D&D General A friend of mine has joined A 5E Dnd Group, has decided to play A Robin Hood Style character and wants to know what people think of his character

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Now that I think about it, the OP's friend would be justified in playing a Lawful Evil character if the ruler he was opposing was chaostic good. "Screw the rules! I will build an orphanage and a soup kitchen!"


By being unable to conceive of lawbreaking as a good action.
good has nothing to do with laws and laws have nothing to do with good. This is where we got the Justice is blind thing. Laws are passed by the king, the congress whoever. People is the operative word. Even if a law was meant to be good if it has bad effects on society or unfair effects on people then they are bad laws. Chaotic good feels no obligation to support these laws. Stealing is not an evil act. It's an unlawful act. Now if you steal to fill your own pocket then that's an evil act. If you steal to support those who are suffering that's a good act. Both are equally unlawful.


Now that I think about it, the OP's friend would be justified in playing a Lawful Evil character if the ruler he was opposing was chaostic good. "Screw the rules! I will build an orphanage and a soup kitchen!"
no you build a power base and take the kings throne as his chaotic silliness is obviously the source of all problems with the kingdom. Now an orphanage and a soup kitchen would be a great source of footsoldiers for a lawful evil character, you get the recruits and get to show everyone how awesome you are. As long as they don't find the bodies of those who wouldn't play your game. (cackle)


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
good has nothing to do with laws and laws have nothing to do with good. This is where we got the Justice is blind thing. Laws are passed by the king, the congress whoever. People is the operative word. Even if a law was meant to be good if it has bad effects on society or unfair effects on people then they are bad laws. Chaotic good feels no obligation to support these laws. Stealing is not an evil act. It's an unlawful act. Now if you steal to fill your own pocket then that's an evil act. If you steal to support those who are suffering that's a good act. Both are equally unlawful.
Yes, I understand that. There are some people who do not.

Voidrunner's Codex

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