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A Bloody Little Tale


Aristogoras says "Me neither. Stay sharp but hidden celestial or not we need to gather wood to make a fire to keep everybody from freezing. And we may need fire to fight off whatever tainted things are in the forest. So everybody who has their hands free or who lacks missile weapons should gather some wood then we should return to the village."

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Lord Wyrm

First Post
The children seem comforted by your actions, and cluster near Aristogoras. The strange whispers cease and a creature, almost like darkness given form, materializes as it steps forth from the edge of the woods. The thing is shaped like a man with a black cloak, but his form is blurry and indistinct.

[sblock]The whispers were evidently being spoken by the cloaked figure and when they stop the angel narrows his eyes on the children and points to the boy who has spoken thus far. As the cloaked figure drops his invisibilty and steps forward the Angel is consumed in silver light, disappearing then into the aether.[/sblock]

The cloaked figure's blurry shape comes into focus and you can clearly see furs and the glint of steel under its cloak. Its hand moves back to its hood and withdraws it revealing the face of a heavily bearded man, upon his neck rests a holy symbol of Shadow.
"Hear me. I am Wolund, priest of his holy Shadow. I have come for the boy." He points to the young boy with his left hand as his right moves to reveal a longsword at his hip.


First Post
"The boy is not ours to give and not yours to take." Ulvan says, in as strong a voice as he can muster. "What claim do you have on him?"


"Indeed," Farsis replies quietly. "And why, I wonder, would the Shadow be interested so much over one small child that he would send an Angel of the Moon to speak with you, hmm? Perhaps it's something to do with this forest? The village bereft of life? This deceased dragon, maybe?" His eyes flicker slightly at the movement that reveals Wolund's longsword. "And why, pray tell, would you need something like that? I hope that isn't a threat, because... well, I can't exactly speak for my compatriots here, but I really don't like it when someone appears out of nowhere and makes what could be perceived as a threatening gesture."

Yep: the multi-colored chaotic swirling of eldritch energies is still in hand.


Have I really been on this site for over 20 years!
Relon Debaro

I know that as far as myself your going to have to give me a good reason why your taking the child, and any force will be met with force in kind, angel or no"

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Wolund, if that is truly his name, drops his left hand moving it beneath his cloak.
"It is not my claim, but the claim of his holiness. The Engel warned me you would be reticent to release the boy. This forest is where elder things lay and is not the purvue of mortals. That boy is infected and must be cleansed, this sword is for him." He grasps the sword's pommel, the heal of his hand against the crossguard.
"Please release the boy, it must be done."


Aristogoras raises his mindblade in salute to the priest. "Greetings Wolund, may your swordcraft do you honor. We are new here and came to aid the village. Tell us of the elder things, this infection, and cleansing."


First Post
Diego Delacosta
[size=-2]Human Telepath 1 stats[/size]

Standing in the back of the party, Diego takes his time to muster the strange figure, trying to find out what his true intentions are, and what exactly he is.

Lord Wyrm:
[sblock]Diego attempts a Sense Motive +6 and a knowledge (whatever is needed) to detirmine WHAT that creature is[/sblock]

Lord Wyrm

First Post
Wolund turns his head to Aristogoras, "The elder things are from the time of his holiness. They have wandered these woods for eons, taking a human here and there. Then the fool mortals moved too close with too many and the elder things awoke. The infection is how the Pasaeyel spread their numbers, the cleansing must be performed on all those afflicted with the ancient curse."

[sblock]Wolund intends to use his sword on the boy, though he would prefer if you offered the boy willingly rather than have to take him through force. He appears to be human, although by the way he speaks he may not be entirely human. (Sense Motive: 14 + 6 = 20; Knowledge: (Best Know Modifier) 8 + 7 = 15) [/sblock]


"Pasaeyel?" Farsis looks at least somewhat intrigued by the word, but still remains on his guard... at least, from the obvious threat of Wolund. "What, exactly, are they?" he asks Wolund after a few moments' thought. "And are you and the Engel you just spoke with so certain that there is no cure for this one or any others who might be afflicted, assuming your words are truth?" He shrugs. "Not that I doubt the word of a deity, but I find it difficult to believe that there is no hope or cure for this boy, or for anyone else afflicted."

Lord Wyrm:

[sblock]Knowledge (arcana) +4 or Knowledge (the planes) +3 -- whichever skill would be more applicable to check for what Pasaeyel might mean.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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