• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

A Caravan to Ein Arris (recruiting closed)

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First Post

Very, very nice. Everything in the character sheet seems in order (I'll give it a more thorough going-over when I'm at home and have my books.)

Two small quibbles: Her descriptions lists a longbow at her waist when I think you mean a longsword, and her history refers to her father meeting her father when I think you mean her mother. :)


D'n Pashabek ("Pasha")

"Ah, well, anybody can be a trader, yes? Trader, ah, that's easy. You give me this, I give you that, we're traders. Yes? But I, ah, I am not a trader. No, no. I am a merchant. Not the same, yes? Traders trade stuff. But merchants, ah...merchants make deals."

[SBLOCK=Character Sheet]
[B]Name[/B]: D'n Pashabek ("Pasha")
[B]Class[/B]: Artificer
[B]Race[/B]: [URL="http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsters/goblin.htm"]Goblin[/URL]
[B]Size[/B]: Small
[B]Gender[/B]: Male
[B]Alignment[/B]: N

[B]Str[/B]: 06 -2 (0p.-2rcl) [B]Level[/B]: 2        [B]XP[/B]: 1000
[B]Dex[/B]: 12 +1 (2p.+2rcl) [B]BAB[/B]: +1         [B]HP[/B]: 9 (2d6)
[B]Con[/B]: 10 +1 (2p.)      [B]Grapple[/B]: -5     [B]Dmg Red[/B]: N/a
[B]Int[/B]: 17 +2 (13p.)     [B]Speed[/B]: 30'      [B]Spell Res[/B]: N/a
[B]Wis[/B]: 13 +1 (5p.)      [B]Init[/B]: +1        [B]Spell Save[/B]: +0
[B]Cha[/B]: 12 +1 (6p.-2rcl) [B]ACP[/B]: 0          [B]Spell Fail[/B]: 5%

                   Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total
[B]Armor[/B]:               10    +0    +0    +1    +1    +0    +0    12
[B]Touch[/B]: 12              Flatfooted: 11

                         Base   Mod  Misc  Total
[B]Fort[/B]:                      0    +0          +0
[B]Ref[/B]:                       0    +1          +1
[B]Will[/B]:                      3    +1          +4

[B]Weapon[/B]                  [B]Attack[/B]   [B]Damage[/B]     [B]Critical[/B]
Dagger                    +0     1d3-2      19-20/x2
Dagger, thrown		  +3     1d3-2      19-20/x2
Sling			  +3     1d3-2      x2
{Note: All Weapons are Small sized)

[B]Languages[/B]: Common, Goblin, Trade Pidgin, Low Speech, Painted Elven

[B]Abilities[/B]: Small Size, Darkvision 60', +4 racial bonus on Move Silently and Ride,
Artificer Knowledge, Artisan Bonus, Disable Trap, Item Creation, Craft Reserve (40)

[B]Feats[/B]: Scribe Scroll, Brew Potion, Open-Minded

Skill Points: 35       Max Ranks: 5/2.5
[B]Skills[/B]                   Ranks  Mod  Misc  [B]Total[/B]
Appraise		   1	+3    +0    +6
*Bluff                     4    +1    +0    +3
Concentration		   0	+0    +0    +0
Craft (Alchemy)		   5    +3    +0    +8  
*Diplomacy                 4    +1    +0    +3
*Gather Information	   4	+1    +0    +3
*Hide			   0	+1    +4    +5 (+4 Size)
Knowledge (Arcana)	   3	+3    +0    +6
*Listen			   0	+1    +0    +1
*Move Silently		   0	+1    +4    +5 (+4 rcl)
Profession (Merchant)	   3	+1    +0    +4
*Ride			   0	+1    +4    +5 (+4 rcl)
Search			   2	+3    +0    +5
*Sense Motive              2    +1    +0    +2
Spellcraft		   5	+3    +0    +8
*Spot			   0	+1    +0    +1
Use Magic Device	   5	+1    +0    +6

[B]Skill Notes[/B]:
+4 on Use Magic Device checks involving scrolls
*= Cross-class skil

[B]Infusions Known[/B]:
1 - Lesser Armor Enhancement, Energy Alteration, Enhancement Alteration,
Identify, Inflict Light Damage, Light, Magic Stone, Magic Vestment,
Magic Weapon, Repair Light Damage, Resistance Item, Shield of Faith,
Skill Enhancement, Spell Storing Item, Personal Weapon Augmentation

[B]Infusions Per Day[/B]:
1 - 4/day

[B]Equipment[/B]:               Cost  Weight

Eclectic Outfit		  4gp    2lb

Small Dagger		  2gp    .5lb
Sling                     --     0lb
Small Sling Bullets (20)  .2gp   5lb  

Total Weight:7.5lb    Money: 893gp 8sp (0lb)

                           Lgt   Med   Hvy  Lift  Push
Max Weight:                -15   -30   -45   45   225

Age: 24
Height: 3'1"
Weight: 43lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Bald
Skin: Bluish-Green
"Ah, I see you are admiring my belt, yes? A gift it was, from my friends of the Howling Wolf tribe of the mountain people. Such fine goat fur, yes?"
Pasha is a strange looking little creature--even for a goblin. His oversized head features wide eyes and a broad, sharp-toothed mouth, but his oddest feature must be his eclectic manner of dress. Pasha adopts the styles of half a dozen different cultures, wearing bits and pieces of whatever seems to have caught his eye. A massive orange and purple turban sits atop his head, streaks of white paint decorate the side of his face in the manner of the nomad elves, and a shaggy goat fur belt holds up his fine Mashandan silk pants.

The overall effect is of an eccentric, slightly mad little individual with questionable taste. His appearance attracts attention (which is just the way he likes it0 while still allowing him to seem completely harmless (which is also to his liking). Although he may appear clownish, Pasha is actually quite cunning.
"Yes, yes, we will come to an understanding. For a friend like you, I will make an excellent deal!"
Pasha is friendly to an extreme, always making time to chat with anyone on any possible subject. This is primarily because of Pasha's core beliefs about business: that if he is to be successful as a merchant, the key is to develop as many contacts and relationships as possible. Pasha strongly believes in the "it's not what you do, it's who you know" theory, but his almost agressive friendliness can sometimes be off-putting.

One thing to note, however, is that Pasha's good nature is genuine, unlike many other merchants. Pasha actually likes everyone he meets, indiscriminately.
"Myself? Little to say. Simple son of simple folk, yes? But these scrolls I am offering you...well, there is a subject of conversations, my friend!"
Pasha has spent the last 18 years of his life working in trade, first as a simple servant, then as an artificer's assistant, and finally as the head of his own (tiny) caravan. But at 24, he's already past goblin middle-age, and he's beginning to get desperate in his attempts to finally "make it big".

This might be his last chance, though. While Pasha has a pretty good head for business and is quite cunning when it comes to making money, some bad luck and a series of poorly informed decisions has left him in debt to a group of unscrupulous human merchants. If things don't work out with Halmaro, Pasha might find himself be in a very sticky situation...


First Post
I'm interested in putting my name down, although I would not be able to get you a character until Saturday night most likely, but a concept could be soon.

One question, your alignment requirements, am I interpreting that a Lawful Evil would be acceptable? Not necessarily thinking of going this route, just merely curious is all.


First Post
ethandrew said:
One question, your alignment requirements, am I interpreting that a Lawful Evil would be acceptable? Not necessarily thinking of going this route, just merely curious is all.

Yes, Lawful Evil is acceptable, if you're willing to deal with the consequences. Neutral and Chaotic Evil are excluded because they wouldn't work well in the caravan, and so wouldn't be hired -- the people in charge are pretty good judges of character. Lawful evil at least can be expected to work well.


First Post
Kafkonia said:
Yes, Lawful Evil is acceptable, if you're willing to deal with the consequences. Neutral and Chaotic Evil are excluded because they wouldn't work well in the caravan, and so wouldn't be hired -- the people in charge are pretty good judges of character. Lawful evil at least can be expected to work well.

One more question, I didn't see you list this, but would the Urban Ranger from UA be allowed? I was thinking of going a Translator route, but saw that PhoenixAsh has done this. But I'm leaning more toward an information-finder, if this were allowed, and possibly pick up the languages Phoenix doesn't have.


First Post
One more question, I didn't see you list this, but would the Urban Ranger from UA be allowed?

Sure thing. The alternate classes -- Urban Ranger, Battle Sorcerer, etc -- are all good, but not the generic classes:

Kafkonia said:
from Unearthed Arcana -- variant core, racial paragon classes


First Post
Hi, I'm new to the forums and looking to try my hand at a play-by-post game. Would you mind if I joined? I'm thinking of playing a kobold cleric, using the trip as an opportunity to go proselytizing in distant lands.


First Post
fenixdown said:
Hi, I'm new to the forums and looking to try my hand at a play-by-post game. Would you mind if I joined? I'm thinking of playing a kobold cleric, using the trip as an opportunity to go proselytizing in distant lands.

I have a soft spot for the li'l scaly guys, so by all means write him up!


First Post
I don't suppose theres still room for more entries is there? I saw Magic of Incarnum on your allowed sources list and my heart just jumped for joy. I can get you some more character backround, ect later tonight but I've been really wanting a chance to play an Azurin Cleric.

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