D&D 5E [5e] Witcher: Mother of Monsters


Psst, unless you're intentionally modifying the witch's eldritch blast, she should be rolling 2 attack rolls to do 2d10 damage. Unlike most cantrips, when Eldritch Blast 'levels' its damage up, it actually fires multiple blasts rather than just making a single blast stronger. This has the advantage of the warlock being able to target more than one creature with a single casting...but it does mean multiple to hit rolls to do full damage as well.

Great atmospherics as usual in the post!

My bad. My notes in the monster stat block were abbreviated. I'll fix for next time. Thanks for the catch Shayuri!

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My bad. My notes in the monster stat block were abbreviated. I'll fix for next time. Thanks for the catch Shayuri!

Also, would the old witch's ease in hitting Shamra even in the fog imply (to Tamaran if no one else) that the old witch has some way to see through the fog?

[mechanically, I guess I'm asking if the blinded condition from fog cloud gets cancelled out when both parties are affected by it?]


Also, would the old witch's ease in hitting Shamra even in the fog imply (to Tamaran if no one else) that the old witch has some way to see through the fog?

[mechanically, I guess I'm asking if the blinded condition from fog cloud gets cancelled out when both parties are affected by it?]

I guess it depends on how we interpret Tamaran's connection to his wolf spirit. Like, I don't think it's a 24/7 seeing through the others' eyes, but you're definitely in ongoing telepathic contact. Clearly you know if the spirit is "killed." But do you necessarily know the cause? Rules are vague on that.

I mean, yes, from a mechanical meta-game standpoint, yes, the old witch has Fog Sight. Would Tamaran know that just because she "killed" Shamra? Does he even know it was the witch who "killed" him? I don't know, what you're asking feels extremely meta-gaming to me. If I was in your shoes as a player, there'd be no question in my mind that my PC wouldn't have complete information. Obviously, I'm not going to tell you how to play your PC. But I do run a "Story First" type of game, so as long as you're coming from that standpoint (i.e. providing sufficient narrative explanation in your posts for how your PC knows XYZ) then I'm good with it.

Mechanically, no, 2 blinded opponents don't "cancel" out. They need to locate one another, and have disadvantage on attacks both.


Thanks - that all makes sense and sounds great.

I wish the devs had written the blinded condition that way, though. As written, if you're blinded, you grant Advantage to attackers - it needs to say "if the attacker can see you."

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