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A Merc's Life: Howl of the Carrion King [01]

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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: What's a Garda, anyway? :confused:

(From your conversation with Commander Tadhg)

You are told that there is another Merc outfit that has had some . . . disagreements . . . with the Bees recently. It is possible that some of them will be at The Ruffled Feathers, as it is The Wolfhounds' turn to rotate through as Garda (Wardens).

You surmise that the mercenary outfits that keep more or less permanent quarters in Saor Ghabháltas take turns augmenting local law enforcement, primarily to 'ride herd' on the other mercs (who like to drink and rabble-rouse).

It's a good bet the Wolfhounds are the outfit that is having the dispute with the Bees, and that the peace-keeper/knee-breakers in the 'Feathers' are members of that fine organization.
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The Áilleacht attacks the food, clearly having had few meals of late. Once he has cleaned the plate he returns his attention to the bartender. "That was very nice. Thank you. If you'll give me a moment to tune up and tell me where you'd like me to play I'll earn that meal now." He glances about to make sure the Garda aren't within earshot. "By the way, I'm supposed to be meeting up with four new recruits from Bronágh's Bees tonight. I don't know them, but if anyone is asking I appreciate it if you'd send them my way. I'm told the Wolfhounds are none too fond of the Bees these days, so I also ask that you not say anything in front of those gents in the red sashes. I'm sure neither of us wants that sort of trouble in here tonight. Now, any favorite songs you'd like to hear this evening?" He strums softly and adjusts the tuning pegs as he talks.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Houwlou

Houwlou draws himself up to his full height and says to the half-orc, "Let's step outside, ruffian," as he catches a glimpse of the Garda taking an interest in them.

The drunken half-orc also draws himself up to his full height. He is considerably taller than Houwlou and carries a lot more bulk. With an obvious effort, he focuses his bleary gaze on the Olcán in front of him.

"Why should we go outside? It's a dog's night out and there's no ale out there. If you have business with me, let's take care of it in here where it's dry, and where I can quench thirst after."

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Keeland

"Hmmm. Yeah, ever since old Bronágh put paid to their Commander Ciara a few months back there's bad blood between the 'hounds and the Bees. Well, I try to stay neutral in these things, but I suppose it would be better to avoid trouble in here if I can.

There's a few new faces in tonight; some of them might be the ones you're looking for. The dwarf at the table close to the door is a fresh face, as is the lad talking to him - no not the halfling (he's my nephew), the human.

There're a couple of Áilleacht like yourself over in the corner that have never been in before as well.

And the wolf-kin over there about to get the stuffing beat out of him by Gearr is new as well, or he'd know better."


Houwlou Groulenas in "The Ruffled Feathers"

The drunken half-orc also draws himself up to his full height. He is considerably taller than Houwlou and carries a lot more bulk. With an obvious effort, he focuses his bleary gaze on the Olcán in front of him.

"Why should we go outside? It's a dog's night out and there's no ale out there. If you have business with me, let's take care of it in here where it's dry, and where I can quench thirst after."
Houwou laughs nervously and eases a friendly hand on the half-orc's arm. "Oh, that's a good one! Very droll! Let me just buy you a drink, instead, then friend, if I may?" Houwlou signals for a drink to be served to the half-orc, gets his own drink, and slinks hastily away from the bruiser.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
The Ruffled Feathers - Houwlou

And just like that the huge half-orc doesn't look nearly as drunk as he did a moment before. He accepts the ale, but gently takes Houwlou's elbow before the ranger can slip away and leans in just a little, pitching his voice so quietly that only the Olcán's keen hearing could possibly pick it up.

"Good, you've got a temper but you can control it when you need to. I think the fellows you're looking for are over there."

A slight nod indicates the dwarf sitting at a table with some empty glasses and a pitcher, speaking to a human patron and a halfling who appears to work at the 'Feathers. Raising his voice again to its previous level and returning to his obviously inebriated state, he straightens.

"Who would have thought it, a man of wisdom in the Ruffled Feathers!"


Houwlou Groulenas in "The Ruffled Feathers"

Breathing a heavy sigh of relief that he is able to walk away from the half-orc, Houlwou makes his way over to the table indicated with the dwarf, the human, and the halfling server. "Pardon me, but someone that I am strongly disinclined to disagree with just at the moment told me that you were the people for whom I am looking." The Olcán's cultured voice belies his rustic and animalistic appearance.
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