D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Armor

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  1. Sage Lightfoot Halfling Oath of ancients paladin + alchemist's tools + Longbow + Skull (defeat death or be forever destroyed) + Breastplate
  2. Soldier Hill Dwarf Thief Rogue + cartographer's tools + Warhammer + Ruin (immediately lose all wealth and property) + Studded Leather
  3. Outlander Half-Elf College of Lore Bard + disguise kit + Halberd + Vizier (know the answer to your next dilemma) + Chain Mail
  4. Acolyte Wood Elf Totem Warrior Barbarian + cook's utensils + Longsword + The Fates (avoid any situation you choose, once) + Chain Shirt
  5. Urchin Half-Orc Battle Master Fighter + herbalism kit + Spear + Flames (enmity between you and an outsider) + Plate

The paladin, rogue and fighter have appropriate armours, i think barbarians can wear chain shirt but can go without for unarmored defense, but that poor bard isn’t going to be casting in heavy armour and will have a speed penalty, maybe they can take a feat for medium proficiency and use the barb’s shirt or pick up mage armour with magical secrets.

The paladin, rogue and fighter have appropriate armours, i think barbarians can wear chain shirt but can go without for unarmored defense, but that poor bard isn’t going to be casting in heavy armour and will have a speed penalty, maybe they can take a feat for medium proficiency and use the barb’s shirt or pick up mage armour with magical secrets.
I’d be willing to give the Half-Elf Bard Elven Chain as a background heirloom instead of the Chain Mail

Excellent! Breastplate was my favorite for the win! Mainly because breastplate-and-pantaloons is a great look for fighters!

EDIT: Now, what to do next...

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