A 308-Page Paperback WOIN Core Rulebook For Under $10!

Just in time for Christmas, you can pick up a digest-sized black-and-white paperback copy of N.E.W. The Science Fiction Roleplaying Game for under $10! on Amazon! This is the errata-ed, updated v.1.2 printing of the book.

Just in time for Christmas, you can pick up a digest-sized black-and-white paperback copy of N.E.W. The Science Fiction Roleplaying Game for under $10! on Amazon! This is the errata-ed, updated v.1.2 printing of the book.

Perfect as an inexpensive Christmas gift, as a second copy, or as table copies for your group. Available on Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.ca, and others, and eligible for Prime. 308 pages, back-and-white, paperback, $9.99.


Bounty hunters track down outlaws hiding in trader towns on worlds at the fringe of the galaxy. Starships explore unknown worlds, going where nobody has gone before. Great generational arks seek somewhere to call home. Detectives investigate a murder on a trail which will take them from Mars to Jupiter's moons. Agents infiltrate a criminal organization, going undercover to take down a galactic crime boss. A group of smugglers locates a new hyperdrive system to increase the speed of their freighter.

Play a brave starship captain, a reckless smuggler, a hardy marine, or a daredevil pilot. Are you a cunning bounty hunter, a clever engineer, or a charismatic trader? Over sixty science fiction careers await you!

This roleplaying game allows you to create and run adventures in any sci-fi setting!

  • A range of alien species, and over 60 careers which allow you to generate any far-future character with a fun, intuitive life-path system.
  • A wide array of science fiction equipment, including weapons, armor, drugs, cybernetics, vehicles, and more. Wield anything from a laser sword to a sonic pistol; use a gravbelt or a handheld scanner; wear a kevlar vest or a powered suit of armor.
  • An array of optional psionic disciplines and powers, allowing you to play anything from a commercial telepath to a noble star knight.
  • Full rules for running the game, including fast but tactical combat, environments, and extended scientific, medical and engineering tasks.
  • Starship combat rules, both using detailed hex-based miniatures and abstract theatre of the mind. Rules for creating ship crews from which to form specialized Away Teams for specific missions. Astronomical information, space travel, and information on starship crews and operations.
  • Extensive guidelines for building a far-future game setting, with detailed rules for creating star systems, planets, civilizations, races, careers, monsters, and more, along with discussion on genre, theme, and technology.
Whether you're aboard a starship exploring new worlds, a bounty hunter tracking down outlaws on the fringes of civilisation, an agent infiltrating an intergalactic criminal organization, an intrepid hunter of exotic alien species, fighting a galactic civil war, or just a trader trying to make your way in an uncaring universe, N.E.W. has you covered!

Prefer it in other formats? There's also a full-sized colour edition, and a full-sized black-and-white edition on Amazon, both paperback; or grab the gorgeous full-colour hardcover from DTRPG!





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Can someone tell me what all these acronyms stand for

Truthfully, I only know some of them. WOIN stands for “What’s OLD is NEW,” which is a lovely pun used as the general name for the generic system that [MENTION=1]Morrus[/MENTION] designed. OLD is the fantasy incarnation of WOIN, NEW is the sci-fi version, and NOW is the modern/contemporary equivalent. Despite OLD, NEW, and NOW being structured like acronyms, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an official statement on what they stand for, and any guesses I might have would just be pure conjecture on my part.


Truthfully, I only know some of them. WOIN stands for “What’s OLD is NEW,” which is a lovely pun used as the general name for the generic system that @Morrus designed. OLD is the fantasy incarnation of WOIN, NEW is the sci-fi version, and NOW is the modern/contemporary equivalent. Despite OLD, NEW, and NOW being structured like acronyms, I don’t think I’ve ever seen an official statement on what they stand for, and any guesses I might have would just be pure conjecture on my part.

Pretty sure Morrus said they don't stand for anything. As in they're not acronyms and the titles are done like that for... uhhhhh... ... ... I'unno, to annoy pedants?

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Split the Hoard

Split the Hoard
Negotiate, demand, or steal the loot you desire!

A competitive card game for 2-5 players
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