Paladine 18
Branchala 20
Habbakuk 17
Kiri-Jolith 17
Majere 18
Mishakal 23
Solinari 20
Gilean 20
Chislev 20
Reorx 20 + 1 = 21
Shinare 20
Sirrion 20
Zivilyn 20
Lunitari 19
Takhisis 14
Chemosh 19
Hiddukel 20
Morgion 20
Sargonnas 18
Zeboim 15
Nuitari 19 - 2 = 17
If I could, I'd downgrade all the moons because while gods, they don't have clerics and they were so hands-off that Raistlin challenging them happened. Reorx is just in the middle of everything, including Graygem, that's gotta be worth a point.