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A curse


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Deirdre said:
Here is my two cents. Like it or not. I'm posting my opinion.

John, since December (after the death of Deitrich) you have posted four individual threads about your complaints with ISRP ranging from boredom, lack of storylines that involve your characters (because I know of five to six active storylines going on in ISRP that are actively accepting more players), players dropping out of your storylines, and IC/OOC issues you're having with other players. You've escalated a few other player's thread with your complaints. I'm not saying you're the only one who has these issues, but you're the only one who is constantly throwing your baggage around. I have seen seven or more players readily offer their advice and you have yet to tactfully accepted it or not. Your responses have been insensitive to down right rude. I've gotten to the point that when I see your screenname on a thread, I completely ignore that thread despite if it could offer something value. The only time I acknowledge them is when another player complains to me about it.

After your first couple complaints I began to watch your three main characters (since you've posted who you play). Do you know what I see? I see a lurker. You sit in the lounge with one or more characters as if waiting for a particular person. Rarely do I see you enter a crowded room and interact, and when you do you're there less then a couple minutes irritated IC that no one readily acknowledged your character. The only time I actively see you play in a room is when your character is alone with a character of the female gender.

This community has given you advice numerous times and apparently it isn't what you want. We can't help you if you don't help us. Because in my opinion you want to be involved in is a storyline that revolves around one main character - your main character - or an intense romance.

If you want constructive criticism verses angry criticism start contacting players via other means then the forum, because obviously this approach isn't working in your favor. Posting here repeatively with the same issues (only reworded and with titles that will lure players in thinking it is IC information) and complaints isn't suddenly going get you a whole new pot of advice. And if your friends are having the same issues and are not offering you any worthwhile advice contact other players. ISRP is designed with a private message feature and an OOC room; use them.

You may not be seeking attention, but it is apparent many players are getting the impression you are.

Quoted...because she said what I said in my rant before I erased it but a whole lot nicer then I could have written it in my messed up mind tonight.

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Ruthia said:
Quoted...because she said what I said in my rant before I erased it but a whole lot nicer then I could have written it in my messed up mind tonight.

Great minds think alike? I hope you feel better!

Saera Duraston

First Post
-Severe depression becomes evident when nothing in the world matters to you, except for what you are depressed about.

-Love is one of Earth's grievous annoyances, and something which is pitied by humanity. But, only when they observe relationships between individuals, do they realize its glory.

-One does not ever realize the depths of one's self, until either pointed out, or made clear of by someone else that they either desire, or have had a great friendship with, family included.

-Lying is considered by most religious people to be a sin. I am religious. Damn, I just sinned...

-Jealousy. Jealousy is a very bad thing, especially when you know you are, you know why, and you can't have what your jealous of.

-It seems that the more money you make, the less work you do.

This is what they mean by "the signature thing" (since he didn't understand the reference before).


First Post
Magi_Trelian said:
Joking expressions are very hard to convey ithrough the straight text of the message boards.

I was going to say this same thing, only in a longer winded manner. :) And here I go, saying it anyway- well, typing it. ;)
Text is an imperfect medium for communication - we rely on body language, facial expressions and tone of voice. What may be meant lightly or with sincerely can come across as whiney or sarcastic.
There is a particular thread I remember chuckling about, then, as it went on, most of the people replying clearly had been offended and angry, clearly not taking it as the light hearted comment it was (I asked the original poster in IM, after seeing the reactions).
So, that happens. Just try to remember, the tone that's perceived may not be what is intended. On either side.
I'm not going to give advice beyond that.


First Post
I think I'd ditto Deirdre and Ruthia, who said what I wanted to say if I was going to take this risk to say it.

Wow. That's all I can say; take that as you will, I suppose.


First Post
Khaira said:
I think I'd ditto Deirdre and Ruthia, who said what I wanted to say if I was going to take this risk to say it.

Count me there too. I wanted to stay out Jhon, but it's true. I'm sorry pal, but for me, it certainly looked like you've been whining the whole time :( and I honestly think that if you want to play, you have to play with everybody, not just sit on the lounge and wait.
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First Post
Wow. Would you guys listen to yourselves for just a moment?

While I'll admit that constantly seeing threads from the same person with the same general theme can be annoying, you guys really take the cake!

There's nothing saying you have to respond, and that if you DO respond you have to be so negative and look-down-your-nose about it. Listen to what you're saying, people. Every time someone speaks out, it doesn't matter who it is, I see the same people chime in and go:

"Oh, well the world doesn't revolve around you."
"Oh, things are fine in xyz" (read: "Things are fine in my own little world / clique").
"Oh, it's not us, it's YOU."
"Oh, stop your whining already, would you?"

Do you HAVE to be so damned negative? It's no wonder why people don't want to play here anymore, that's all I ever see! I've never seen it quite this bad, and yes, I'll pull the veteran card out, I've been here a lot longer than a good majority of you.

I remember days when my main character felt she could talk to just about anyone. I remember days when storylines were actually creative, and not the same old "whoa is me, I need a lover" type. When you could walk into the tavern and see people chatting about the weather, plans, events, etc instead of kissing, fondling, oogling, etc.

This is why the supposed "good" players leave. Because we're sick of listening to you all circle around individuals and point the finger, call them names, insult them, etc. Because of YOUR negativity.

You all disgust me.


First Post
Krystal said:
Wow. Would you guys listen to yourselves for just a moment?

While I'll admit that constantly seeing threads from the same person with the same general theme can be annoying, you guys really take the cake!

There's nothing saying you have to respond, and that if you DO respond you have to be so negative and look-down-your-nose about it. Listen to what you're saying, people. Every time someone speaks out, it doesn't matter who it is, I see the same people chime in and go:

"Oh, well the world doesn't revolve around you."
"Oh, things are fine in xyz" (read: "Things are fine in my own little world / clique").
"Oh, it's not us, it's YOU."
"Oh, stop your whining already, would you?"

Do you HAVE to be so damned negative? It's no wonder why people don't want to play here anymore, that's all I ever see! I've never seen it quite this bad, and yes, I'll pull the veteran card out, I've been here a lot longer than a good majority of you.

I remember days when my main character felt she could talk to just about anyone. I remember days when storylines were actually creative, and not the same old "whoa is me, I need a lover" type. When you could walk into the tavern and see people chatting about the weather, plans, events, etc instead of kissing, fondling, oogling, etc.

This is why the supposed "good" players leave. Because we're sick of listening to you all circle around individuals and point the finger, call them names, insult them, etc. Because of YOUR negativity.

You all disgust me.

To be honest... I think you just stated what you were firmly against, negativity. Instead of keeping it straight and saying people are negative, you go into a rant about how people are kissing and are in relationships.

People turn negative because their kind attitudes clearly didn't work out in the first place... just as you provided. I just really think everyone wanted to see less of John's posts that tend to get out of hand in certain ways as example in this thread because of the way he presents them. Sure some took it to the limit but who's to say they are wrong? Certainly not you.

People can give their opinions and if they are 'negative', so be it. It's how someone takes it, that's where the problem lies and you took it negatively, just like any of us can or would. And that's how many will take your statements. It's a simple common way of how we think and absorb things around us. So don't brand people for what they do because in the end, you do the same, just like myself and everyone else.

Rain Cloud

First Post
A Change Of Topic Starts Now

Hey Hey, calm it down. This just got way way out of hand.

As I mentioned I dont know how many posts ago....

We Are All Human.

We all have our follies and misfortunes and desires. And before this whole thread gets locked or removed completely from the boards I think ya'll need to calm down a bit. I had hoped it wouldnt get to this point with people, but honsetly ive felt the tension building up on everyone for the past few months or so and I supose it was in the coming for a while. It still doesn't mean that everyone needs to suddenly flash all there anger. Ok, people got the point there bored to tears of seeing the depressingly titled threads, there tired of hearing of all the relationship huggy, gooey love stuff. Perhaps though, if it really bothers you that much we as a community need to change it, not single players. The chat doesn't need a new group. There are plenty of them; Adepts, Faceless Lords, Blessed, The Cat just to name a few.

A new group or soceity isnt needed but perhaps a player hosted event. Something we can al hop in on. We dont need to get a room to use, there is two DM rooms for this. Perhaps a big bonfire for people to come to with a BBQ and drinks. Maybe a reunion of all really old characters we havent used in a while. Perhaps for the more evil characters you could all have an hire day and send out invites to hire lackeys.

Something ive been thinking about for awhile after seeing some interesting events on chat would be to have one day in a DM room where everyone could modify there discriptions and bring in there favorite characters though under new circumstances. We have them all be 16 years older. Any with children would have the horrid teenagers to talk about with freinds. People could play out the intrest of human characters would be well aged while those of elves and long lived races would barely be touched by time. Personally it sounds fun to me and the few I did mention it to thought that would be a really awsome idea.

Think about it. Stop the banter and complaning and very hurtful comments of 'You all disgust me" because honestly, that was about the WORST and most vile comment I have ever had to read posted on this forum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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