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A Caravan to Ein Arris


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As Kibek channels his faith in the Mother of All into the orb, it begins to glow a soft green colour. The goblin nods his head and makes a note.

"Very good," he says. "You will be, ah, welcome aboard, yes? Please take this. It shows your position with us, you see?" He passes a white ribbon to the kobold cleric. "Tonight we will, ah, be at the Elf & Castle. It is for all members of the caravan. A celebration, yes?"


The woman's eyes stray briefly from Damien to the line behind him. "You'll do then, I suppose." She hands him a red ribbon. "Take care not to lose this," she admonishes. "There are some here more interested in your purse than in the caravan."

"The caravan leaves tomorrow. The Merchant Guild is hosting a celebration for all who have hired on tonight at sundown, at the Elf & Castle tavern. You are welcome to come."

She turns from him. "Next!"


"I know what you mean!" Nivram says. "I just wish the desert wasn't so sandy -- trust me, I've had to clean sand from places I didn't even know I had!" He scrunches up his face. "But enough about me. What will you be playing tonight? Is the little guy part of it?"

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Kibek breathes a sigh of relief. He didn't expect to be accepted so readily, but isn't about to complain. He accepts the ribbon from the goblin with both hands and a bow. "Thank you, brother, I would be honored to attend. You'll be there as well though, of course? I will have to buy you a drink as thanks. No, no, you can't refuse; I insist. Well then, until tonight, I must be off." He bows again and is about to turn away when he remembers something.

"Ah, yes, wait, one more thing. Could you direct me to the guides' booth? I have some skill in surviving the dangers of the wild that I might as well make known as long as I'll be joining the caravan anyway. Never hurts to be paid a little extra, eh?" He grins, then remembers something else. "Oh yes, and of course; you were here to see the, er, disturbance earlier, weren't you? What that was all about? I was too far away to see it myself, and I must admit I'm curious."
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Kafkonia said:
"I know what you mean!" Nivram says. "I just wish the desert wasn't so sandy -- trust me, I've had to clean sand from places I didn't even know I had!" He scrunches up his face. "But enough about me. What will you be playing tonight? Is the little guy part of it?"

Malinda's cheeks flush slightly as Nivram mentions cleaning sand from places he didn't even know he had. As he gets down to business, however, she brushes back her wrap, letting it drape behind her shoulder on one side, and retrieves her silver flute from the soft leather case at her belt.

"I will be playing Arauda, and no, Pasha is not a musician to my knowledge. He kindly agreed to accompany me during my audition. If you have no objection..? She lifts the flute up with both hands, lifting an eyebrow to accent her question.


PhoenixAsh said:
She looks back down at Pasha and smiles, “If all his competition is like the large man – drunk and temperamental, I would rate his chances as excellent. But surely you are close in Halmaro’s councils, what do you think, will he meet success?”
"Ah, I am not much closer to Halmaro than you, friend," Pasha says with a grin, "but I can look around me and reason well how he thinks, yes?" He waves his arms in another large, sweeping gesture, almost losing his balance as he does so. "Look how he prepares for everything, such, ah, grand crowds, no detail left unturned, yes?"

Pasha pauses and looks away from the crowd, past the tents and toward the great stretches of open land beyond. "It is likely that we encounter the kobold tribes of the desert in our journey. It makes sense to have a kobold along. Prepared for anything, yes? And our friend is one of the very few kobolds I have yet seen this day, and the only one to have the appearance of being skilled. Ah, his chances are good, I would say."

Kafkonia said:
"But enough about me. What will you be playing tonight? Is the little guy part of it?"
"Ha! No, I am no player of musics, friend." Pasha holds up his tiny hands. "These fingers are too small for such, yes? But my ears, yes, they are large and made for the listening. It is for them that I am here." He looks up at Malinda, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Now is the time for playing, yes?"


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"Oh dear, did nobody tell you?" Nivram says. "You're playing tonight, at the tavern! I'm just sure it will be fabulous -- I do so love the Arauda." He leans closer. "If you want to play for me now, though, I think you'll find me a very receptive audience."


"You wish also to be a guide?" He indicates a pair of painted elves standing apart from the crowd. "They are our primary guides, yes? You may speak with them if you, ah, wish."

"Oh yes, and of course; you were here to see the, er, disturbance earlier, weren't you? What that was all about? I was too far away to see it myself, and I must admit I'm curious."

"Hmm?" the goblin asks. "Oh, that was Tsorvano, you see? Halmaro's right hand. The drunkard tried to pick a fight with him. Drink, ah, makes humans even more foolish, yes? But Tsorvano handled it gracefully, don't you agree?"


First Post
Malinda's expression pouts slightly, "The woman at the translator booth is a bit... curt. For all the languages she speaks, she isn't the conservationist you are, Nivram. I would be happy to play for you," Her expression brightens with a smile as she leans in a little closer, "You'll tell me all about this performance tonight afterwards, won't you?"

She straightens and looks down to Pasha, "My dear Pasha, I do hope you enjoy it, but music is not about the size of your fingers, it is about the size of your heart. I cannot help but believe you would be a very talented musician, if you put your heart to it."

With no further preamble, Malinda lifts the silver flute to her lips and plays. The Arauda is a lively piece - cheerful and upbeat, if not whimsical, retaining grace and elegance in its tone. Despite the rapid play of notes, it is several minutes before she finishes. She lowers the flute, holding it in one hand while she pulls her wrap back over her shoulder, protecting her pale skin from further exposure.

OOC:[sblock]Perform Check +12[/sblock]


First Post
Kafkonia said:
"Hmm?" the goblin asks. "Oh, that was Tsorvano, you see? Halmaro's right hand. The drunkard tried to pick a fight with him. Drink, ah, makes humans even more foolish, yes? But Tsorvano handled it gracefully, don't you agree?"

Kibek laughs. "He certainly did! With someone like him along, I feel safer already. I only wish I could see the look on the drunkard's face when he wakes up!" He clears his thoat. "But if I hold up this line much longer, I may see even worse," he notes, glancing over his shoulder. So, until tonight it is! Thank you for your help, my brother. Be sure to find me for that drink!" With a wave and a bow, he steps away from the booth and moves towards the elves the goblin pointed out.

"Ah, excuse me, brothers, a moment of your time?"


First Post
As she finishes playing, Malinda feels that she may have given the best performance of her life -- and Nivram's reaction seems to support that, as there is a tear welling in his eye.

"That was amazing!" he enthuses. "Don't you agree, little one? The passion, the fire, the sheer beauty of every note! Oh, I wish I could have captured it somehow. I almost feel faint!" He clasps her hand in his. "Thesle hooligans don't know how lucky they are to have someone like you play for them tonight. Promise me you'll play for me again if we have the chance!"

Perform Check of 30 (18+12)!


First Post
Malinda’s eyes practically shimmer with pleasure as Nivram lavishes praise upon her. It almost appears that she might shed tears herself. “Oh Nivram, of course I will play for you again! How could I not, for such a receptive audience, as you put it.” Her gaze briefly dips to her hand clasped in his and she smiles softly, “Surely you will be part of the caravan as well, a man of your experience with the desert? And surely Halmaro would not put forth such a call for entertainers if there was no room for music amidst the… excitement of our journey?”

She glances down to Pasha and then back up to meet Halmaro’s eyes, “But you must speak in jest about tonight’s crowd! Certainly I have not seen any evidence that ‘hooligans’ are being tolerated here. Why, just such a lout was escorted away, not a few minutes ago. No, I am certain that only upstanding individuals would be hired on for a caravan of such importance, though I admit it will be hard to find a more appreciative ear than yours, even in such a gathering.”


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Damien gives a bow---not mocking at all, though he make think it---to the lady, taking his flag with him. With time on his hand, he kept floating about, keeping his eye and ear out, talking and chatting folks up to get the word on the street. He had some time to kill before the performance, and he would use it well.

OOC: Take 20 on a Gather Info check to just get a general feel for what's what.

Voidrunner's Codex

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