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A curse


First Post
O.K. John.

Xanto is right, it's the nature of isrp, just generally accepted and unspoken, as it can't be changed.

Also, take a good hard look at this.

Mortonia said:
...might I suggest some long sessions of introspection about why you're really here.

Also...if your signature is naturally longer then 90% of the things you post, its time to trim it a bit. Personally I think that a banner for who you are should be less important then the things you actually say, but thats just me.

P.S. Did anyone else get the feeling this was a Sir D post just from the tag under the chat log in menu?

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First Post
Originally Posted by Alek
P.S. Did anyone else get the feeling this was a Sir D post just from the tag under the chat log in menu?


Sorry I'd say something constructive...but Honestly I'm just to messed up to care anymore. I had more to say but it was all coming out as massive flaming on my part. So I'll shut up now.

Rain Cloud

First Post
I dont have much to say myself, I'm half irritated at all the mopey crud that keeps being posted on the boards that isnt In Character. Seriously if your having this many issues on the chat with getting along with other players or you feel that left out of things perhaps this isnt for you? Hey, im not trying to be mean or anything here but seriously. The past few months ive seen you post so many times that your leaving permently then you come back, then you leave again then come back. If you really feel like your not part of the community then try other ways to get involved or take some real time off and try again latter when all the plots and characters have changed in a month or two.

Its only a game, a chat based rp that should not effect your real life, personality, job, school, family....relationships and anything else i have forgotten to mention. Take it easy man and relax, serioiusly. If this is causing so much heartbreak and misery for you then step back and get uninvoled for a while to recover your sanity.

Again, this is not ment as slander or what ever but people are going to take it as they feel like and completely ingore the point i just made or are gonna take it to far...or perhaps if im lucky take it for face value.

Lastly, i dont think this should be drug onto personal IM's or further then this last post right here honestly. all it will do is drag on and on and on into meaningless hate and anger. Let it drop people.
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I'm very confused with the whole signature thing, care to explain? Also, this was more of a post asking where the hell people are, or it's intention anyways. Lastly to Rain Cloud, if people want to continue to talk via IM you have -no- right to tell them not to. And this is not any "mopey crud", for some reason this post has turned into another stupid argument, it's intention was an honest feeling and I have no idea why everyone always gets so sarcastic about their replies. Do you expect me to know what everyone else is having happen to them? I hope not, because I don't.

Rain Cloud

First Post
Did i call that one or what? you totally took it out of context from its meaning. i MENT the not pming thing on accordance of this whole issue. It shoudnt have to go that far. and i MENT that by it being mopey is that all ive seen posted on this place is the pity me stuff and im sorta sick of it. I started this off by being kind and nice about it yes, now i am being snappy about my reply because i feel its the only way it will even get paid attention to. re-read my previous statement carefully and think about it a moment.

All this reality is getting drug into the chat and its affecting in ways it should not. This is not just for John right now but everyone else...well techincally anyone whos offended by it.

Dont let your feelings towards players affect your game. All it will cause is your own depression over it all. Just because players dissapear does not mean they hate you. all in all people do have things to attend to or perhaps they got bored with it all for now. for cripes sake, give them time. were all humans here regaurdless of what anyone says and we all have emotions, lives, feelings and problems we need to cope with. more stress and drama added to it by worrying about someone else you dont even really know as anything other then colored text doesnt help that or make it any better..

now, im sorry if thats harsh but whatever, i had to say it and stop keeping it to myself and the few people i do talk to from here. There i said it. i feel better.


First Post
Please, people, cool it or the thread gets locked.

John, my suggestion would be that the next time you want to post "where are people?" that you post exactly that instead of labelling it a "curse" where your RPs "always seem to be screwed." If someone uses those terms, then most people are going to read that as a complaint (e.g.,"mopey crud") and not just as an inquiry.

Joking expressions are very hard to convey ithrough the straight text of the message boards.

For others, if you feel people are complaining too much, feel free to ignore such posts instead of responding.


First Post
I side with Rain Cloud my friend. I don't feel like doing this via IM because my mind is already split over the damn country and globe. You do need to back off of Enworld like I did because I really can't focus on the funness of Enworld when...Eh...no matter.
No place to rant here...

Oh yeah..I also agree about you signature. Mayhaps you should trim it down a bit. At least mine's somewhat amusing...


First Post
Here is my two cents. Like it or not. I'm posting my opinion.

John, since December (after the death of Deitrich) you have posted four individual threads about your complaints with ISRP ranging from boredom, lack of storylines that involve your characters (because I know of five to six active storylines going on in ISRP that are actively accepting more players), players dropping out of your storylines, and IC/OOC issues you're having with other players. You've escalated a few other player's thread with your complaints. I'm not saying you're the only one who has these issues, but you're the only one who is constantly throwing your baggage around. I have seen seven or more players readily offer their advice and you have yet to tactfully accepted it or not. Your responses have been insensitive to down right rude. I've gotten to the point that when I see your screenname on a thread, I completely ignore that thread despite if it could offer some value. The only time I acknowledge them is when another player complains to me about it.

After your first couple complaints I began to watch your three main characters (since you've posted who you play). Do you know what I see? I see a lurker. You sit in the lounge with one or more characters as if waiting for a particular person. Rarely do I see you enter a crowded room and interact, and when you do you're there less then a couple minutes irritated IC that no one readily acknowledged your character. The only time I actively see you play in a room is when your character is alone with a character of the female gender.

This community has given you advice numerous times and apparently it isn't what you want. We can't help you if you don't help us. Because in my opinion you want to be involved in is a storyline that revolves around one main character - your main character - or an intense romance.

If you want constructive criticism verses angry criticism start contacting players via other means then the forum, because obviously this approach isn't working in your favor. Posting here repeatively with the same issues (only reworded and with titles that will lure players in thinking it is IC information) and complaints isn't suddenly going get you a whole new pot of advice. And if your friends are having the same issues and are not offering you any worthwhile advice contact other players. ISRP is designed with a private message feature and an OOC room; use them.

You may not be seeking attention, but it is apparent many players are getting the impression you are.
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