A Message

Ryu Shadowstep

First Post
As your sitting in your chair you see a man wearing a deep black robe and hood that covers his face enter the inn. He walks up to a post near the center of the inn and places a piece of parchment paper with writing on it on the post that reads:

“My name is not important now but I am looking for anyone that is interested in working for gold. This guild prefers silence over noise prefers darkness and secrecy over light and exposure. We are a guild of paid assassins, if you need training we will find someone to teach you and if we don’t I will teach you, if you need sanctuary we will give you sanctuary, if you need protection from the law we will provide you with protection, and if you need equipment we will provide you with equipment so you can do the job. If anyone is interested in joining Just contact the messenger then I will find you to give you more
information and to gain your loyalty…I’ll be waiting”

Then the man in the black robe leaves the inn…what do you do?

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A man in Black leather armor enters the inn he is wearing a hood the covers most of his face he then walks towards the end of the inn and sits at a back table and waits...

Dribble checks the corkboards. He lofts a brow at the note. . o O ( They prefer silence, yet they post in a public board, saying that they are assassins? Hm. At least they had the sense of not revealing themselves. I'm short of people... they might be useful. ) He qiuckly tacks a note of his own under it.

If you want a thug, there is no place for you here.
If you want an ally, you will look for the Ghoul.

Dribble's note is signed by a leaf divided in two, left half green and right half silver, and a large, clawed purple hand behind.
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*He pauses, looking over these notes. He tilts his head head, then on the halflings paper he scribbles in slopp hand writing*

Ghoul need hunter? Ryth good hunter! Ryth work cheap too. I find you, we talk.

*Nodding his head he grins and moves to a table to sit and wait.*

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