D&D 5E 5e Updates: Monstrous Compendium

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I want to make sure the CR 28 Demogorgon isn't the only one you are making. You will include the full-power mythic CR 35 version as well?
Related to this, will you be basing the power of for example Demogorgon, but really all th named baddies of D&D, on 3rd party supplements from DM's Guild, or on your own "epic" character plans, or on expanding the "official" WotC way (i.e. boons)? I know we discussed this before, but I can't actually remember what the outcome was (if any).

I think it will limit the appeal of your work, if you base it on 3rd party material from DM's Guild. The various supplements may differ in power level, and my guess is most people haven't purchased them anyway.

I've already made my preference clear in previous posts, so will refrain from polluting this thread again ;)

P.S.: I will get to the Blues tomorrow. (real life is overrated)


I want to make sure the CR 28 Demogorgon isn't the only one you are making. You will include the full-power mythic CR 35 version as well?
There will be another more powerful version. This was a version I made for another thread who was worried the OotA version would be to strong for his lvl 20 group. We all said not a chance and I decided to give the poster a beefed version. This is not my "official" version.


Related to this, will you be basing the power of for example Demogorgon, but really all th named baddies of D&D, on 3rd party supplements from DM's Guild, or on your own "epic" character plans, or on expanding the "official" WotC way (i.e. boons)? I know we discussed this before, but I can't actually remember what the outcome was (if any).

I think it will limit the appeal of your work, if you base it on 3rd party material from DM's Guild. The various supplements may differ in power level, and my guess is most people haven't purchased them anyway.

I've already made my preference clear in previous posts, so will refrain from polluting this thread again ;)
I haven't experienced a lot difference between the 3PP products on DMsGuild and epic boons. They are just different, not necessarily more or less powerful. I think one paradigm works for most of the ones I am familiar and with epic boons, with the exception of 2C Gaming's system, which is a bit of its own thing. So the paradigm I have set here is what I'm going with.

FYI, the big difference it the 3PP are more reliable, where as boons can be all over the place. I guess in a sense I am basing it off the boons in that I am not concerning myself with party level expectations, which are meaningless in a boon based system.

P.S.: I will get to the Blues tomorrow. (real life is overrated)
I've only made the adult blue so far. I am working on the adult white and then the adult black. Once I have those up I will go back to doing the rest of the blues.

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