D&D General A friend of mine has joined A 5E Dnd Group, has decided to play A Robin Hood Style character and wants to know what people think of his character

A friend of mine has joined A 5E Dnd Group, has decided to play A Robin Hood Style character and wants to know what people think of his character

He's gone for A Lawful Evil Human Rogue, male naturally, of The Noble Archtype, including the +1 to every stat for being human his stats are Str 11, Con 15, Dex 17, Int 12, Wis 9 and Ch 11. From The Rogue Class he took The Skills Athletics, Deception, Perception and Stealth, as a Rogue he took Proficiencies with Deception and Stealth and from The Noble Archtype he gains The Centaur Languages and gets The Skills History and Persuasion

To those that want to know what mates stat rolls when rolling his characters stats were prior to adding +1 to every stat for being human the rolls were 2 3's and 1 4 or 10 for Str, 2 4's and 1 6 or 14 for Con, 2 5's and 1 6 for Dex, 2 4's and 1 3 or 11 for Int, 2 2's and A 4 or 8 for Wis and 1 5, 3 and 1 2 or 10 for Ch
Nice. I mean, I'm not a guru of 5e character gen, and never played a rogue, but I feel like the 5e rogue is pretty well-suited to this sort of character archetype. They can be quite effective in combat, sneaky and skillful, etc. The noble background adds some nice flavor to it and lets the player play off of the various tropes associated with medieval nobility.

As for alignment, who cares? I mean, its a morass of differing ideas about what they really mean, and I can see the thread was already going south on that subject. Maybe in play this will get changed anyway? If not, it really just doesn't matter much. Perhaps this is a bit of a less super upstanding Robin Hood! Maybe if he gains power, he'll be just another arsehole in power, could be interesting.

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If you are looking at history, rather than myth, the issue with John wasn't that he was any more evil than anyone else, it was that he was incompetent. Richard, of course, was far more interested in playing soldiers oversees than paying attention to running his countries. Which also sounds pretty familiar.


Now I think about it, in many interpretations Robin Hood was super loyal to Richard I, and "the Lionheart" was not exactly a great guy, so maybe OP is onto something.
Now I want to make a game from the POV of John as the good guy trying to keep his country together in the absence of his ass-hole king brother, aided by his sheriffs (PC?) against a bunch of nobles-turned-brigands who just can’t let go of their king’s warring.


A suffusion of yellow
Now I want to make a game from the POV of John as the good guy trying to keep his country together in the absence of his ass-hole king brother, aided by his sheriffs (PC?) against a bunch of nobles-turned-brigands who just can’t let go of their king’s warring.
Thats pretty much what John was doing irl. His elder brothers Henry the Younger and Richard first attempted to overthrow their father with the help of the French AND rebel barons. Then when Father Henry won, he sent Richard back to quell the barons in Angevin france only for Richard to rebel again. Then Richard was off to Crusade again raising taxes on the Barons and Clergy to pay for that and later his ransom.
By the time John attempted to claim the crown England was broke, he went to the French King again for aid, but as a result had to forfeit much of the Angevin lands in France over so that his claim to England could be recognised. Of course his nephew (the actually heir to Richard mysteriuosly disappeared while in his care, which is largely why the English didnt Trust him).
In reality John wasnt bad to the commoners, he was just a really bad negotiator and a bit dumb when it came to his lusts for noble women, thus neither the Barons nor the Church liked him and as a result rumours and gossip became legend.


I think so too, though to be fair he has been politely asked to keep most of his interesting story ideas in one thread. Maybe this neat discussion on alignment can be the new "One Thread."
Can you provide me with a link to the thread that was made for all of my threads?. I can't find it

Can you provide me with a link to the thread that was made for all of my threads?. I can't find it
Sure! Here you go.
I don't want to speak for Morrus but either thread is probably fine. The important thing is picking one place to put all your cool ideas. You can even edit the opening post to include a list/link to the page with the latest idea, so everyone can follow along easily!


Sure! Here you go.
I don't want to speak for Morrus but either thread is probably fine. The important thing is picking one place to put all your cool ideas. You can even edit the opening post to include a list/link to the page with the latest idea, so everyone can follow along easily!
Also, for future reference, @JMISBEST: You can find a list of all the threads you've started by clicking on "Find threads" and then "Your threads" in the forum menu at the top of the page.

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