D&D 5E 5E Survivor: Species (formerly, "Races"): Lightfoot Halfling Wins!

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Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
Halfling Paladin for the species/class win then...
Now if only we had the Background!

The last (and I think the only) time we had a 5E Survivor: Backgrounds, the Soldier won. But! That thread only covered the PHB backgrounds while ignoring the default (Custom). So many more have been added since...

...nope, not gonna do it. Not gonna be tempted out of retirement on DAY ONE.


Now if only we had the Background!

The last (and I think the only) time we had a 5E Survivor: Backgrounds, the Soldier won. But! That thread only covered the PHB backgrounds and ignored the default (Custom). So many more have been added since...

...nope, not gonna do it. Not gonna be tempted out of retirement on DAY ONE.

But think of how much we need the distraction...


Follower of the Way
Now if only we had the Background!

The last (and I think the only) time we had a 5E Survivor: Backgrounds, the Soldier won. But! That thread only covered the PHB backgrounds while ignoring the default (Custom). So many more have been added since...

...nope, not gonna do it. Not gonna be tempted out of retirement on DAY ONE.
Honestly, backgrounds would be even worse than races/species was. There's simultaneously too many of them, and a whole mess of them are too similar, and they vary in power and significance. Boros Legionnaire is hands-down better than Soldier. By my count, there are at least 75 backgrounds in 5e, and potentially as many as 119 (though several of those are...essentially straight-up duplicates, like all the Baldur's Gate ones.)


...nope, not gonna do it. Not gonna be tempted out of retirement on DAY ONE.
do it jewish GIF


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
Others have said it already, but yeah...

Lightfoot Halfing, Oath of Ancients Paladin

What would the rest of the party be if matched up to when things were eliminated for the final 4?
well if you're matching them up in order:
Lightfoot Halfling Oath of ancients paladin
Hill Dwarf Thief Rogue
Half-Elf College of Lore Bard
Wood Elf Totem Warrior Barbarian
Half-Orc Battle Master Fighter

Voidrunner's Codex

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