A Dream of Galastaire - Complete Campaign Setting Guide


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[Update: Version 2.0, with a new (old) class - the Warlord, a new option for bards and barbarians, and the Naked Warrior]

Ancient angels shared a dream and I promise, you were in it.

A Dream of Galastaire is a campaign setting for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition, drawing from broad sources and underrepresented cultures. In a dream shared by five faceless Muses, you can make your own stories from the threads I’ve spread across seven stars, seven thrones, and endless opportunities.
A new race. New class options for every class. New backgrounds, spells, magic items, and more!
I had fun putting this together. All I ask in return?
Take my dream and make it yours.
- Hawk
P.S.: You can also spread it. Y’know, to people. Because that would be awesome.
P.P.S.: Also available on EN Downloads (which made absolutely no sense to me.)


  • A Dream of Galastaire v2.pdf
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Aaaand A Map

Until I got bored. Here.

Painfully amateur, but Inkarnate Maps (Beta) is an awesome tool. Took me less than an hour.


  • Galastaire.jpg
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And you said you have no skill, when I played with Inkarnate, my map paled in comparison to yours. Might I suggest you add the map to your guide.


I'd be willing to try to make a full map; I've been experimenting with Photoshop, and think I've got a good grasp of it.



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Gorgeous work! I'm not sure Galastaire requires that level of detail, but you're damned good. The only thing I'd probably do is bow the Sea more to shrink the visible landmass and better reflect the inward curve of the Indian Ocean (a big inspiration, if... flipped in a few ways). The trade empires and city-states of that era, flourishing while the West floundered... the true age of sail, long before the Age of "Exploration". Beautiful times, no?

That said? Galastaire is also literally a fuzzy mutual guess as far as geography goes, from day to day. It's probably best not to obsess over.


Gorgeous work! I'm not sure Galastaire requires that level of detail, but you're damned good. The only thing I'd probably do is bow the Sea more to shrink the visible landmass and better reflect the inward curve of the Indian Ocean (a big inspiration, if... flipped in a few ways). The trade empires and city-states of that era, flourishing while the West floundered... the true age of sail, long before the Age of "Exploration". Beautiful times, no?

That said? Galastaire is also literally a fuzzy mutual guess as far as geography goes, from day to day. It's probably best not to obsess over.

I'm actually not a very good DM when it comes to making actual campaigns (I like to call myself a "Technically Proficient DM, not an Inspiring DM"), but computers are something I'm good at, and I found some amazing Tutorials on another website, which is what got me interested in it.

My biggest hurdle in making my own setting is coming up with names for everything and not getting discouraged when trying to write the campaign itself.


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I can sympathize, definitely. I have the benefit of lots of practice. No one else quite ran the games I wanted to play, the stories I wanted to see. I've been in some amazing games, but I always found myself trying to run something. Write something. Whatever. And all I can really advise?

Keep doing it. See what sticks. Build off of your foundations. Sometimes a good idea's just waiting for your NEXT idea to sneak into.

Voidrunner's Codex

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