Unearthed Arcana [5E] Unearthed Arcana: Races of Eberron (July 2018)


Envoy is also clearly the most optimal subrace in almost every case considering you can still get that sweet 22 AC heavy armor AC without having to choose the lame juggernaut abilities.
If I understand it correctly, you're talking about getting skill, tool and language proficiencies (plus "Tool expertise") in place of Iron Fists and Powerful Build.

Sure it is better, but not by a huge amount.

(I imagine Envoy is new and that you're mostly relieved to get stuff that doesn't suck as paying the price of built-in AC 18 (and rising).

Do realize the Envoy model should probably be DM-restricted. (Just saying it is "rare" means nothing if 95% of players can still take it).

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It doesn't stack with monks/duel wielding/frenzy/polearm master though, so it's rather variable.
Actually I don't see any use case at all for it.

Except of course the reason it is there as a ribbon ability: to help players visualize their character and to assist in role-playing. Being able to pack a punch in an unarmed bar brawl is important to some gamers. Since it doesn't make you better at killing things in dungeons, it is unimportant to others, however.

I think it should deal explicitly with the interaction between Warforged armor and Barbarians, monks, and other alternative forms of AC. I would normally rule best AC applies, but it would help to spell it out.
Actually it does.

"You gain no benefit from wearing armor" specifically includes ANY AC-calculating expression, including "Unarmored Defense" of Barbarians or Mage Armor the spell (or, say, Draconic Resilience of Draconic Sorcerers etc).

I realize this is slightly tricky, but I believe the authors honestly believe they are crystal clear in this case.


Your post, sorry for not being clearer.

- Xanthar's Guide, p 47.
Okay, so now you have established they're copying an existing ability.

But how does that comment on what I was saying?

(Not trying to be difficult here, I am honestly not understanding your point. Maybe you are directing me to an earlier discussion that resolves the issue with the Xanathar ability? If so, where?)

Okay, so now you have established they're copying an existing ability.

But how does that comment on what I was saying?

(Not trying to be difficult here, I am honestly not understanding your point. Maybe you are directing me to an earlier discussion that resolves the issue with the Xanathar ability? If so, where?)

Just that I assume the wording and the sense are intentional, and I agree with you that it makes it a pretty poor ability (although it could be useful to avoid being flanked occasionally).


To clarify:

It's the same wording as Scout, it lets you use your reaction to disengage, rather than your bonus action. Nothing like as good as it sounds at first though.
I never said it was using your bonus action?

I am complaining that even though it is using your reaction, you still can't use it during the enemy's turn.

You need to use it while the monster is still moving if you are to be able to use it to actually move away from its attack.

I am not sure what purpose moving after the monster's turn serves, but perhaps the fact the ability is not new means that this has been discussed previously and useful use cases have been thought of?

Edit: simultaneous posting.


I think the Changling rules are a bit too "loose" to me. I can see players trying to abuse RAW.

Without looking at the wildshape mechanics, I was immediately thinking about a druid wildshaping into a large animal and then taking the shape of a giant (or whatever).
I need more information to be able to comment.

In general: yes, it would probably have been better if the ability was modeled on (ideally directly referencing) existing mechanics such as Alter Self (much like Gold Dragons do). Now it comes across as unedited stream of (designer's) consciousness rather than polished end product.

However, since Changelings can't change size I don't understand what abuse case you are discussing?

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