D&D General A friend of mine has joined A 5E Dnd Group, has decided to play A Robin Hood Style character and wants to know what people think of his character


A friend of mine has joined A 5E Dnd Group, has decided to play A Robin Hood Style character and wants to know what people think of his character

He's gone for A Lawful Evil Human Rogue, male naturally, of The Noble Archtype, including the +1 to every stat for being human his stats are Str 11, Con 15, Dex 17, Int 12, Wis 9 and Ch 11. From The Rogue Class he took The Skills Athletics, Deception, Perception and Stealth, as a Rogue he took Proficiencies with Deception and Stealth and from The Noble Archtype he gains The Centaur Languages and gets The Skills History and Persuasion

To those that want to know what mates stat rolls when rolling his characters stats were prior to adding +1 to every stat for being human the rolls were 2 3's and 1 4 or 10 for Str, 2 4's and 1 6 or 14 for Con, 2 5's and 1 6 for Dex, 2 4's and 1 3 or 11 for Int, 2 2's and A 4 or 8 for Wis and 1 5, 3 and 1 2 or 10 for Ch
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I think it is more important what the table thinks, since he is playing an evil aligned character. In what way does the character plan to act out his evil and will that conflict with the party or its future goals?
The stats, for me, within a 5e game, are neither here nor there. His primary stat is great at 17 and everything else is at or above average.
I noticed no Sleight of Hand but I'm assuming that is because of the Noble background and the direction of thief he is likely to go which is a nice change than your standard. Lots of roleplaying potential at the right table.
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I think it is more important what the table thinks, since he is playing an evil aligned character. In what way does the character plan to act out his evil and will that conflict with the party or its future goals?
The stats, for me, within a 5e game, are neither here nor there. His primary stat is great at 17 and everything else is at or above average.
I noticed no Sleight of Hand but I'm assuming that is because of Noble background and the direction of thief he is likely to go which is a nice change than your standard. Lots of roleplaying potential at the right table.
My mate choose Lawful Evil alignment for 3 reasons

The 1st is because of the whole rob the rich to feed the poor thing

The 2nd is that despite the fact that most laws are both completely biased and totally corrupt they are still laws

The 3rd is that despite the fact that almost all law enforcement officials are corrupt and those that aren't are too scared of the power and influence that the 1's that are have their still law enforcement officials

My mate choose Lawful Evil alignment for 3 reasons

The 1st is because of the whole rob the rich to feed the poor thing

The 2nd is that despite the fact that most laws are both completely biased and totally corrupt they are still laws

The 3rd is that despite the fact that almost all law enforcement officials are corrupt and those that aren't are too scared of the power and influence that the 1's that are have their still law enforcement officials
Not to turn this into an alignment thread. Too late.

Putting aside the issue I have with the Lawful part of the character's alignment why EVIL?
What will he be doing that is EVIL?


I think it is more important what the table thinks, since he is playing an evil aligned character. In what way does the character plan to act out his evil and will that conflict with the party or its future goals?
The stats, for me, within a 5e game, are neither here nor there. His primary stat is great at 17 and everything else is at or above average.
I noticed no Sleight of Hand but I'm assuming that is because of Noble background and the direction of thief he is likely to go which is a nice change than your standard. Lots of roleplaying potential at the right table.
I've though of a solution to the potential alignment problem. What do you think?

Base it in A Dnd Version of England were Robin Hood was real. That way because of how corrupt institutions like the crown, government, church and law enforcement officials people that they've labelled as being allied to evil are actually allied to good and those that they've labelled as being allied to good are actually allied to evil


Not to turn this into an alignment thread. Too late.

Putting aside the issue I have with the Lawful part of the character's alignment why EVIL?
What will he be doing that is EVIL?
I thought of a answer to that before you asked the question and you posted your question whilst I was writing it. See my post

As a brief summary alignment tags such as Lawful Evil are assigned by the church and given how corrupt the church is in most Robin Hood stories theirs a high chance that those that the church say are of Lawful Evil Alignment are actually of Lawful Good Alignment

I've though of a solution to the potential alignment problem. What do you think?

Base it in A Dnd Version of England were Robin Hood was real. That way because of how corrupt institutions like the crown, government, church and law enforcement officials people that they've labelled as being allied to evil are actually allied to good and those that they've labelled as being allied to good are actually allied to evil
What labels are given to you is not your alignment.

Taking from the wealthy (and corrupt) and distributing that to the poor is a selfless act and therefor shouldn't, by my view, fall under the Evil banner. At the worst Neutral, if not definitely Good, because you are putting yourself into harm's way for the sake of others.

I thought of a answer to that before you asked the question and you posted your question whilst I was writing it. See my post

As a brief summary alignment tags such as Lawful Evil are assigned by the church and given how corrupt the church is in most Robin Hood stories theirs a high chance that those that the church say are of Lawful Evil Alignment are actually of Lawful Good Alignment
Fair enough.


What labels are given to you is not your alignment.

Taking from the wealthy (and corrupt) and distributing that to the poor is a selfless act and therefor shouldn't, by my view, fall under the Evil banner. At the worst Neutral, if not definitely Good, because you are putting yourself into harm's way for the sake of others.
Sadly my mate thinking is that even laws that are both completely biased and totally corrupt are still laws and that even someone that only breaks such laws in order to give the poor the things they need to survive would still be of Lawful Evil Alignment

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