A few Complete Arcane Spells


The man with the probe
Just a few spells to approve:

Low-Light Vision
Phantasmal Assailants
Wall of Gloom
Earthen Grasp
Familiar Pocket
Mage Armor, Greater
Stony Grasp
Shadow Binding
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First Post
I'd like to add the feat "melodic casting" to the list, as well as the Lyric Thaumaturgist PrC... mostly for a bard I want to make.


The man with the probe
Get your own thread :p

These are just spells from the complete arcane, and I'm doing them a few at a time.


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Anyone know if any of these are "errata'd" in Spell Compendium?

I don't recall having a problem w/ any of them, though I still think greater mage armor is a poor 3rd level spell (it'd be better ala magic vestments or such with a slow increment).


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Earthen Grasp: Creates earth arm that grapples and pins for damage. CA and SC versions the same. Fine. YES

Familiar Pocket: Create extra-dim space for familiar. Changed to Sorc/Wiz 2 in SC, Gains total concealment instead of concealment. SC version fine. YES

Low-Light Vision: Gain low light vision. CA and SC version the same. YES

Mage Armor, Greater: +6 instead of +4. SC version has no material component. SC version fine. YES

Phantasmal Assailants: Deal Dex/Wis damage w/ illusionary foes if Will save fails. Fear-based. CA version does 4 (2 on successful Fort follow up), SC does 8 (4 otherwise). * it pretty powerful for a 2nd level spell, though it does require 2 saves. Will wait on discussion on this.

Shadow Binding: Shadow entangles things in a burst. SC version removes the daze effect. YES

Stony Grasp: Buffer version of earthen grasp. CA and SC versions the same. YES

Swim: Gain a temporary swim speed. CA and SC versions the same. YES

Wall of Gloom: Creates a wall of darkness. CA and SC versions significantly different---the former creates a shapable wall that blocks site and forces Will saves to cross; SC version just blocks site with a flat wall. SC version seems about right for a 2nd level spell. YES for SC.


The man with the probe
On Phantasmal Assailants:
The two saves balance it out pretty well (one to negate, one to half). It's ceratainly aroudn the power levle spells like Scorching Ray or even Ray of Enfeblement (No save, touch attack, 1d6+1 strength at L3, more at L4). I actualy thought the CA one was a bit underpowered, so it's nice to see the SC one.

Voidrunner's Codex

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