D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Deities Final Round: Anubis Wins!

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Heretic of The Seventh Circle


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I say get you a god who can do both (cleverness and fury of war). And poetry, death, magic, and sacrifice for knowledge. And wanderers, and kings, and violent sacrifice of bad kings.

Not many deities match Odin for cool, IMO.
I'm not arguing against Odin, even as a Tyrsman. Just saying if I were making offerings to any of the Greek deities, it'd definitely be Athena. :)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
I'm not arguing against Odin, even as a Tyrsman. Just saying if I were making offerings to any of the Greek deities, it'd definitely be Athena. :)
Ah, fair enough. I’d probably choose Artemis, if I had to pick an Olympian, or Hermes.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the two gods I connect with most are Odin and Freyja, I suppose. Freyja doesn’t get enough action (pun intended) in RPG circles. Like…she is a deity of witchcraft, war, and sex, amongst other things.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
Ah, fair enough. I’d probably choose Artemis, if I had to pick an Olympian, or Hermes.

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the two gods I connect with most are Odin and Freyja, I suppose. Freyja doesn’t get enough action (pun intended) in RPG circles. Like…she is a deity of witchcraft, war, and sex, amongst other things.
Yes, all due respect to Freyja. Which reminds me that she gets some such respect in Gene Wolfe's Knight and Wizard, as does Odin (referred to therein as The Lady and the Valfather respectively).

Nothing wrong with Artemis or Hermes, either. I have a friend devoted to each of them. :)


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
Yes, all due respect to Freyja. Which reminds me that she gets some such respect in Gene Wolfe's Knight and Wizard, as does Odin (referred to therein as The Lady and the Valfather respectively).
I may have to check that out. I’ve seen neopagans try to claim that Freyja isn’t “really” a war goddess, and I just…okay dudes Valfreyja who gets first pick of the heroic dead is for sure not a war deity. Lol
Nothing wrong with Artemis or Hermes, either. I have a friend devoted to each of them. :)
Very cool deities. I’ve a friend who described Freyja to someone who only knew the Greek and Egyptian pantheons as “If if Artemis and Athena took turns raising Aphrodite’s kid with Hermes.” I’m sure I could nitpick the particulars, but I was very entertained, at least.


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Sorry about the lengthy hiatus, everyone. The new Survivor thread is up!

Voidrunner's Codex

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