D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium



It still reads a bit like a "you must be this tall to ride" damage burst; 360 damage on one initiative count. We must presume resitance (or the players are doomed) so "only" 180.
Well I would think you would have to be a certain height to challenge Tiamat! Also, each player within the line is only struck by 2 breathweapons (possibly three).

What are you doing for damage budgets, the usual "first 3 rounds" damage output? I guess you assume resistance to everything.
Yes, but I haven't check the damage budgets yet and I am still messing around with them.

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Well I would think you would have to be a certain height to challenge Tiamat! Also, each player within the line is only struck by 2 breathweapons (possibly three).
ah, last version I had read had the recharge mechanic, but not the 1d6 table.

If you need to tweak it upwards a tad, have fire always hit, and roll 2d4.

Or you could infinite explode; the reroll dupes makes the all 5 case more likely. But still low.

6: Roll twice more. If you are already rolling 5 times, all breaths hit the target.

Then again, "crowding out" could lead to 5 being more common than one would like.

6: Fire breath, plus roll 1d4 for another breath.

You could also allow for double damage on dupes, which could be fun.


Roll 2d4:
1: Cold
2: Lightning
3: Poison
4: Acid

If you roll doubles, you get that head + double damage fire that treats immunity as resistance.

(This is 1/4 chance of the mega fire).
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Great Wyrm
So is this mythic Tarrasque equal to two CR 30 normal tarasques like Tiamat? And it is a mythic template-applied to a normal tarrasque? Also, why use normal CRs instead of increasing the CR past 30? And how exactly does the mythic template work?


So is this mythic Tarrasque equal to two CR 30 normal tarasques like Tiamat? And it is a mythic template-applied to a normal tarrasque? Also, why use normal CRs instead of increasing the CR past 30? And how exactly does the mythic template work?
So the Mythic template is from Theros.

Monsters with Mythic are normal (usually legendary) monsters until you reduce them to 0 HP. When you reduce them to 0 HP, they remove all conditions, regain their legendary resists, regain a whole pile of HP, and gain access to their Mythic actions.

These mythic actions can be normal, reactions, bonus or legendary actions.

The new Mythic monster is designed to also be a CR X encounter (roughly as hard as the first one you fought). So encounter-building wise, you fight a CR X monster, then another CR X monster right afterwards.

This way you can have a "non-Mythic" fight with a monster, or you can have a "Mythic" fight where the monster "transforms" half way through.

A problem with exceeding CR 30 is you start having "single shot kill HP damage" levels of damage and the fight changes phases from "can you fight this without ever letting the monster connect" instead of "can you fight this".

A double-length fight, meanwhile, keeps up the reasonable per-round threat of a CR 30 monster, and just makes it take longer.


So is this mythic Tarrasque equal to two CR 30 normal tarasques like Tiamat? And it is a mythic template-applied to a normal tarrasque? Also, why use normal CRs instead of increasing the CR past 30? And how exactly does the mythic template work?
@NotAYakk answered your question pretty well. However, I will add, to be clear, there is no mythic Tarrasque (except 3PP / homebrew). The only "official" mythic monsters are the three provided in Mythic Odysseys of Theros.


Great Wyrm
These are based on the D&D 5e Mythic monster "template" introduced in the new D&D book "Mythic Odysseys of Theros" or MOot by WotC. It is not related to Pathfinder at all.

In 5e, Tiamat is a lesser goddess. In theory her official stat block is in the book "Rise of Tiamat." Before the mythic monsters presented in MOoT, she was the most powerful monster stated in 5e. I took the RAW statblock, made a few tweaks and gave her the mythic treatment, which is equivalent to two "official" Tiamats. It is up to you to determine if this is her true form or an avatar. There is some sense in saying her "official" stat block is an avatar and this could be her true form. Howevr, for me this mythic form would still be an avatar, her true form is much more powerful.
I just bought a hardcover of MOOT two days ago, and while flipping through it found "Tromokratis" and his mythic version looks like he's more powerful than both Tiamat and Tarrasque. Not quite deserving 180,000 XP but definitely the most epic creature officially statted in 5e.


I just bought a hardcover of MOOT two days ago, and while flipping through it found "Tromokratis" and his mythic version looks like he's more powerful than both Tiamat and Tarrasque. Not quite deserving 180,000 XP but definitely the most epic creature officially statted in 5e.
Yes a Mythic CR 26 creature is definitely stronger than a normal CR 30 creature by quite a bit. That is why I made a mythic version of Tiamat ;)

Voidrunner's Codex

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