D&D 5E 5E Survivor - Subclasses (Part XV: The FINAL ROUND)


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
It's time! Over the past few weeks, we have been selecting the Champions to represent each core class in the Final Round, and we have at last arrived. So without further adue,

Bring forth the list of Champions!

Battle Smith
Barbarians: Path of the Totem Warrior
Bards: College of Lore
Clerics: Tempest Domain
Druids: Circle of the Shepherd
Fighters: Battle Master
Monks: Way of the Kensei
Mystics: Order of the Immortal
Paladins: Oath of the Ancients
Sorcerers: Divine Soul
Rangers: Gloom Stalker
Rogues: Thief
Warlocks: Pact of the Fiend
Wizard: School of Abjuration

You all know the rules by now, but I'll post them here anyway just in case.

  • Only the subclasses that won their respective Survivor thread (linked above) are included.
  • Each entry starts with 50 points, because this is the Final Round and we want to make it harder on the haters.
  • Every day, you vote for one subclass that you like, which gains 1 point. And then you vote for a different subclass, which loses 2 points. It is intentional that a negative vote is worth more than a positive vote - first, because it takes something extra to whittle these guys down to size. Second, because.
  • Mark your upvotes in green, and downvotes in red. Or just show them in bold text and use "+1" and "-2" to mark them, if colored text is too difficult on your browsing device.
  • It's easier if you just copy and paste the previous poster’s vote and change the numbers; the Quote function isn't the best for this.
  • You may vote only once per day. This is an honor system, and we are all honorable gamers; please do not abuse it. If this means you vote once at night one day, and once the next morning - that's fine, but don't vote again until the following day. Rule of thumb: if your most recent vote post says "yesterday" in the time stamp, you can vote again.
  • This is just another Internet popularity contest and you do not have to explain an upvote or downvote, but feel free to do so...those explanations are where the fun is! And the more outlandish, petty, or nitpicky your reasons for voting, the better!
  • When downvotes reach 0 the subclass is removed from the list.
  • Finally, if an entry has one point left, then you have to make the choice to use all of your downvotes to eliminate it; there is no vote splitting. In addition, you can't upvote and downvote the same entry (no "see" votes). And you have to use BOTH YOUR UPVOTE AND DOWNVOTE if you vote.

Three important points that you must read before voting--
  1. This is just a popularity contest, and it's supposed to be fun. You can cast your votes for whatever reason you want; spite, malice, bard-hate, verbal and somatic components, bard-hate, and personal preference are all perfectly acceptable. But this is for enjoyment only. If you experience anger, hostility, or other evidence of Not Having Fun, you're doing it wrong.
  2. This week (and the next few weeks to come) will feature a list of character subclasses from the Player's Handbook, the Dungeon Master's Guide, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything, Unearthed Arcana, Plane Shift, The Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, and other places. Only the subclasses written and published by Wizards of the Coast are included.
  3. As always, the list is the list. If you have a complaint about the list, please direct it to //dev/null.
So. Onward to the contest!

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Artificer: Battle Smith 50-2=48
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 50
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 50
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 50
Monk: Way of the Kensei 50
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 50
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 50
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 50
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 50+1=51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 50

Artificer: Battle Smith 48
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 50
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 50
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 50
Monk: Way of the Kensei 50
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 50
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 50+1 = 51
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 50
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 50-2 = 48

Artificer: Battle Smith 48
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 50
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 50
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 50-2=48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 50
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 50
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 51
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 50+1=51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

Artificer: Battle Smith 49
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 50
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 50
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 50
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 48
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 51
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

Artificer: Battle Smith 49
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 51
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 50
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 48
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 48
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 51
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

Artificer: Battle Smith 49
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 51
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 50
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 48
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 48 - 2 = 46
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 51 + 1 = 52
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

SERIOUSLY? 50!? WTF? Why in heck did you do that...? You want this to go on for weeks? :(

Honestly, that is pretty disappointing. I doubt this will keep my interest long enough to bother to the end, but oh well...

Artificer: Battle Smith 49
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 52
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 48
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 48
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 46
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 52
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

Artificer: Battle Smith 49
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 52
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 48+1=49
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 48
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 46-2=44
Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 52
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

50 points? oy!

anyway, let's go

Artificer: Battle Smith 49
Barbarian: Path of the Totem Warrior 52
Bard: College of Lore 50
Cleric: Tempest Domain 49
Druid: Circle of the Shepherd 50
Fighter: Battle Master 48
Monk: Way of the Kensei 49
Mystic: Order of the Immortal 42

Paladin: Oath of the Ancients 52
Sorcerer: Divine Soul 50
Ranger: Gloom Stalker 51
Rogue: Thief 50
Warlock: Pact of the Fiend 51
Wizard: School of Abjuration 48

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