D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Armor


Leather 20-2 = 18
Studded Leather 19
Hide 16
Chain Shirt 26+1 = 27
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 21
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 19
Chain Mail 21
Splint 18
Plate 20

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Leather 18
Studded Leather 19 + 1 = 20
Hide 16
Chain Shirt 27
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 21
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 19
Chain Mail 21
Splint 18 - 2 = 16
Plate 20


Morkus from Orkus
Leather 18
Studded Leather 20
Hide 14 - The least used and least liked armor for me.
Chain Shirt 28 - This on the other hand is the most commonly chosen armor for my characters.
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 21
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 19
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 20


Pedantic Grognard
Leather 18
Studded Leather 20
Hide 14
Chain Shirt 26
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 21
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 19
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 21


Leather 18
Studded Leather 20
Hide 14
Chain Shirt 26
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 21 +1 = 22 best armor for stealth
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 19 - 2 = 17 no one ever uses this armor
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 21


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Leather 18
Studded Leather 20
Hide 14 - 2 = 12
Chain Shirt 26
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 22 + 1 = 23
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 17
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 21


D&D Playtester for WoTC since 2012
Leather 18
Studded Leather 19
Hide 10

Chain Shirt 26
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 23
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 17
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 22

The Glen

Leather 18
Studded Leather 19
Hide 10
Chain Shirt 26
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 23
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 18
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 20


Leather 18-2 = 16
Studded Leather 19
Hide 10
Chain Shirt 26+1 = 27
Scale Mail 21
Breastplate 23
Half Plate 14
Ring Mail 18
Chain Mail 21
Splint 16
Plate 20

Voidrunner's Codex

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