6 Eagle Down (Judge : Garyh)

Voda Vosa

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The gith mage looks at the exchange of the githyanki with Kama'Zer.
"Sister, perhaps you don't really know the meaning of that sword, as you were no formaly trained in a cadre. The silver sword is a most powerful weapon, and it is one of the greatest honors a githyanki can hope to attain." the mage says, stearing at the sword intently. "My most sincere congratulations."
Mri'Thas then walks next to 7 Rabbit "Perhaps I could tell you something, if his affliction is magical in nature." The gith concentrates and passes his hand over 6 Eagle.
Arcana: 30

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No answer coming to his question, he sees himself the one in need. "Perhaps your brother seeks Apoli, but he is lost to the darkness that pervaded his mind. Perhaps Rinch clouded his being like his aura clouded Daughton."

Placing his hand on the one that was struck speechless, the deva prays silently to Apoli to bring back his mind.


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The gith mage looks at the exchange of the githyanki with Kama'Zer.
"Sister, perhaps you don't really know the meaning of that sword, as you were no formaly trained in a cadre. The silver sword is a most powerful weapon, and it is one of the greatest honors a githyanki can hope to attain." the mage says, stearing at the sword intently. "My most sincere congratulations."
Kama'zer nods at Mri'thas before answering. "Though I wasn't raised in Githyanki culture, my mother and father trained me well. I do understand the significance of being given one. I never expected to see one, except perhaps wielded against me for being a traitor. Thank you for your words." she finishes while examining the craftsmanship of the blade.


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Jarel-karn starts to look around. "Seems it is finished for now... I can finally return to what I was doing... which was nothing..." He then take a moment to think. "What there is in Daunton. I am not familiar with the city. I've been tracking Rinch since my first day here, since some zombies was released in the market just in face of my new home."

Mal Malenkirk

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[sblock=Tomalak]Yes, I am still here. But what do you want me to say? It's over.

As long as you have fun chatting, knock yourself out.

Otherwise, the mission is successful (6 Eagle is safe, Rinch is dead for a while, respectively), The final XP/loot is awarded, DM credit have been awarded and my last post was pretty much ''And they lived happily ever after.''

I really don't have much to add. Time to ride into the sunset.

[sblock=Voda]I won't comment anymore than I already have on 6 Eagle's condition. That's for another adventure and I am not immediately ready to run another one. Perhaps this plot line will be taken anew by me at some point in the future or maybe a new DM will pick the up the ball and run with it, I don't know.[/sblock]


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What about assists? I know Andrec was attempting to assist, do we not add aid another because we don't have ritual caster?

[sblock=Tomalak]Yes, I am still here. But what do you want me to say? It's over.

As long as you have fun chatting, knock yourself out.

Otherwise, the mission is successful (6 Eagle is safe, Rinch is dead for a while, respectively), The final XP/loot is awarded, DM credit have been awarded and my last post was pretty much ''And they lived happily ever after.''

I really don't have much to add. Time to ride into the sunset.


Also, thanks for the game, Mal. It was a hell of a ride.


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Darn, I was hoping for "Put these candles at the corners, crush the herbs, and hum."

(bonus points to anybody who gets the reference)

Voidrunner's Codex

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