armor proficiency and use medium or light armor, you get +1 bonus to AC. Just something to keep in mind.

Sorry, been lurking on here for a while. Just jumped in because my new boss’ name is Errol Flynn. Spelled the same way. He’s. 70 something year old CPA. It shocked me to see his name pop up here!

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Happy Halloween, maties! :) Swashbuckle responsibly!


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