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A Monk, a Wizard, and a Swordmage Walk into a Fallcrest; a 4e Story Now game

Complexity 3 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Commune with the spirit of Lake Nen (2), enlist the aid of the Primal forces in cleansing Acamar’s malign celestial influence on Nimozaran (5), and in defeating the same influence on the material/spiritual world (8).
7/8 Successes/0 Failures/Hard DC Available/1 Secondary Skill Available/2 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: History, Endurance, Nature, Perception, Arcana, Diplomacy, Insight

The mighty spirit of the lake releases Lief as its conduit and speaks directly to the heroes. The shifter gasps yet keeps his balance to prevent a collapse into the water. As he draws in a series of great gulps of air to replenish himself, the world momentarily seems a far thing to his ears, but he can sense and hear the exchange.

The still lake, silver as a mirror, now swells. A titanic wave crests, looming over them all. It hangs in the air, defying all natural law.

The totemic stag materializes and says a few words that only Lief has access to its derivation:

"A Watcher perceives. It records. It portends. It councils. A Warrior acts. The natural world needs both."

A gate of translucent, ephemeral quality opens, prismatic coils of a serpent manipulating it. The stag disappears through and the gate fades.

The mountainous water before the heroes ignores this. A voice like a crashing wave and a subtle eddy somehow combined ushers from the voluminous mass:

"This tower is the only remaining bastion of the Elder Evil you call Acamar. I will destroy the enchantments of its master with a flooding purge. You will do what I cannot; enter and ruin its terrible machine, destroying the corrupt crystals that power it."

A pause.

"I will immediately crush it under the crushing wrath of my waves, allowing no time for its seep into the terrestrial world, the Spirit Realm, or to cowardly wriggle back to the celestial hellscape from whence it came. You will be destroyed in the effort...but fear not...like worthy warriors of bygone era, your spirits will endure."

To be abundantly clear, what the Elder Primal Spirit is saying here in mechanical terms is you guys are going to face an extremely perilous level +4 (Complexity 1) Escape the Tidal Wave and the Tower's Ruination Skill Challenge immediately after defeating the tower (assuming you do!).

(1) Do you guys accept the boon and risk of these terms (which will cement the final 1 Success of this SC)? It will ensure that Acamar's taint is gone from this world, but you will be risking extreme peril. Should you fail the Skill Challenge, all PCs area slain by the tidal wave and the tower's ruination. However, as mentioned, your spirits will endure as primal champions of the material world and the Spirit Realm beyond.

(2) Alternatively, do you guys try to talk to the titanic spirit down into delaying for a moment, allowing you more time for egress (MEDIUM DC)? In that case, instead of a Level +4 (Complexity 1) SC, we'll make a singular Group Check vs the Hard DC for your level (3 PCs means throttling that back to Medium DC). Success or fail and you escape. However, the stakes for failure are that this delay has afforded the taint of Acamar to escape and pervade the natural world still.
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We have decided on option 2:
Starn thinks... "Didn't I hear that you yourself have Children, the Neirids of the Valley of the Nentir River? I'm sure you wouldn't propose a plan which lead to their certain death, even if the alternative left some small possibility of failure, overall. Likewise, we abjure you to give us a small window in which to escape the tower before you purge it completely. While we may not escape, and some tiny possibility of the escape of Acamar exists, we will also be much more motivated to succeed. I myself certainly wish to return to the Septarch's Tower and see my friend Kira again, and this is a great motivator of success! Nor does any plan absolutely guarantee success. Even if you purge the tower at the first instant and guarantee our deaths, Acamar is a mighty intellect, perhaps it will outwit us all!"

After thinking for another few seconds, Starn turns to his companions and says "Well, whatever this mighty spirit of Nature decides, all we have to go on is hope. Perhaps it will honor us with a chance of survival, perhaps not. Either way I must continue, let us prepare ourselves and have a final meal, plain as it must be. We are mortals after all, and must have our bread!"

"Foolish Mortal! Nothing, not even I am eternal, but the lives of you humans and such are as the blades of grass, you will have to live on in song! I will never risk the fate of the world against your deaths."

Cosmic forces manifest, Fate itself tears asunder the fabric of reality, or is it the malign forces from the Far Realms? Who can say. The cosmos itself is reordered, The Nenglamir sees an echo of its love of the world within them, and yields! What subtle pathways of fate were rewritten, none can say. Starns Lucky Charm glows brightly for a second, but none notice.

"Very well, mortal, you shall have your 2 minutes to escape, no more. The second I sense any sign of the escape of Acamar, the purge happens, regardless!"

I take advantage of my knowledge of History to refresh Diplomacy, and then add a +2 bonus to my Diplomacy check with a secondary use of Religion (Philosophy really) DC18 rolls 19 + 15 = 34, success. My main Diplomacy check roll is DC18 4 + 9 + 2 = 15, and I expend my Lucky Charm effect to add +1d6, rolling 4 + 3 = 7 + 9 + 2 = 18, Success!

So, Fate has spoken, for now, or perhaps even mightier entities than Acamar intervene from beyond space and time!

Complexity 3 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Commune with the spirit of Lake Nen (2), enlist the aid of the Primal forces in cleansing Acamar’s malign celestial influence on Nimozaran (5), and in defeating the same influence on the material/spiritual world (8).
8/8 Successes/0 Failures/Hard DC Available/0 Secondary Skill Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: History, Endurance, Nature, Perception, Arcana, Diplomacy, Insight

SC Complete.


* The heroes take an Extended Rest under the protection of the powerful Primal Spirit. No enemies can pour forth from the tower and no natural creatures will assail them here.

* 1500/3 xp = 500 xp apiece. Level up heroes to 9.

* Companion Character Update. During the evening, Starn finds the last remaining kit necessary to attach an alchemical launcher to Rooter. The now lucid and capable Nimozaran will ride Rooter into battle and will further enable the Companion Character!

Rooter Starn-Friend & Nimozaran
Medium living construct (beast)
Level 9 Soldier (Leader) XP 400
HP 98; Bloodied 49 Healing Surges 1 Healing Surge Value 24 Initiative +8
AC 25, Fortitude 22, Reflex 21, Will 22 Perception+12
Speed 6, Darkvision
Immune petrification

Starn Ward Designate (Free Action): On Initiative, Starn tells Rooter who is ward is until the end of the encounter. The ward gains +1 defenses when Rooter is within 2 squares.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Rootin Around ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the rooter's next turn.

(➶) Alchemical Ice Launcher (cold) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d10 + 7 cold damage, and the target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both).

Hog Wild ✦ Encounter
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the target is dazed until the end of the rooter's next turn.
Special: Rooter can use this as part of a charge attack.

Minor Actions
Snorfle ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature marked by rooter); +12 vs. Fort
Hit: 1d8 + 8 damage, and the target grants combat advantage until the end of rooter's next turn.

Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage ✦ Recharge ⚅
Effect: Starn uses Magic Missile.

Triggered Actions
That's Some Pig ✦ Recharge when rooter or his ward is bloodied.
Requirement: Rooter must be within 2 squares of its ward.
Trigger: Rooter's ward takes damage.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): Rooter trades places with his ward and takes the damage instead.

Skills Arcana + 14, Athletics +14
Str 20 (+9) Dex 15 (+6) Wis 16 (+7)
Con 15 (+6) Int 20 (+9) Cha 11 (+4)

* Lief gains Primal Boon Become the Tide.

Become the Tide Primal Boon level 9
Encounter ✦ Primal
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: You are pulled, pushed, or slid
Effect: Instead of being affected by the forced movement, you shift the number of squares it would have moved you.

* Vorn gains Primal Boon The Dam Breaks.

The Dam Breaks Primal Boon level 9
Daily ✦ Primal
No Action Personal
Trigger: You hit with an attack
Effect: The target is also subject to one of the following effects of your choice:

* You slide the target up to 2 squares.
* The target falls prone.
* The target is slowed (save ends).

The following morning, as the huge lake's tide ebbs and flows toward the shore, the powerful primal spirit's voice can be heard in the melody of the water:

"Just as the barrier prevented all physical incursions into the tower, it has kept what lies within from physical trespass into our world. Only Acamar's psychic emanations could traverse the barrier."

The tide swells to a massive wave that surges forward to inundate the tower's bottom floor and break the spell.

"Prepare yourselves! The enemy will vomit forth from Acamar's celestial bridge at the top of the tower into this world! You must sunder it quickly!"

A wall of water slams into the tower...the decaying spell of protection is no more...from the ruined door to the tower, Acamar's aberrations aggress the mortal world!

I'll get the first of two encounters up to resolve tomorrow. That first encounter will be quickly traversing up the winding stairwell to the top of the tower while dealing with waves of Acamar's legions.
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The mighty spirit of the lake surges forth in a wave of awe-inspiring portions, slamming into the ancient tower, primal magic fully dispelling the Acamar-imbued protections.

The heroes already know there is little time to spare now that Acamar's denizens can physically flood into this world. Entering into the open stair which spirals to the nexus of power at the top, the heroes are greeted by a psychic onslaught from the structure itself, writhing tentacles coming from the walls, and a creature of impossible shape which reshapes itself constantly as it trundles down the steps toward them!


* ILLUMINATION: Full. Magically imbued lamps in recesses in the walls provide permanent light.


1) Clockwise travel = movement upstairs = difficult terrain. Counterclockwise travel = movement downstairs = normal movement.

2) F11-15 = entry into the stair. The green line atop A15-E15 = top of stair and traverse to next stair (if from Stair 1 to Stair 2) or into final chamber atop tower if Stair 2.

3) This is an open stone stairwell, so black area in middle is Hindering Terrain which falls away to the ground in increments of 10 feet starting with the north section of the map in Stair 1 > 20 east > 30 south > 40 west (and so forth as you traverse to Stair 2).

4) Wave Encounter: At the beginning of every even round (2, 4, 6, etc), I will place 1 additional level worth of encounter budget (either 4 Minions or 1 Standard) in squares A-E/12-15 then A-D/10-13 (Stair 2).

5) The Win Con of the conflict is all characters traversing the green line of A13-D13 of Stair 2 Map. This will put us in the final encounter with Acamar's celestial bridge (like a White Hole!) from Far Realm to the material world.

* Far Realm Haunted Tower Level 9 Elite Hazard XP 800
The taint of the alien realm haunts the structure of the tower as whispers of madness seep from its walls.

Initiative +12

Immune attacks

Standard Actions
ᗕ Attack ✦ Recharge ⚃ ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Enemies within 3 squares of all walls; +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 5 psychic damage and the targets is dazed until the end of their next turn.
Miss: Half damage and the target is slowed until the end of their next turn.

✦ Avert (At-Will): Perception DC 18 (minor action). Success: The character gains concealment against the Far Realm Haunted Tower but all enemies have concealment against the character UEoNT.

✦ Dodge (Encounter): Acrobatics DC 25 (immediate interrupt; the character is hit by the FRHT). Success: The character takes only half damage and isn't dazed.

✦ Adjure (At-Will): Dungeoneering DC 18 (standard action). Success: The FRHT suffers a -2 penalty to attacks until the end of your next turn. Sustain Standard.

* Foulspawn Formless (medium, aberrant, magical beast, Controller, Standard) = HP 96, AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 22, Will 20, Speed 6.

* Tower Tentacle (medium, aberrant, magical beast, Controller, Minion) = HP 1, AC 23, Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 19, Speed 3, Melee Reach 4.

* Place Characters in Stair 1, columns F11 - F15, roll Dungeoneering Monster Knowledge x 2, and Initiative.

* Initiative:

Vorn (V) 26
Rooter & Nimozaran (R) 25
Foulspawn Formless (F) 18
Tower Tentacles (M)
Lief (L) 17
Far Realm Haunted Tower
Starn (S) 11



* (No Action) Starn Monster Knowledge vs Tower Tentacles: r(5)+9=14. Fails vs Medium DC. No new statblock information.

Tower Tentacle
Medium aberrant magical beast
Level 9 Minion Controller XP 100
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +9
AC 23, Fortitude 21, Reflex 23, Will 19
Speed 3, Teleport 4

Extension of the Tower
The tentacle can only occupy squares adjacent to the wall but is immune to the difficult terrain of moving clockwise (traveling up the stairs)

Standard Actions
(⚔) Slam ✦ At-Will
Requirement: The tentacle must not have a creature grabbed.
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 8 damage, and the tentacle grabs the target (escape DC 17).

Squeeze and Slide (Melee 4) ✦ At-Will
Requirement: The tentacle or another tentacle in melee range must have a creature grabbed.
Effect: If the same tentacle, it deals 5 damage to the grabbed creature and can pull the grabbed creature 2 squares. If a second tentacle, then the tentacle grabs the creature, increasing the escape DC by +2, deals 5 damage to the grabbed creature, and can pull the grabbed creature 2 squares.
Special: If the second tentacle pulls the grabbed creature out of melee range of the first tentacle, the +2 bonus to escape DC is lost.

* (No Action) Starn Monster Knowledge vs Foulspawn Formless Tentacles: r(8)+9=17. Fails vs Hard DC but achieves Medium DC.

Foulspawn Formless
Medium aberrant magical beast
Level 9 Controller XP 400
HP 96; Bloodied 48 Initiative +7
AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception+8
Speed 6, teleport 3 Low-light vision
keywords: force, psychic

Primal Revulsion
The foulspawn formless suffers a -2 penalty to defenses until the end of its next turn when a power from the Primal source is used within 2 squares.

Force Harvest
The foulspawn formless gains 5 temporary hit points when an enemy uses a power with the force keyword within 2 squares.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Repulsive Maw (force) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Fort
Hit: 2d6 + 6 force damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.

Maddening Burst (psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +13 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).

(➶) Mind Harrier (psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage. At the end of the target's next turn, if it is not adjacent to any of its allies, it takes 10 psychic damage and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).

The HEROES execute their plans as they enter the Tower of Fastormel conflict explodes. Starn directs Rooter to protect Starn himself as he struggles to recall information regarding the alien creatures before him. Lief hurtles himself up the steep stairs as Vorn provides covering fire for Starn to shamble up a pair of steep steps!


* Free Action: Designate Rooter's Ward as Starn.


* No Action: Battlefront Shift; Starn shifts 1 sq (difficult terrain) to G13.


* Free Action: Cipher Feature; Lief moves 3 sq (difficult terrain) to I12. Lief gains a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex until the end of his next turn (BoFM).

VORN begins to make his way up the stairs. He notes the formless beast before him, trying to discern some weakness. However, he realizes the more immediate concern are the tentacles that sprout from the tower walls. He draws and fires twice, killing the two closest tentacles.

Then he turns his attention back to the formless beast, ready to attack it!

* No Action: Hunter’s Privilege

* Minor Action: Designate Foulspawn Formless as Quarry

* Move: 3 squares to I11

* Standard: Twin Strike
Vs. Tower Tentacle AC 23 k-15
r(13) + 14 = 27, HIT. SLAIN.
Vs. Tower Tentacle AC 23 m-15
r(10) + 14 = 24. HIT. SLAIN.

Damage: Ms (K15, M15) SLAIN
Conditions to Enemies: F is Quarry
Current HP: 66/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry
AP: 1

NIMOZARAN fixes ROOTER's alchemical ice launcher upon one of the tower's wall-tentacles. The frosty salvo goes wide!

"Confound it! Starn, my boy...please take care of that vile appendage!"

Starn obliges with a bolt of arcane force and the wall-tentacle disintegrates into particles.

"ONWARD" shouts the old wizard as he holds onto his hat desperately when Rooter charges forward up the steep stair!

* Standard Action: Alchemical Ice Launcher (R10, cold) vs M (P15) Ref: r(3) +14 = 17. Miss.

* Minor Action Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage. Effect: Starn uses Magic Missile on M (P15); SLAIN.

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to J11.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT, Ward (Starn), Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage on recharge. Starn is ward.

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS summons forth an impossible shape from the Far Realm's depths and displays its awfulness to the heroes. Rooter, Nimozaran, and Vorn reel from the assault on their mortal sensibilities.

The terrible creature from an alien realm then blinks out of existence and reappears further upstairs, beyond the physical reach of the Nentir Vale's defenders.

* Standard Action: Maddening Burst (ABu1 w/in 10, psychic) centered on I12 vs L, R, V Will: r(5, 17, 11) +13 = 18, 30, 24. Hit R and V. r(1, 5) +6 = 12 psychic damage, and R & V are dazed (save ends).

Maddening Burst (psychic) ✦ Recharge ⚄ ⚅
Attack: Area burst 1 within 10 (enemies in the burst); +13 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage, and the target is dazed (save ends).

* Move Action: Teleport 3 sq to M9.

DAMAGE: 12 psychic damage to R and V.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: R & V are dazed (save ends).
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: V's Quarry, Maddening Burst on recharge.

The remaining TOWER TENTACLE blinks out of existence and reforms on the wall nearer the heroes. It gropes for Lief who easily evades the awkward appendage.

* Move Action: Teleport 4 sq to M9.

* Standard Action: Slam (M4) vs L's Ref: r(6) +12 = 18. Miss.

(⚔) Slam ✦ At-Will
Requirement: The tentacle must not have a creature grabbed.
Attack: Melee 4 (one creature); +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 8 damage, and the tentacle grabs the target (escape DC 17).


LIEF lets out a strange yelp as his skin molts, a powdery residue trailing behind him while he thunders up the stairs, cracking some underfoot. He runs, and by time he drives a crane kick and flurry of blows into the roiling horror—trying to send it down the open stairwell shaft—the shifter's skin is jet-black stone, his eyes spiderwebs of silvered mineral veins.

The foulspawn pools on the stairs as the blows rain down, sprouting a bushel of cillia to clutch at the stonework and keep from toppling into the gap. It undulates and shudders, maybe laughing to itself.

* Minor: Activate Stone Juggernaut (Daily) until the end of the encounter, giving Lief a +2 power bonus to all defenses and he can save against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn. The form also lets him ignore difficult terrain and use a secondary attack power at will.

* Move: 5 sq to N10.

* Standard: Crane's Wings attack on F1. r(13)+12 = 15 vs. Fort 19. Success. r(9)+7 = 16 Damage and attempt to push F1 into Hindering terrain. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR PRONE; F1 saves to go prone instead, r(16). Success. F1 is prone.

* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 6 Damage to F1.

DAMAGE: 22 to F1
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has +2 power bonus to all defenses, save against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1


STARN decides to help pin this ugly beast down and drops a Storm Pillar where it will restrict the beast's mobility, and proceeds up the stairs as quickly as possible.

* Standard Action: Storm Pillar (R10, conjuration, lightning) at M8. Effect: This occupies M8 and enemies moving into any adjacent square take 1d6+8 lightning damage.

* Move Action: 3 sq to J12.

CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Storm Pillar in sq M8.
AP: 1

<A new Foulspawn Formless emerges at the top of the spiraling stair!>




VORN shakes his head, trying to shrug off the effects of the foulspawn’s attack. He steadies himself, not trying to move or do anything other than attack.

It takes all his focus to draw and fire at the creature, who has teleported to the stairway above. Luckily, he can still see it.

He fires and hits the creature, it makes a sound that seems half screech and half laugh.

Vorn fires and hits again, but the thing is not yet slain.

Still dazed, he feels the magic of his armor move through him, clearing his mind.

* Standard: Spikes of the Manticore
Vs. Foulspawn Formless F1, AC 23
r(13) + 14 = 27, HIT. Dmg: r(9 + 3) + r(3) + 8 + 3 = 26
Vs. Foulspawn Formless F1, AC 23
r(14) + 14 = 28. HIT. Dmg: r(6 + 5) + 8 = 19

* End Turn: Saving Throw: vs dazed; r(8) effect persists; No Action: use Delver’s Armor: get +2 to save you just failed, take new result- effect ends

Damage: 45 to F1
Conditions to Enemies: F is Quarry
Current HP: 54/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry
AP: 1

ROOTER spins momentarily, dazed by the foul spawn, NIMOZARAN however seems unaffected, he lobs an ice bomb at the foul spawn, nailing it. Rooter then shakes off his confusion.

* Start Turn: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage Recharge; r(5). Fails.

* Standard: Alchemical ice launcher at F1, r(11)+14-2 vs Ref22=23, hit for 15 damage.

* End Turn: Rooter saves vs dazed, 18, success.

Damage: 15 to F1
Conditions to enemies: F1 is slowed and ongoing 5 cold (SE).
Current HP: 86/98
HS: 1
Current (de)buffs: Starn is ward.

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS writhes oddly on the ground next to the Storm Pillar one moment and then vanishes, reappearing next to Lief in the next. A repulsive blast of force from its strange maw drives Lief to the edge of the spiraling stair and over!

Meanwhile, the second at the top of the spiral stairs sends a salvo of Far Realm echoes upon Vorn, who shakes them off, and then the creature rushes down the stairs to intercept the heroes.


* Start Turn: 5 OG Cold, Maddening Burst Recharge; r(3). Fails to Recharge.

* Move Action: Teleport 2 sq to O10.

* Standard Action: Replusive Maw (M1, force) vs L's Fort; r(20). CRIT. 18 force damage and L is pushed 2 sq to L10 into Hindering Terrain of Fall. TRIGGERS SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN M10 PENDING. PLAYER DECLINES SAVING THROW FOR PRONE. PUSHED OVER EDGE AND FALLS 10 FEET TO TOWER FLOOR; r(10) falling damage. TRIGGERS FREE ACTION ACROBATICS; Acrobatics check to reduce fall damage and determine if PC prone on floor or standing. Acrobatics r(15)+18 = 33. 33/2 = 16 damage reduction vs fall. No damage, Lief lands standing in L10.

LIEF rides the momentum from the horror’s attack, tumbling off the stairs to land on his feet in the center shaft.

(⚔) Repulsive Maw (force) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +12 vs. Fort
Hit: 2d6 + 6 force damage and the target is pushed 2 squares.

* End Turn: Saving Throw vs 5 OG cold and slowed; r(2). Fails.


Begins Turn: 40 feet (8 sq) above ground level and about 35 feet (7 sq) above heroes in I and J sq.

* Standard Action: Maddening Burst (ABu1 w/in 10, psychic) centered on H12 (H column on ground level is 10 sq away) vs V's Will: r(5) +13 = 18. Miss.

* Move Action: Run (-2 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sq to G5.

LOCATION: F1 in O10, F2 in G5
DAMAGE: 18 force damage to L.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Lief pushed over edge to floor in L10
CURRENT HP: F1 @ 9/96, F2 @ 96/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: F1 Prone, V's Quarry, Maddening Burst on recharge. F2 Maddening Burst on recharge.

The remaining TOWER TENTACLE flings at Vorn and ensnares the Fallcrest folk hero in its vice-like grip!

* Standard Action: Slam (M4) vs V's Ref: r(11) +12 = 18. Hit. Vorn takes 8 damage and is grabbed (escape DC 17).

DAMAGE: 8 damage to Vorn
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: is grabbed (escape DC 17).

LIEF rebounds fast, punching his stone-skinned fingers into the masonry to scramble back up and barrel into the foulspawn, sending it back to the outer realm with a punch to its strange core.

* Move: Athletics r(20)+12 = 32 vs DC 21. Move 4 climbing sq up to M10, then to N10.

* Standard: Stone Juggernaut attack on F1. r(14)+12 = 29 vs. Reflex 22. Success. r(4)+7 = 11 Damage. F1 SLAIN.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has +2 power bonus to all defenses, save against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1


STARN drops a Stinking Cloud down the stairs a ways, engulfing the second foulspawn in a reeking mass of toxic vapors!

* Standard Action: Cast Stinking Cloud (area burst 2) centered at square G4. Roll to hit Roll(9) + 13 = 22 vs FORT(19). hit, 1d10+8= 1+8=9 poison damage. A zone of dense fog (blocks LOS) is created covering the entire area within burst 2 of G4 (so F2 basically can't see anything that isn't next to it). Anything moving into or starting its turn within the zone will take 11 poison damage.

* Move Action: Move to square M11.

* End Turn: The Storm Pillar dissipates

DAMAGE: 9 points of poison damage to F2
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Stinking Cloud zone centered on G4. Blocks LoS. Any creature moving into or starting its turn within the zone will take 11 poison damage.




VORN is being tugged and pulled by the tentacle. He waits for his moment, then draws and fires at the tentacle’s base near the wall. “Get off of me, filth!”

Its body writhes and thrashes as it dies. He shakes the remaining bit of tentacle loose and then moves up the stairs.

* Standard: Ranged Basic Attack Vs. Tentacle in M15, AC 23
r(15) + 14 = 29, HIT. M (M15) SLAIN.

* Move: 3 squares to L11

Damage: M (M15) SLAIN
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry
AP: 1

NIMOZARAN throws his heels into the metalic flanks of ROOTER and shouts "forward my steel, porcine friend!"
Off they go, charging up the stairs to the border of Starn's caustic spell.

* Start Turn: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage Recharge; r(3). Fails.

* Move: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq (DT) to M6.

* Move: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq (DT) to J5.

Damage: na
Conditions to enemies: na
Current HP: 86/98
HS: 1
Current (de)buffs: -5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT, NAT on recharge. Starn is ward.

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS sloughs and trundles and gloops and shambles through the poisonous vapors of Starn's spell. When it emerges through the opaque mist, it hones in on the nearby Rooter & Nimozaran, hexing the pair psychically with a Far Realm enchantment!


Begins Turn: 11 poison damage from Starn's Stinking Cloud zone, Maddening Burst on recharge r(1); fails.

* Move Action: 5 sq (circling to avoid OA) 8 sq to L4.

* Standard Action: Mind Harrier (R5, psychic) vs R's Will: r(13) +13 = 26. Hit. r(6, 2) + 6 = 14 psychic damage. At the end of N's next turn, if N is not adjacent to any of its allies, N takes 10 psychic damage and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).

(➶) Mind Harrier (psychic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 5 (one creature); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + 6 psychic damage. At the end of the target's next turn, if it is not adjacent to any of its allies, it takes 10 psychic damage and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).

DAMAGE: 14 psychic damage to N
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: At the end of N's next turn, if N is not adjacent to any of its allies, N takes 10 psychic damage and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).
CURRENT HP: F2 @ 76/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: F2 Maddening Burst on recharge.


LIEF pounds up the stairs two at a time, his stone juggernaut legs making him seem to glide upward. Feeling brave, foolish or both. He runs just past the formless horror, rolling and ducking under its snapping mouths, until he's next to Rooter and Nimo. Then he spins into a kick at the formless horror, sending it to lip of the open shaft, and flows into a battery of punches until it tips, boiling, over the edge.

He turns to Nimo and points up the stairs: "Run, damn it! I'll stay with you!"

* Move: Drunken Monkey (Encounter) movement—speed +2, power bonus to defenses against OAs equal to Wis modifier (4). Move 7 sq. to K5, triggering two MBAs from F2.
r(5)+12 = 17 vs. Fort (27). Miss.
r(2)+12 = 14 vs. Fort (27). Miss.

* Standard: Drunken Monkey (Encounter) attack on F2. r(12)+12 = 24 vs. Will 20. Success. r(4)+7 = 11 Damage to F1, which slides to L5.

* Free: Centered Flurry of Blows deals 6 Damage to F1, slides to K6. TRIGGERS F2 saves to go prone instead. r(4), Fail. F2 falls 19.95 feet into open shaft at K6, taking 2d10 damage. r(3, 2) = 5 Damage and prone (NOT ACROBATICS TRAINED), or 11 total with CfoB.

DAMAGE: 22 to F2.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: F2 falls at L6 and is prone.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has +2 power bonus to all defenses, save against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1


STARN concentrates on the Stinking Cloud just enough to sustain it, and aims a bolt of arcane energy down at the remaining foul spawn below, then after taking his shot pounds on up the stairs.

* Minor Action: Sustain Stinking Cloud.

* Standard Action: Magic Missile attack on F2. Automatic hit for 10 force damage (BLOODIED).

* Move Action: 3 sq (DT) to M8.

DAMAGE: 11 force to F2 (BLOODIED).

<A new Foulspawn Formless emerges at the top of the spiraling stair!>

F2 44/96 Prone, Maddening Burst on recharge.
F3 96/96



VORN turns the first corner. He's not used to having to catch up to others! "I need to learn me some tricks," he says to himself as he watches Lief above, knock the formless beast from the stairs to plummet to the ground below. He pauses long enough to put some arrows into the beast. Unfortunately, it continues to writhe after he puts two arrows into it.

He doesn't want to leave any enemies behind them. "Go on," he calls to the others. "I'll finish this on off!"

* Move: 3 squares (DT) to N8

* Minor: Make F2 my Quarry

* Standard: Twin Strike Vs. F2, AC 23
r(16) + 14 = 30, HIT. Dmg: r(8) + r(5) + 4 + 3= 20
r(10) + 14 = 24, HIT. dmg: r(7) + 4 = 11

Damage: 31 to F2
Conditions to Enemies: F2 is now Quarry
Current HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry
AP: 1

NIMOZARAN pats Lief on the shoulder as he aims ROOTER's ice launcher at the Formless creature at the bottom of the chamber. "<Comforted exhale> I'll stay next to your stalwart presence, my good man!"

The ice grenade explodes on the aberrant creature, rime covering it and nearly laying it low.

* Start Turn: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage Recharge; r(6). Succeeds.

* Standard: Alchemical Ice Launcher (R10, cold) vs F2 Reflex: r(13) +14 -2 (Cover due to angle) = 25. Hit: r(2) + 7 =9 cold damage, and F2 is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both).

* Ends Turn: Adjacent to Lief so, negating 10 psychic damage and ongoing 10 psychic damage (save ends).

DAMAGE: 9 cold damage to F2.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: F2 is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both).
HP: 72/98
HS: 1

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS at the bottom of the shaft succumbs to the freezing artillery blast, while the upstairs aberration calls for a psychic enchantment that waylays Starn's mind as he works his way up the tower's spiraling stair!


Begins Turn: 5 OG cold damage. F2 SLAIN.


* Move: Teleport 3 sq to D9

* Standard: Maddening Burst (ABu1 w/in 10, psychic) centered on M8 (8 sq horizontal, 2 vertical) vs S and V Will: r(20, 2) +13 = CRIT, 15. CRIT S, miss V. 18 psychic damage to S, and S is dazed (save ends).

DAMAGE: 5 incoming OG cold damage to F2. F2 SLAIN. 18 psychic damage to S.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: S is dazed (save ends).
CURRENT HP: F3 @ 96/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: F2 Maddening Burst on recharge.


LIEF Delays until trigger Stinking Cloud zone ends.


STARN abandons his focus on the Stinking Cloud and simply focuses on forcing his way up the spiraling stair.

* Starts Turn: Dazed.

* Move Action: Move to M5.

* Ends Turn: Saving Throw vs Dazed; r(14), success!

DAMAGE: none
HS: 9/9
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Stinking Cloud zone ended without sustain action.

LIEF runs through the dissipating poison cloud, toward the foulspawn above, then seems to slide up the stairs with a sudden burst of speed. He rises into a crane kick. The monster contorts and splays around the shifter's foot, untouched.

* Move: 6 sq to E6.

* Minor: Boots of the Fencing Master power (Encounter), shift 2 sq to C8. When Lief shifts, he gains a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of his next turn.

* Standard: Crane's Wing kick on F3. r(4)+12 = 16 vs. Fort 19. Miss.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex defense UtEoLNT, and an ongoing +2 power bonus to all defenses, saves against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1




VORN whispers the word that activates his enchanted boots, and he gains a short-lived burst of speed. He stops next to the old wizard, hopefully comforting him from the creature's psychic assault. "Hang in there, Nimo," he says as he takes aim.

His arrow whistles through empty space as the beast shifts its shape. Luckily, his second shot catches it soundly, and it lets out a horrid shriek.

* Move: 3 squares to L5.

* Minor: Activate Boots of Eagerness for a move action- move 3 squares to I5.

* Standard: Twin Strike Vs. F3, AC 23
r(7) + 14 = 21, MISS
r(13) + 14 = 27, HIT. dmg: r(6) + 4 = 10

Damage: 10 to F3
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: ongoing +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry
AP: 1

NIMOZARAN shouts to his protege "recall the arcane primer, my boy!"

Starn says a magic word and an arcane missle fires forth from the glowing runes of his tome slamming the remaining Foulspawn in the chest!

This time ROOTER takes on a life of his own, curiously. Overcoming his protocol to ward Starn at all costs, the pig-shaped construct charges up the steep stairs and clashes with the Foulspawn, occupying it with his porcine aggression!

* Minor: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage Recharge. Effect: Starn uses Magic Missile (R20, Force) to auto-hit F3 for 10 force damage.

* Move: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq (DT) to F5.

* Standard: Charge to D8 and MBA Rootin Around (M1) vs F3's AC; r(19) +14 -5 (run) +1 (charge) = 29. Hit. r(4, 7) +8 = 19 damage. Effect: F3 is marked until the end of the rooter's next turn.

DAMAGE: 30 damage to F3.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: F3 is marked until the end of the rooter's next turn.
HP: 72/98
HS: 1
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage Recharge on recharge, Starn is ward

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS upstairs aberration blinks out of existence further up and then charges down the stairs into Rooter, the alien creature's repulsive "mouth" (for lack of a better term) sending our favorite pig robot careening down the steps just as the Haunted Tower is about to enact some poltergeist terrors!


* Start of turn: Maddening Burst recharge; (r3). Fails.

* Move: Teleport 1 sq to E12

* Standard: Charge to E9 and MBA Replusive Maw (M1, force) vs R's Fort; r(9) +12 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 24. Hit. r(2, 4) +6 = 12 force damage and N is pushed 2 sq to B6.

LOCATION: F3 in E9, R in B6.
DAMAGE: 12 force damage to R.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: Pushed R 2 sq downstairs into proximity of Haunted Tower hazard.
CURRENT HP: F3 @ 56/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: F2 Maddening Burst on recharge, marked by R UEoRNT.


The walls of the FAR REALM HAUNTED TOWER glow with indecipherable runes which then spill alien horror from an inscrutable dimension upon Lief and Rooter!

* Standard: Far Realm Haunted Terror Attack (Enemies within 3 squares of all walls, psychic) vs L's and R's Reflex: r(3, 15) +12 +2 vs R (CA) = 15, 29. Miss L, Hit R. r(3, 4) +5 = 12 psychic damage to R and R is dazed until the end of their next turn. L takes 6 psychic damage and is slowed until the end of their next turn.

DAMAGE: 12 psychic damage to R. 6 psychic damage to L.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: R is dazed until the end of their next turn. L is slowed until the end of their next turn.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: FRHT Attack on recharge.

STARN advances as quickly as possible, flipping a quick Magic Missile off in response to a mental impulse from his master, and then launches an orb of colored force at the foulspawn ahead.

* Move Action: 3 sq to J5.

* Standard Action: Color Orb (R10, radiant) at F3. Int vs Will, roll 12 + 13 = 25 vs 20, hit for 15 radiant damage (BLOODIED) and dazed UeoSNT.

DAMAGE: 15 radiant to F3 (BLOODIED)
Conditions to Enemies: F3 dazed UeoSNT
Current HP: 40/58
HS: 9/9
AP: 1

LIEF rolls his shoulders, letting the alien force wash over his stone skin. He steps toward the foulspawn into a jump kick, propelling its flailing mass into the open shaft.

* No action: Save to end slowed. r(18). Success.

* Move: 1 sq to D9.

* Standard: Crane's Wing kick on F3. r(8)+12 = 20 vs. Fort 19. Hit. r(5)+7 = 12 damage, pushing F3 into the shaft at F9. F3 saves to go prone instead, r(6). Fail. F9 falls to F3 and goes prone, takes 3d10 damage, r(14) = 14 damage.

DAMAGE: 26 to F3
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has a +2 power bonus to all defenses, saves against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1


<Four writhing Tower Tentacles emerge from the walls at the top of the spiraling stair!>



VORN sees the tentacles sprouting from the walls near the top of this flight of stairs. He fires twice, rapidly and almost without aiming, killing two of them, and then dashes along the edge of the staircase. *

He sees that Lief is breathing a bit heavy from all the exertion, and shows some minor wounds from his battles with the formless beasts. "Keep it up, Lief!" he cries. "We'll make it to the top!" He hopes his encouraging words help the monk.

* Standard: Twin Strike Vs. Tentcles in A-12 and A-13, AC 23
r(19) + 14 = 33. HIT M in A-12, SLAIN.
r(10) + 14 = 24. HIT M in A-13, SLAIN.

* Move: Run, 4 Squares to E6

* Minor: Inspiring Word on Lief, gains HP equal to Healing Surge value + 8 (rolled 5 + 3)

Damage: Killed Tentacles in A-12 and A-13
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: ongoing +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry; Run: grants Combat Advantage UBoNT
AP: 1

ROOTER & NIMOZARAN are still a bit dazed, they move forward, following Lief and regathering their wits.

* Starts Turn: Dazed, Recharge Arcane Tutelage; r(2), fails.

* Move Action: Move to D8.

* Ends Turn: Dazed Conditions ends.

DAMAGE: none
HS: 1/1
CURRENT CONDITIONS: Starn is ward, Arcane Tutelage is not recharged.

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS at the bottom of the shift lies writhing impossibly. In its throes, it injects the world near Starn with a final bout of madness, but the wizard, now more master than protege, trivially imposes a shield of knowledge to unravel the quandary; "your formulation simply cannot be, foul creature!"


* Start of turn: Dazed, Maddening Burst recharge; (r5). Succeeds.

* Standard: Maddening Burst (ABu w/in 10 centered 6 sq up on J6, psychic) vs S's Will: r(4) +13 -2 (prone) = 15. Miss.

CURRENT HP: F3 @ 15/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: F3 Maddening Burst on recharge, prone, dazed UEoSNT.

The writhing, gray TOWER TENTACLEs blink out of existence and reform on the wall nearer the heroes. The pair work in perfect concert to ensnare Rooter and Nimozaran, the latter uttering a simple "oh dear", and yank them toward the wall!

M (A15)

* Move Action: Teleport 4 sq to A11.

* Standard Action: Slam (M4) vs R's Ref: r(12) +12 = 24. Hit. R takes 8 damage (BLOODIED), and the tentacle grabs R (escape DC 17).

M (A14)

* Move Action: Teleport 4 sq to A10.

* Standard Action: Squeeze and Slide (M4) vs R. R is grabbed by the tentacle in A14, takes 5 damage, the escape DC increases by 2 (to 19), and R is pulled 2 sq to B7 (still in M4 range of first tentacle).

Squeeze and Slide (Melee 4) ✦ At-Will
Requirement: The tentacle or another tentacle in melee range must have a creature grabbed.
Effect: If the same tentacle, it deals 5 damage to the grabbed creature and can pull the grabbed creature 2 squares. If a second tentacle, then the tentacle grabs the creature, increasing the escape DC by +2, deals 5 damage to the grabbed creature, and can pull the grabbed creature 2 squares.
Special: If the second tentacle pulls the grabbed creature out of melee range of the first tentacle, the +2 bonus to escape DC is lost.

LOCATION: A11, A10. R in B7.
DAMAGE: 13 damage to R (BLOODIED)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: R is grabbed (escape DC 19) and pulled 2 sq to B7.

The walls of the FAR REALM HAUNTED TOWER glow with indecipherable runes which then spill alien horror from an inscrutable dimension upon Rooter and Nimozaran!

* Begins Turn: Recharge FRHTA; r(5). Succeeds.

* Standard: Far Realm Haunted Terror Attack (Enemies within 3 squares of all walls, psychic) vs R's Reflex: r(7) +12 = 19. Miss. r(5, 3) +5 = 13/2 = 6 psychic damage to R and R is slowed until the end of their next turn.

DAMAGE: 6 psychic damage to R.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: R is slowed until the end of their next turn.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: FRHT Attack on recharge.

STARN is not in range to effectively support his master and construct. He keeps moving up the stairs and engages the foulspawn, which seems to simply ignore his attack.

* Move Action: Move to G5

* Standard Action: Beguiling Strands aimed down and northward to cover F3's position. INT vs WILL, roll 4 +13 +2 (dazed) =19 vs 20, miss.

DAMAGE: none
HS: 9/9
AP: 1

LIEF sees Rooter wrapped in the tentacles, and acts quickly, forgetting that the construct is just a thing, parts that can be scooped up and reassembled. He certainly isn't worried about Nimozoran, haunted freak that he is.

Lief flies into both tentacles, tearing them to shreds in a blur of claws, then scoops up the construct and mad wizard and drags them upstairs.

* Standard: Wind Through the Willows (Encounter) attack, CB3 with lower right corner at C9, hitting both Ms.
r(12)+12 = 24 vs. Ref 23. Hit. M slain.
r(11)+12 = 23 vs. Ref 23. Hit. M slain.
Shift to C8 (adjacent to blast).

* Move: Stunt: Drag Ally
Move Action
Requirement: You must be adjacent to the ally.
Check: Athletics check vs ally's Fortitude.
Success: You can move up to half your speed and pull your ally with you.

Athletics r(7)+12 = 19 vs. Fort 22. Fail. Using Lucky Charm Item Power (Daily) to add d6. r(3) = 22. Success. Move 3 sq. to D11, dragging R behind at D10

LOCATION: L in D11, R in D10.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has a +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex defense UtEoLNT (because he shifted) and a +2 power bonus to all defenses, saves against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1




VORN sees Lief kill the remaining tentacles and carry Nimo and the construct off up the stairs. Without any enemies left in sight, he quickly turns back to Starn and yells "Run to the top, Starn! They'll keep coming!'

He bounds up the steep stairs as quickly as he can and nearly reaches the top!

* Standard: Run (-5 atk and grants CA UBoNT), 4 squares to E10

* Move: Run (-5 atk and grants CA UBoNT), 4 squares to E14

Damage: None
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: ongoing +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry; Run: (-5 atk and grants CA UBoNT)
AP: 1

After Lief's helpful assist, NIMOZARAN shouts "thank you my boy! Follow me, I know the way!"

The plucky ROOTER shakes himself of the last vestiges of disorientation and bounds up the stairs as best his robotic, cloven hooves can muster.

* Starts Turn: Recharge Arcane Tutelage; r(5), fails.

* Standard Action: Second Wind; +2 defenses UBoNT, +24 HP and HS spent.

* Move Action: Run (-5 atk and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to D14.

DAMAGE: none
HS: 0/1
CURRENT CONDITIONS: Starn is ward, Arcane Tutelage is not recharged, +2 defenses UBoNT, -5 atk and grants CA UBoNT

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS at the bottom of the shaft steadies its strange form succumbs to the freezing artillery blast, while the upstairs aberration calls for a psychic enchantment that waylays Starn's mind as he works his way up the tower's spiraling stair!


Begins Turn: Maddening Burst on recharge r(3); fails.

* Move: Stand up from prone

* Standard Action: Mind Harrier (R5, psychic) vs S's Will: r(8) +13 (-2 Cover due to angle and verticality) = 19. Miss

CURRENT HP: F3 @ 15/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: F2 Maddening Burst on recharge.



STARN also hurls himself up the stairs, full tilt!

* Standard Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) to E7

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) to E11

DAMAGE: none
HS: 9/9
AP: 1

LIEF grips Starn by the arm, using the wizard's momentum to drag both of them up the stairs. He shoots Vorn a look as they run past.

* Move: Stunt: Drag Ally
Athletics r(20)+12 = 32 vs. Starn's Fort 21. Success. Move 3 sq. to B14, dragging Starn to C14.

* Move: Sustain Drag Ally, dragging Starn, 2 sq to get Lief and Starn off the Stair 1 map.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has a +2 power bonus to all defenses, saves against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1

<A new Foulspawn Formless emerges at the top of the spiraling stair!>




Both VORN and ROOTER disengage from the aberrant creature in a fighting withdraw, carefully backing lower onto the stairs and then making a mad dash around it!


* Move Action: Shift 1 sq to C13 and D13.

* Move Action: Both V & R Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 3 square off map 1.


The HEROES run higher and higher around the spiral stair, nearing the top and the lair of the dread Lord Mage and Acamar's bridge spanning the Far Realm to the material world!

Four writhing TOWER TENTACLES grope for them from the walls as they near the top!


EAST: 80
WEST: 100


* Place characters in squares E10 - E13 and proceed with initative as above:



VORN sees the writhing tentacles at the corner of the staircase. He knows that speed is what he and his companions need here, and those tentacles will only slow them down. He focuses all his attention on trying to take them out. He draws and shoots at the two closest tentacles, killing each. They wither and slough away from the tower wall to rot on the floor. He dashes forward and fires at the two remaining. He curses as his final shot goes wide, shattering against the stone of the tower wall.

* Standard: Twin Strike Vs. Tentcles in H-13 and J-13, AC 23
r(14) + 14 = 28. HIT M in H-13, SLAIN.
r(17) + 14 = 31. HIT M in J-13, SLAIN.

* Action Point for Standard: Twin Strike Vs. Tentcles in L-13 and N-11, AC 23
r(16) + 14 = 30. HIT M in L-13, SLAIN.
r(2) + 14 = 16. MISS M in N-11.

* Move: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 squares to I10

Damage: Ms in H-13, J-13, and L-13 SLAIN.
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 8/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: ongoing +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry; Run: -5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT.
AP: 0

ROOTER races forward at top speed, with NIMOZARAN hanging on for dear life! One might almost swear his mechanical face is locked in a wild grin, but of course that cannot be...

* Start of Turn: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage recharge; r(5). Fails to recharge.

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to I10.

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to K8.

DAMAGE: none
HS: 0/1
CURRENT CONDITIONS: Starn is ward, Arcane Tutelage is not recharged, +2 defenses UBoNT, -5 atk and grants CA UBoNT

The writhing, gray TOWER TENTACLE blinks out of existence and reform on the wall nearer the heroes. It coils and retracts, snapping around Vorn the Redfletch like a constrictor snake!

M (N11)

* Move Action: Teleport 2 sq to L13.

* Standard Action: Slam (M4) vs V's Ref: r(11) +12 = 23. Hit. V takes 8 damage, and the tentacle grabs V (escape DC 17). TRIGGERS VORN VENGEANCE IS MINE (IMMEDIATE REACTION; YOU ARE HIT BY AN ATTACK); Ranged Basic Attack against Tentacle, AC 23R(3) + 14 - 5 (run) = 12, MISS. Grants Lief a free action to move at his full speed and make a MBA against the tentacle; Lief move his speed (6 sq) to K12 and MBA the Minion. r(10)+10 = 20 vs. AC 23. Miss.

Vorn is caught by the one tentacle that avoided his shots. He’s off balance and the tentacle is winding about his body, squeezing him, making any retaliation difficult.

“Lief, get this thing off me!” he calls to the shifter.He draws an arrow and shoots at the tentacle, farther off where it sprouts from the wall. Unfortunately, this shot also goes wide.

LIEF bursts up the stairs toward the tentacle, slashing at where Vorn is pointing. It undulates out of the way.

LOCATION: V (L13), L (K12)
DAMAGE: 8 damage to V
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: V is grabbed (escape DC 17).

The walls of the FAR REALM HAUNTED TOWER glow with indecipherable runes which then spill alien horror from an inscrutable dimension upon Lief!

* Begins Turn: Recharge FRHTA; r(4). Succeeds.

* Standard: Far Realm Haunted Terror Attack (Enemies within 3 squares of all walls, psychic) vs L's Reflex: r(2) +12 = 14. Miss. r(6, 2) +5 = 13/2 = 6 psychic damage to L and L is slowed until the end of their next turn.

DAMAGE: 6 psychic damage to L.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L is slowed until the end of their next turn.
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: FRHT Attack on recharge.

STARN also hurls himself up the stairs, full tilt!

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) to I11

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) to K7

DAMAGE: none
HS: 9/9
AP: 1

LIEF shakes his head, letting the tower's psychic attack wash over his stone-wrapped skull, and attacks the tentacle again. His flying kick tears it from the wall, and he continues on, stomping up the staircase.

* No action: Save to end slowed. r(16). Success.

* Standard: Crane's Wing kick on M. r(9)+12 = 21 vs. Fort 21 Hit. M Slain.

* Move: 6 sq to K6.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has a +2 power bonus to all defenses, saves against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 1

<A new Foulspawn Formless emerges at the top of the spiraling stair!>

F5 96/96



VORN thanks Lief for the assist, and then sprints up the stairs as fast as he can, leaping over the open air at the corners.

He notices another formless beast near the top of the stairs, and pulls a healing potion from his belt and swigs it down. He feels its restorative magic moving through his body, easing his pain and removing exhaustion.

* Move: Run (-5 ATK and grants Combat Advantage UBoNT) 4 spaces to L-7

* Standard: Run (-5 ATK and grants Combat Advantage UBoNT) 4 spaces to I-4

* Minor: Drink Healing Potion for 10 HP at the cost of 1 Healing Surge

Damage: None
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 48/66
Healing Surges: 7/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: ongoing +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry; Run: -5 ATK and grants Combat Advantage UBoNT
AP: 0

NIMOZARAN aims ROOTER's ice launcher at the Formless creature across the way and above and lets fly, striking true, as the quadrupedal construct scampers up the stair toward the aberration with haste!

* Start Turn: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage Recharge; r(1). Fails.

* Standard: Alchemical Ice Launcher (R10, cold) vs F5 Reflex: r(14) +14 -2 (Cover due to angle) = 26. Hit: r(4) + 7 = 11 cold damage, and F5 is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both).

* Move: Run (-5 ATK and grants Combat Advantage UBoNT) 4 sq to J4.

DAMAGE: 11 cold damage to F5.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: F5 is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage (save ends both).
HP: 72/98
HS: 1
CURRENT BUFFS/DEBUFFS: Starn is ward, -5 ATK and grants Combat Advantage UBoNT, Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage on Recharge.

The FOULSPAWN FORMLESS covered in the frozen payload of the artillery blast struggles down the stairs as it calls for a psychic enchantment to infiltrate the corridors of Lief''s mind as the stone-skinned shifter rushes up the tower's spiraling stair!


* Starts Turn: OG 5 cold and slowed.

* Move: Teleport 2 sq to B8.

* Standard: Maddening Burst (ABu1 w/in 10, psychic) centered on K5 vs L and R Will: r(15, 2) +13 (+2 CA vs R) = 28, 17. Hit L, miss R. r(2, 5) +6 = 13 psychic damage to L, and L is dazed (save ends). TRIGGERS LIEF'S COIF OF MINDIRON IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT (Encounter): When u would be dazed by an attack that targets your Will defense. You are not dazed.

coif clamps onto his scalp, studs pressing like teeth. The pain drives the psychic fog away.

* Ends Turn: save vs OG cold and slowed; r(4). Fails

DAMAGE: 5 incoming OG cold damage to F5. 13 psychic damage to L.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L is dazed (save ends).
CURRENT HP: F3 @ 80/96
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: OG cold and slowed (SE), Maddening Burst on recharge.



* Starts Turn: Attack recharge; r(3). Fails to recharge.

STARN moves forward, allowing Rooter's body to come between him and the enemy. As soon as Nimozaran lobs an ice bomb at the new threat, Starn follows it up with Shock Beetles. The weird electric discharges begin to envelope the half-frozen aberration, but the beast is tough, and the crackling electric discharges have little effect._

* Move Action: move to square K4.

* Standard Action: Shock Beetle Swarm. Roll(7)+13=20 vs FORT(21) missed. No effect on a miss.

DAMAGE: none
HS: 9/9
CURRENT BUFFS: Ward is in effect.
AP: 1

LIEF's coif clamps onto his scalp, studs pressing like teeth. The pain drives the psychic fog away, and the shifter bounds fast into the foulspawn. There, he slides under the horror and drives both feed under it, launching it towards the open shaft. The thing slaps and deforms to hang onto the masonry, before tipping over the edge.

* Move: Blending Armor Encounter power. Lief gains a +2 power bonus to all defenses until the end of this turn, and he shifts 3 sq to I3.

* Move: Strike the Avalanche movement technique, move Speed + 2. Move 7 sq to C7.

* 1 AP for Standard: Strike the Avalanche attack on F5. r(20)+12 = 32 vs. Reflex 22. Critical Hit. Max damage (27) + (3) for ki focus =30. Slide F5 (up to Lief's Wisdom modifier) to E8, into the shaft. TRIGGERS F5 saves to go prone instead of moving into hindering terrain. r(5), Fail. F5 falls at E8 and goes prone, takes 10d10 from the fall. r(44) = 44 damage. F5 IS BARELY ALIVE, BUT OUT OF THE SCENE.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Lief has a +2 power bonus to all defenses UEoE, in addition to a +1 to AC and Reflex (from Boots of the Fencing Master, because he shifted) UtEoLNT. Lief saves against slowing, immobilizing, or restraining effects at the start and end of his turn, and ignores difficult terrain.
AP: 0




VORN watches the foulspawn fall into the open air, shrieking as it falls. Its cries come to an abrupt end when it hits the floor below. Vorn continues running up the stairs as fast as he can.

* Move: Run 4 spaces to E-4

* Standard: Run 4 spaces to D-8

Damage: None
Conditions to Enemies: None
Current HP: 48/66
Healing Surges: 7/8
Current De/Buffs: Hunter’s Privilege: ongoing +3 to damage dealt by Hunter’s Quarry; Run: -5 ATK and grants Combat Advantage UBoNT
AP: 0

ROOTER races forward at top speed, with NIMOZARAN hanging on for dear life, the top of the tower stair in sight!

* Start of Turn: Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage recharge; r(1). Fails to recharge.

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to F4.

* Move Action: Run (-5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT) 4 sq to D7.

DAMAGE: none
HS: 0/1
CURRENT CONDITIONS: Starn is ward, Arcane Tutelage is not recharged, -5 atk and grants CA UBoNT



Perhaps the threat to Acamar's machinations at the top of the tower have forced the FAR REALM HAUNTED TOWER into retreat?

* Begins Turn: Recharge FRHTA; r(3). Fails.

CURRENT DE/BUFFS: FRHT Attack on recharge.


* Starn's player has elected to use Dimension Door (Daily, Move Action, Teleport 10) on their next turn. This will get them out of the scene.

* All other characters will be able to use Run Actions to be able to get out of the scene at the top of the following turn before new Wave monsters activate.

* Conflict over w/ Starn exhausting Dimension Door. The heroes evade their endless pursuit to the top of the spiral stair and cross the threshold into The Vault of the Lord Mage and the Far Realm Bridge.
* PCs earn a Short Rest. No Milestone earned yet so no Action Points. Defeating Skill Challenge intracombat will trigger a mid-combat Milestone and AP gain.


* Not counting xp. After this coming conflict (if it doesn't end in defeat!), the PCs will level to 10 for the final conflicts of Heroic Tier involving Lief's former clan.

* VORN: During the rush up the spiral stairs, finds that the Far Realm teleporting creatures left behind translocation magic infused fletchings. Gains 5 x Translocation Arrows for his quiver:

Translocation Arrows
Ammunition: Arrow
When you hit or miss a creature using this ammunition, teleport them 3 squares.

This would let Vorn to both (a) use it to Force Move an enemy or (b) shoot it at an ally's feet and teleport them 3 squares. 5 of them.

* LEIF: Before entering the lair of the Lord Mage and the Far Realm one-way gate, The Watcher (the totemic ally who is a primal elder spirit of watching and portents) joins with Lief to rid the terrestrial world of this celestial menace. Until the end of the encounter, gain the following:

+1 to Will defense.
Otherworldly Sight
Your view of the natural world and its future is imbued by the powerful primal elder.
Encounter ✦ Primal
Free Action Personal
Trigger: You spend a standard action to make an Arcana, Dungeoneering, or Religion check
Effect: You spend a move action instead of a standard action and can roll a Perception check instead of Arcana, Dungeoneering, or Religion.

* STARN: The apprentice has become the master. Until the End of the Encounter, lose Nimozaran's Arcane Tutelage, but Starn gains:

Last edited:

The radiance at the top of the stairs is nearly blinding. Acamar's bridge, deep within the Fastormel Lord Mage's sanctum shines with perverse luminosity. The silhouettes of foul creatures set on flooding into the material world can be vaguely seen within...or beyond...or both?

The Lord Mage turns from his doings at the alien engine, sparks flying everywhere behind him. His body is distorted, elongated, impossible. The cowl that covers his horrible face sloughs to his shoulders revealing a twisted dark nothingness set within a misshapen human head.

An alien utterance emits from somewhere within that shell of a former member of the material world; "...you will see...you will consume...be consumed..."

A massive, mercurial guardian rises from a pool of shimmering silver at the feet of the Lord Mage as creatures no more than floating globs of spatial distortion fire space-disrupting beams at the heroes!

* ILLUMINATION: The Lord Mage's Alien Engine and the radiance of Acamar's bridge provide full illumination to the chamber.

* CLOSE ACAMAR'S ALIEN BRIDGE TO THE MATERIAL WORLD LVL 9 (DCs 12/17/25)/COMPLEXITY 2 (6 Successes/3 Failure/1 Hard DC/2 Secondary Skill as Minor Action DC 12)

1) Suppress the Alien Engine (DC 17): Dungeoneer, Arcana (standard action, adjacent).

2) Disrupt the Arcane Circuit and Reverse the Flow (DC 17): Endurance, Thievery (move action, adjacent, take 5 psychic damage).

3) Cross the Threshold of Acamar's Bridge and Enter the Far Realm (DC 17): Acrobatics, Athletics, Nature, Religion (standard action, adjacent, take 10 radiant damage).

4 thru 6) GM will frame a situation for the PC in the Far Realm on that player's turn, one of which will be vs Hard DC 25. Once three situations are successfully resolved, the alien bridge will be temporarily closed, and the PC will be shunted back into the material world. * Player can spend an Action Point while in the Far Realm to engage a second situation on their turn.

Until the SC is resolved, at the top of every round, Acamar's Bridge activates, releasing a Temporal-Spatial Vortex into one unoccupied square not adjacent to a hero. The vortex then spawns 2 x Langolier Minions (yellow M) adjacent.

* TEMPORAL-SPATIAL VORTEX (light grey squares; hindering terrain): Squares adjacent to a vortex cost 3 squares to move out of. Any creature that starts its turn in a vortex is dazed until the end of its turn and has Total Concealment (-5 penalty to attack) vs any creatures outside of the vortex. While a creature is within the vortex, all other creatures have Total Concealment (-5 penalty to attack) due to the time and space bending effect. Special: Langoliers are immune to vortices.

* PILLARS (black squares; blocking terrain): 4 x black squares (2 x 2) are pillars and blocking terrain.

* STEEP STAIRS AND UPPER LEVEL: The steep stairs are 3 squares to traverse. The squares of stair are challenging terrain. Medium creature Move Actions require Athletics DC 17. Fail by 4 or less and squares are difficult terrain. Failure by 5 or more and move action ends in initiating sq. The upper level is 15 feet above the lower level. Climbing an adjacent wall from the lower level to the upper level is DC 15.

* ARCANE ENGINE (hindering terrain): All squares of the five foot high arcane engine provide cover and are challenging terrain to traverse. Medium creature Move Actions require Athletics DC 15. Fail by 4 or less and squares are difficult terrain. Failure by 5 or more and move action ends in initiating sq. Any creature ending their turn within a square of arcane engine, takes 7 force damage.

* ARCANE ENGINE STUNT: A creature at the console (orange sq G19) can spend a standard action to program and activate an engine pulse:

ᗕ Arcane EngineEncounter
Requirement: You must be in sq G19 and make a DC 15 Dungeoneering or History check. Failure and the engine activates, but your brains are scrambled by the process; you grant combat advantage until the end of the encounter.
Attack: One creature within 20; +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d8 + 5 force damage, and the target is stunned (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and the target is dazed until the end of their next turn.

* VOLATILE FAR REALM MATERIAL (green glowing squares; hindering & fantastic terrain): Any creature that starts its turn in a square of the material takes 7 acid damage. Effect: A creature adjacent to a square of material can spend a minor action (Dungeoneering or Thievery DC 17) to coat their ammunition, weapon, or implement with the material. On success, attacks gain +2 power bonus to hit, deal +2 power bonus to damage and deal acid damage until the end of your next turn. On a failure, the coating fails and you take 5 acid damage.

* Fastormel Lord Mage (large, aberrant, humanoid, Controller, Elite) = HP 130, AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 23, Fly 5 (clumsy).

* Far Realm Warden (large, immortal, animate, construct, Soldier, Elite) = HP 130, AC 25, Fortitude 24, Reflex 19, Will 19, Melee Reach 2.

* Acamarspawn (medium, aberrant, magical beast, Artillery, Orange Minion) = HP 1, AC 21, Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 20, Fly 6 (hover).

* Langolier (medium, aberrant, magical beast, Brute, Yellow Minion) = HP 1, AC 21, Fortitude 22, Reflex 22, Will 19, Fly 3 (clumsy)

* Place Characters in Row 1, Columns J through Q, roll Dungeoneering Monster Knowledge x 3, Religion x 1, and Initiative.

* Initiative:

Starn (S) 30
Vorn (V) 28
Rooter & Nimo (R) 23
(starting rd 2) Langolier (Yellow M) 22
Lief (L) 20
Fastormel Lord Mage (LM) 20
Far Realm Warden (W) 17
Acamarspawn (Orange M) 10



* (No Action) Starn Monster Knowledge (Dungeoneering) vs Fastormel Lord Mage: r(3)+9=12. Fails vs Medium DC. No new statblock information.

Fastormel Lord Mage
Large aberrant, humanoid
Level 9 Elite Controller XP 800
HP 130; Bloodied 65 Initiative +6
AC 23, Fortitude 19, Reflex 21, Will 23 Perception+9
Speed 5, fly 5 (clumsy) All-around vision, Blindsight 20
Immune charm, fear; Resist 5 force, psychic, radiant; Vuln 5 acid, lightning, thunder
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1

All-Around Vision
Enemies can't gain combat advantage by flanking the lord mage.

Impossible Mind
At the start of its turn, the lord mage makes saving throws to end any dazing effect on it.

Standard Actions
(⚔) Scepter (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the lord mage can slide the target 1 square.

Quantum Entanglement (force) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Close burst 10 (two creatures in the burst); +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 4 force damage, and the lord mage pulls the targets up to 2 squares toward each other.
Miss: half damage and the lord mage can slide the target 1 square.

See Beyond the Horizon (fear, psychic) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 8 psychic damage, and the target is restrained and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

Minor Actions
Consume and Be Consumed (psychic, zone) ✦ Encounter
Effect: Area burst 2 within 10. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the lord mage's next turn. Any enemy that starts its turn in the zone takes 7 psychic damage and gains +2 power bonus to damage until the end of its turn. When the zone ends, four langoliers appear in unoccupied squares in the zone.

Triggered Actions
Acamar's Orbit (necrotic, psychic) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The Fastormel Lord Mage is reduced to 0 hit points
Effect: The FML becomes hindering terrain until the end of the encounter. Any creature that starts its turn in Acamar's Orbit takes 7 necrotic and psychic damage and suffers a -1 to the skill check of the follow-on group move to Escape the Crumbling Tower.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 5 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is pulled 4 squares into Acamar's Orbit.


* (No Action) Starn Monster Knowledge (Religion) vs Far Realm Guardian: r(8)+15=23. Succeeds vs Medium DC. Fails vs Hard DC.

Far Realm Warden
Large immortal animate (construct)
Level 9 Elite Soldier XP 800
HP 130; Bloodied 65 Initiative +6
AC 25, Fortitude 24, Reflex 19, Will 19 Perception+4
Speed 5 Darkvision
Immune charm, fear, poison; Resist 5 all
Saving Throws +2; Action Points 1
Keywords: None

Inexorable Movement
The Far Realm Warden can enter the spaces of Medium or Small enemies.

The Far Realm Warden cannot shift.

Far Realm Detonation
When the Far Realm Warden is reduced to 0 hit points, all creatures in the Lord Mage's sanctum that it has line of effect to take damage equal to their bloodied value (minimum 1).

Standard Actions
(⚔) Mercurial Weapon (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 4 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the warden's next turn.

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: The warden uses mercurial weapon twice.

Rampage (weapon) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: The warden can move up to 5 squares. Whenever the warden enters an enemy's space during this movement, that enemy falls prone. At the end of the movement, the warden then makes the following attack.
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 9 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

Triggered Actions
Ward ✦ At-Will
Trigger: The lord mage is damaged by an attack and is within 2 squares of the warden.
Effect (Immediate Interrupt): The warden takes half of the triggering attack's damage, and the lord mage takes the other half.

Athletics +15


* (No Action) Starn Monster Knowledge (Dungeoneering) vs Acamarspawn: r(13)+9=22. Succeeds vs Medium DC. Fails vs Hard DC.

Medium aberrant magical beast
Level 9 Minion Artillery XP 100
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 21, Fortitude 21, Reflex 22, Will 20 Perception+9
Speed 0, fly 6 (hover) All-around vision, Blindsight 20
Keywords: Force

All-Around Vision
Enemies can't gain combat advantage by flanking the acamarspawn.

Standard Actions
(➶) Space-disrupting Beam (force) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Reflex
Hit: 8 force damage.


* (No Action) Starn Monster Knowledge (Dungeoneering) vs Langolier: r(9)+9=18. Succeeds vs Medium DC. Fails vs Hard DC.

Medium aberrant magical beast
Level 9 Minion Brute XP 100
HP 1; a missed attack never damages a minion. Initiative +7
AC 21, Fortitude 22, Reflex 22, Will 19 Perception+5
Speed 6, fly 3 (clumsy)
Keywords: Necrotic

Standard Actions
(⚔) Otherworldly Chomp (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 4 damage + 3 necrotic damage, and the target takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead of 3 (save ends).

STARN recalls his desperate fight against' Acamar's forces in Winterhaven not long ago and uses that knowledge to his advantage as the apprentice-wizard gives ROOTER the command to protect him throughout the battle.

NIMOZARAN nods atop the robot pig; "wise decision, my boy..."

* No Action: Strategist's Epiphany; substitute History for Initiative bonus.

* Free Action: Designate Rooter's Ward as Starn.

VORN unleashes a volley of covering fire as Lief works his way deeper into the chamber.

* No Action: Battlefront Shift (CBu3); Lief shifts 3 squares to G4. Boots of the Fencing Master effect triggered: Lief gains +1 item bonus to AC and Reflex defense until the end of his next turn.

LIEF's eyes dart around the chamber, tracking everyone's movements, instinctively plotting their trajectories. Adrenaline pours into him as he sprints forward, desperate to get ahead of his enemies.

* No Action: Cipher starting feature; When Lief's initiative result isn't highest he can move up to his speed before anyone else's turn in the encounter. Move 6 sqs from G4 to E10.

STARN looks around, notes the stair leading up to where the bridge is, and says "Rooter, watch my back!" and then approaches the nearest area of unstable far realm matter. Realizing its potential, he dips his tome into the weird green stuff. However the material behaves unpredictably, burning his hand! Giving up on that idea he snaps off a Magic Missile at a nearby Acamar Spawn, and it dissolves.

* Move Action: Move to U6

* Minor Action: Dip tome into far realm matter. DC17 Dungeoneering. Roll 3 + 9 = 12, fail, Starn takes 5 damage.

* Standard Action: Magic Missile attack at M in U12, auto hit, minion dies.

DAMAGE: 10 damage to M (U12); SLAIN.
Conditions to Enemies: None
HP: 53/58
AP: 1
Conditions: None

VORN is nearly overwhelmed by what he sees in this room. The machine, the corrupted mage, the guardian it has summoned. But he pushes that aside. He notes the silver, mercurial guardian, recalling the ways he's managed to kill such creatures in the past.

He draws an arrow and takes aim. Despite its shifting form, he's seen that other creatures have been harmed by some attacks more than others. He knows they have weak points. He sees a pulsing nodule... perhaps some organ or similar structure... and he fires.

The thing writhes as the arrow strikes, and lets out an ululating howl. It shifts adn flows, its silvery body forming multiple tendrils that shake threateningly at Vorn. He knows he's hurt it, and more, that it's angry at him.

He darts behind a nearby pillar, hoping to draw the thing away from the corrupted mage.

* Minor: Make W my quarry

* Standard: Marked for Death
r(14) + 14 = 28 vs. W's AC25, HIT.
Damage: r(10 + 10 + 3) + r(3 + 3 + 2) + 9 = 40 - 5 (Resist All) = 35 damage and W is marked UEoVNT

* Move: 6 spaces to F7

Damage: 35 to W
Conditions to Enemies: W is Marked UEoVNT and is my Quarry
Current HP: 66/66
Healing Surges: 5/8
Current De/Buffs: Marked for Death gives me +2d6 damage vs. W for rest of encounter
AP: 0

NIMOZARAN shouts "Away ROOTER" and the construct-pig scrambles forward. Nothing that the Guardian is the greatest threat, Rooter moves to block any attack on Starn from that direction and Nimozaran fires an ice bomb at it, getting a solid hit.

* Standard Action: fire Alchemical launcher at G in M8, roll 6 +14 =20 vs REF 19, hits. D10+7 4+7=11 -5 (Resist All) = 6 damage and target is slowed and takes ongoing 5 cold damage, save ends.

* Move Action: move to square T5

DAMAGE: 6 to W
Conditions to Enemies: W slowed and ongoing 5 (-5 Resist All) cold damage (SE)
Current HP:
Current Buffs: Starn is marked as my Ward, and is within 2 squares.

LIEF keeps his eyes on his target—the conduit ahead. First this, then he can start tearing into these abominations. He barrels through a narrow, tunnel-like section of the machinery and then takes off, leaping and muscling onto the upper level in one smooth motion.

* Move: 6 sq to F16.

* Move Action: 3 squares to E19, and Athletics (with Crane's Wing movement technique, +5 power bonus) to jump up 2 squares to grab hold at the 10 foot point and pull himself up to the second level at D20. Its DC 20 base required for the jump and an extra +2 for DC 22.
r(13)+12+5 = 30. Success.

Conditions to Enemies: na
HP: 66/66
Healing Surges: 7/9
Current De/Buffs: na
AP: 0

* FASTORMEL LORD MAGE delays until after FAR REALM GUARDIAN's turn

The FAR REALM WARDEN moves oddly with its ever-changing mass, staggering, undulating, schlooping around one of the great pillars of the sanctum. It casts off the layer of rime covering it as it engages Rooter in a melee clash. Though the behemoth's aggression preoccupies the heroic construct, Vorn unleashes a barrage of covering fire to deflect and distract the blows meant for his robotic, porcine, pal!

* Starts Turn: Slowed and OG 5 cold - 5 Resist All = 0 cold damage.

* Move Action: 2 sq to P6

* Standard Action: Charge to R5 and MBA Mercurial Weapon (M2, weapon) vs R's AC: r(10) + 14 +1 (charge) -2 (marked by V) = 23. Miss. Effect: R is marked by W UtEoWNT.

(⚔) Mercurial Weapon (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d12 + 4 damage.
Effect: The target is marked until the end of the warden's next turn.

* Ends Turn: Saving throw vs slowed and OG 5 cold; r(20) +2 = Success.

CURRENT HP: 89/130

The aberrant, distended former human, FASTORMEL's LORD MAGE, calls upon the reality distorting arcana of the Far Realm to infuse the area around Lief with madness and hunger. From that misty psychic nexus, a quad of odd creatures that look to be no more than spherical maws, begin to emerge.

The mad mage of Fastormel then lopes its awkward form toward the great pillar obstructing the sight of Starn and Nimozaran. Once the mage is within the protective ward of its guardian from the Far Realm, it exhales a "...there is no escape" to its former thrall of Nimozaran as it unleashes a barrage of restraining mind-magic upon Rooter, Nimozaran, and Starn.

* Minor Action: ABu2 w/in 10 Consume and Be Consumed (psychic, zone) centered on E20 (pink square). Effect: Area burst 2 within 10. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the lord mage's next turn. Any enemy that starts its turn in the zone takes 7 psychic damage and gains +2 power bonus to damage until the end of its turn. When the zone ends, four langoliers appear in unoccupied squares in the zone.

Consume and Be Consumed (psychic, zone) ✦ Encounter
Effect: Area burst 2 within 10. The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of the lord mage's next turn. Any enemy that starts its turn in the zone takes 7 psychic damage and gains +2 power bonus to damage until the end of its turn. When the zone ends, four langoliers appear in unoccupied squares in the zone.

* Move Action: 5 sq to P5

* Standard Action: See Beyond the Horizon (ABu1 w/in 5, fear, psychic) centered on U5 vs R's and S's Will: r(20, 2) + 12 = CRIT, 14. CRIT R and miss S. 24 psychic damage to R and R is restrained and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends both). r(5,3) +8 = 16/2 = 8 psychic damage to S, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends)

See Beyond the Horizon (fear, psychic) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Attack: Area burst 1 within 5 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Will
Hit: 2d8 + 8 psychic damage, and the target is restrained and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends both).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).

DAMAGE: 24 psychic damage to R and 8 psychic damage to S.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: L is in Consume and Be Consumed zone centered on E20 (pink square), R is restrained and takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends both). S takes ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends)
CURRENT HP: 130/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Within G's Ward radius of 2 sq, 1/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon (fear, psychic) exhausted until Bloodied.

The floating globs of spatial distortion that are the ACAMARSPAWN fire space-disrupting beams at the heroes! Rooter defends Starn from one as Vorn deflects another with his magical bow. However, the last erupts near our shapeshifter hero, causing Lief to reel momentarily from the spatial distortions!

M (!14)

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs R's Ref: r(10) + 14 = 24. Miss (due to +1 defenses from SWD).

(➶) Space-disrupting Beam (force) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Ranged 10 (one creature); +14 vs. Reflex
Hit: 8 force damage.

* Move Action: Fly (hover) 6 sq to !20 (altitude 1).

M (L17)

* Move Action: Fly (hover) 5 sq to J22 (altitude 1).

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs L's Ref: r(9) + 14 = 23. Hit. L takes 8 force damage.

M (B12)

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs V's Ref: r(3) + 14 = 17. Miss.

LOCATION: !20, J22, B12
DAMAGE: L takes 8 force damage.

<The Far Realm erupts, spewing a Temporal Spatial-Vortex (F9) into the material world and a pair of floating, spherical maws, emerge from the vortex!>

LM 130/130
W 89/130 Marked by V UEoVNT, V's Quarry



STARN gives up his attempt to acquire the weird far realm matter and instead heads up the stairs so he can move towards the bridge. As he does so he hits the Guardian with a charm, causing it to lash out at the Lord Mage, sowing confusion in the enemy. He also fills his mind with arcane power, bolts of magic energy begin to dance at his fingertips.

* Begins Turn: 5 ongoing psychic damage.

* Move Action: Move to Y3

* Minor Action: Activate Wizards Fury

* Standard Action: target Guardian at R5 with Charm of the Defender. Roll 10 + 13 = 23 vs WILL (19) = Hit, W is slid 3 squares to O7, and makes an MBA on LW with a +2 bonus for Starn's implement. W rolls 17 + 2 + 14 = 33 vs AC, hits LW for 19 damage, and LW is marked by W until end of W's next turn.

* Ends Turn: Save vs Ongoing 5 psychic damage = 7, failure.

LOCATION: S in Y3, W in O7
DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: 19 damage to LW
Conditions to Enemies: LW is marked by W until EOWNT
Buffs/debuffs: Savage Fury UEoE, 5 OG psychic (SE)
HS: 7/9
AP: 1

"Avandra's fickle whims!" VORN mutters as he realizes the warden didn't take his bait. Two of the formless globs distort the air before him. He shifts his stance, ready to fire on the move, and knowing he's leaving himself open, quickly darts away from the mercurial foes.

Luckily, he manages to evade their otherworldly bites. The gnashing of their teeth sounds like the breaking of glass. Vorn spins around to the other side of the pillar, and takes aim at the warden.

The shot strikes another knot of flesh, and the beast writhes again. "Come on, you slippery $#!+!" he yells, trying to draw its attention away from Starn and Nimozaran. "Come and get me!"

* Minor: Skirmishing Stance

* Move: 6 squares to J6. TRIGGERS Opportunity attacks from two Langoliers x 2
1) r(3) + 14 vs. AC 24 = Miss
2) r(10) + 14 vs. AC 24 = Hit. Damage: 4 + 3 necrotic and V takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead of 3 (save ends).

(⚔) Otherworldly Chomp (necrotic) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 1 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 4 damage + 3 necrotic damage, and the target takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead of 3 (save ends).

* Standard: Archery Commander vs W.
r(16) + 14 = 30 vs. AC25, HIT.
Damage: r(10 + 6 + 3) + r(5 + 5 + 2) + r(6) + 9 - 5 (resist) = 41 damage to W (BLOODIED)

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs. Ongoing Necrotic: r (3), use Delver’s Armor to reroll with a +2 bonus, r (13) + 2 = 15. SUCCESS.

Damage: 41 to W, 7 incoming to V
Conditions to Enemies: W is my Quarry
Current HP: 59/66
Healing Surges: 7/8
Current De/Buffs: Marked for Death gives me +2d6 damage vs. W for rest of encounter; Skirmishing Stance: if I move 4 squares I get +2 to AC and REF and +1d8 damage on next attack roll; Archery Commander means I don't provoke for ranged attacks while adjacent.
AP: 0

ROOTER, enmeshed in some form of otherworldly silver tendrils wafted at the War Pigstruct stands perfectly still for a second while NIMOZARAN fires the Alchemical Launcher at the Guardian once more, attempting to keep it as frozen as possible. Unfortunately the ice bomb goes wide this time. Meanwhile Rooter's cybermagical brain is still suffering the lingering effects of the Lord Mage's last attack! Once Nimozaran has made his attempt, the Mecha Pig exerts all its might to escape the tendrils, barely managing to pull free.

* Starts Turn: takes 5 OG psychic damage and restrained.

* Standard Action: Nimozaran fires the Alchemical Launcher at W, roll is a 4 -2 (restrained) + 14 = 16 vs Reflex 19, miss.

* Ends Turn: Save vs Ongoing 5 psychic damage = 10, succeeds; ends restrained and OG psychic.

Conditions: None
HP: 67/98
HS: 1
AP: 0

Without legs to carry them, the awkward LANGOLIERS spin on a wobbly axis toward Lief's position on the other side of the pillar. Surrounded by the spherical maws, the Ranger-Folk Hero desperately fends off their oozing maws and sharp teeth with his bow!

M (G8)

* Move Action: 3 sq (immune to T-S V) to J9.

* Standard Action: Charge to J7 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs L's AC: r(2) +14 +1 (charge) = 17. Miss.

M (E8)

* Move Action: 6 sq (immune to T-S V) to J3.

* Standard Action: Charge to J5 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs L's AC: r(13) +14 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 30. Hit. 4 damage + 3 necrotic damage (V already takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage so NA).

DAMAGE: 7 damage to V.

LIEF fights through the pain closing in around him, and through bewilderment at the phosphorescent arcane machinery in front of him. Doesn't matter how it works—just make it go the other way! He twists and loosens the circuit's fasteners like he's picking a massive lock, gritting his teeth and working by instinct until something happens. It does—the flow of strange force reflects back, like light striking a mirror. He doesn't wait to see what that means, leaping off the platform and toward Vorn the things closing in on Vorn.

* Start of turn: Takes 7 damage from Consume or Be Consumed.

* Move: Disrupt the Arcane Circuit and Reverse the Flow (DC 17): Endurance, Thievery (move action, adjacent, take 5 psychic damage). Thievery r(17)+9 = 26. Success.

* Move: Crane's Wing movement technique, jump with +5 power bonus to Athletics. r(11)+12+5 = 25/5 for 5 sq of movement to F15. Taking 1d10 falling damage r(8).

* Free: Acrobatics to reduce falling damage. r(7)+18 = 25. Damage reduced to 0, lands standing.

DAMAGE: 5 incoming psychic damage to L
Conditions to Enemies: SC (CLOSE ACAMAR'S ALIEN BRIDGE TO THE MATERIAL WORLD) step 2 resolved
HP: 46/66
Healing Surges: 7/9
Current De/Buffs: na
AP: 0

The red runes that cover the FAR REALM WARDEN glow with increasing luminosity, signaling the creature's countdown for detonation!

It goes on a frenzy and rushes across the battlefield and over Rooter, Nimo, and Starn. When the rampage is over, Rooter and Starn alike are spilled onto the ground. The trusty robot pig has given back some of what he's endured in a fierce melee clash, but the "good boy" is reeling under the assault by the giant mercurial Far Realm construct!

* Move Action: 5 sq to T4. TRIGGERS OPPORTUNITY ATTACK FROM R. R's MBA ROOTIN AROUND (M1) vs W's AC: r(19) +14 = 33. Hit. r(5, 1) +8 -5 (Resist) = 9 damage to W. Effect: W is marked by R UtEoRNT.

* Standard Action: Rampage (M2, weapon). Move 5 sq into R and S spaces; U5 > V4 (R falls prone) > X4 > Y4 (S fallls prone) > X4. ClBu2 vs R's and S's AC: r(11, 2) +14 +2 (CA for prone) = 27, 18. Hit R, Miss S. r(8, 2, 3) +9 = 22 damage to R (BLOODIED) and OG 5 damage (SE).

Rampage (weapon) ✦ Recharge when first bloodied
Effect: The warden can move up to 5 squares. Whenever the warden enters an enemy's space during this movement, that enemy falls prone. At the end of the movement, the warden then makes the following attack.
Attack: Close burst 2 (enemies in the burst); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 3d8 + 9 damage, and ongoing 5 damage (save ends).

* Action Point for Standard: Mercurial Weapon (M2, weapon) vs R's AC: r(6) + 14 = 20. Miss. Effect: R is marked by W UtEoWNT.

DAMAGE: 9 incoming damage to W, 22 damage to R (BLOODIED)
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: R takes OG 5 damage (SE) and R is marked by W UtEoWNT, R and S are prone.
CURRENT HP: 39/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: W is marked UtEoRNT. 0/1 AP, Rampage exhausted, nearing Detonation.

The aberrant FASTORMEL's LORD MAGE summons forth the entangling power of his horrible celestial patron. Lief and Vorn find themselves being drawn toward each other at a subatomic level! Their feet plant in the ground, their hands grasp at pillars and arcane machinery to halt the strange power that causes them careening toward each other and the Temporal-spatial Vortex!

"...yes...become one...Acamar decrees" the mad mage whispers from the awful void that is its "face."

From the mad mage's zone of psychic emanations, the four LANGOLIERS pull themselves from the Far Realm into the material world!

* Standard Action: Quantum Entanglement (CBu10; 2 creatures, force) vs V's and L's Ref: r(13, 8) +12 (-2 L's cover from Arcane Engine) = 25, 18. Hit V, miss L. r(3, 3) +4 = 10 force damage and V is pulled 2 sq to J8. L takes 5 force damage and is pulled 1 sq to F14.

Quantum Entanglement (force) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Close burst 10 (two creatures in the burst); +12 vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + 4 force damage, and the lord mage pulls the targets up to 2 squares toward the other target.
Miss: half damage and the lord mage can pull the target 1 square toward the other target.

* Action Point for Standard: Quantum Entanglement (CBu10; 2 creatures, force) vs V's and L's Ref: r(8, 9) +12 (-2 L's cover from Arcane Engine) = 20, 19. Miss both. r(1, 6) +4 = 11/2 = 5 force damage and V is pulled 1 sq to I9 (see adjacent to T-S V). L takes 5 force damage and is pulled 1 sq to F13.

* Move Action: 4 sq to T3.

* Ends Turn: Consume and Be Consumed zone ends and 4 x Langoliers spawn in zone.

LOCATION: LM in T3, 4 x Langloliers C18 - F18, L in F14, V in J8.
DAMAGE: 15 force damage to V and 10 force damage to L.
CURRENT HP: 130/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Within G's Ward radius of 2 sq, 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon (fear, psychic) exhausted until Bloodied.

The floating globs of spatial distortion that are the ACAMARSPAWN fire space-disrupting beams at the heroes! Starn and Lief each reel momentarily from the assault's spatial distortions!

M (!20)

* Move Action: Fly (hover) 6 sq to !14 (altitude 1).

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs S's Ref: r(17) + 14 = 31. Hit. S takes 8 force damage.

M (J22)

* Move Action: Fly (hover) 5 sq to G17 (altitude 1).

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs L's Ref: r(5) + 14 = 19. Miss.

M (B12)

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs L's Ref: r(12) + 14 = 26. L takes 8 force damage.

LOCATION: !14, G17, B12
DAMAGE: S and L each take 8 force damage.

<The Far Realm erupts, spewing a Temporal Spatial-Vortex (K12) into the material world and a pair of floating, spherical maws, emerge from the vortex!>

SC step 2 resolved
LM 130
W 39/130 Marked by R UEoRNT, V's Quarry



STARN scrambles to his feet and instinctively lets loose a mental blast at his assailants. The Warden is driven back, but Starn's will cannot overcome the mental power the Mage itself. Once the Warden is thrown back, he leaps down the stairs and takes up a position behind the large pillar, urging Rooter and Nimozaran to join him. As he starts down the stairs he almost casually flips another bolt of force at the Warden, further destabilizing it.

* Starts Turn: Take 5 ongoing psychic damage, this triggers Starn's Tattoo of Arcane Blood, and the Warden takes 3 - 3 (Resist 5) damage = reduced to 0.

* Move Action: Stand up from prone.

* Standard Action: Beguiling Strands, both W and LM are in the close blast 5. 8+13=21 vs W will (19) hits, target takes 8-5=3 psychic damage and is pushed 3 squares to V2 (further movement is not possible). 9+13=22 vs LM Will(23), misses, no effect.

* Minor Action: Magic Missile at W, does 10-5=5 force damage.

* Free Action: use an AP: Move to S9

* Ends Turn: Save vs Ongoing damage = 5, failed

LOCATION: S in S9, W in V2
DAMAGE: 8 to W
Conditions to Enemies: none
HP: 27/58
Buffs/Debuffs: OG 5 damage (SE), Bloodied

VORN watches the otherworldly warden. It pulses with an unearthly glow, strange streams of energy flowing from its wounds. The pulsing is increasing at an alarming rate, and Vorn feels danger mounting. “Get away from the warden!” he cries.

He spins and sees a number of the smaller anomalies closing in on shifter. “Keep it together, Lief!” He fires at two of them, and they burst in little explosions as they die. Which only confirms his suspicion.

*More of the creatures gather about him and Lief. He hopes they can survive the next barrage. “Take cover from the mage’s warden! Behind the pillars!” He flings himself against the nearby column.

* Standard: Twin Strike against two Langoliers, E18 and F18
r(13) + 14 = 27 vs AC 21, HIT, M (E18) SLAIN.
r(19) + 14 = 33 vs AC 21, HIT M (F18) SLAIN.

* Minor: Inspiring word on @Lief, he spends 1 HS (16 HP) + 2d6 HP; 16 + r(5, 5) = 26 HP returned to Lief.

* Move: 1 square to H8 (costs 3 squares due to adjacent vortex)

DAMAGE: M in E18 and F18 SLAIN
Conditions to Enemies: None
HP: 59/66
HS: 7/8
Current De/Buffs: Marked for Death gives me +2d6 damage vs. W for rest of encounter; Skirmishing Stance: if I move 4 squares I get +2 to AC and REF and +1d8 damage on next attack roll; Archery Commander means I don't provoke for ranged attacks while adjacent
AP: 0

Strange magical currents circulate in what goes for a brain within the cyber-pig. As it picks itself up from the ground after the last attack by the Warden, ROOTER senses the thoughts of NIMOZARAN. They are in accord. Rooter reorients itself, aiming directly at the now pulsating mass of the Warden, and leaps forward to the attack, Nimozaran grimly hanging on as they bear down on their target with a giant snort!

Rooter impacts the creature with a mighty crash, dealing it a severe blow, and a pulse of orange light ripples across the strange being as its form visible approaches final disintegration!

* Starts Turn: Takes 5 ongoing damage.

* Move Action: Stand up from prone.

* Standard Action: Charge to square V3 and attack W with Rootin' Around, Roll 18 + 14 +1 (charge) = 33 vs AC(25) hit, for 19 - 5 = 14 damage. Effect: W is marked by R UtEoRNT.

* Ends Turn: Saving throw vs OG 5 damage; r(4) = failed.

Damage to Enemies: 14 Damage to W
Conditions to Enemies: W is marked by R UtEoRNT.
HP: 40/98
HS: 1
Buffs/Debuffs: 5 OG damage (SE).

Without legs to carry them, the awkward LANGOLIERS float oddly to the ground and spin on a wobbly axis to engage Lief. The stout shifter monk fends off the worst of the otherworldly attacks but the necrotic goop sizzles across his exposed bare skin.

The final quad descend upon our ranger folk hero, the famed Redfletch, and Starn! They fend off their aggressors with bow and book, but they're pressed mightily with the chomps and gooey necrotic maws and Vorn ends up surrounded!

M (C18)

* Move Action: fly (clumsy) 3 sq to E16.

* Standard Action: Charge to E14 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs L's AC: r(7) +14 +1 (charge) = 22. Miss.

M (D18)

* Move Action: fly (clumsy) 3 sq to F16.

* Standard Action: Charge to F14 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs L's AC: r(19) +14 +1 (charge) = 34. 4 damage + 3 necrotic damage = 7 necrotic damage to L, and L takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead of 3 (save ends). TRIGGERS LIEF'S Emerald Flame Ki Focus: (Immediate Reaction) You are hit by an attack, any enemy adjacent to you takes 5 fire damage. Then you shift 2 squares. EFFECT: BOTH M's E14/F14 SLAIN AND LIEF SHIFTS 2 SQ TO F15.

LIEF becomes sheathed in flames as a fiery eruption from his ki focus incinerates the pair of Langoliers assailing him. Lief is suddenly in motion, leaving his slain enemies in his burning wake.

M (J11)

* Move Action: 5 sq (immune to T-S V) to E10.

* Standard Action: Charge to G8 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(3) +14 +1 (charge) = 18. Miss.

M (L11)

* Move Action: 2 sq (immune to T-S V) to I11.

* Standard Action: Charge to I9 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(15) +14 +1 (charge) = 30.
4 damage + 3 necrotic damage = 7 necrotic damage to V, and V takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead of 3 (save ends).

M (J7)

* Move Action: 1 sq to K8.

* Standard Action: Charge to I8 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(20) +14 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = CRIT. 4 damage + 3 necrotic damage = 7 necrotic damage to V, and V takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The target takes ongoing 5 necrotic damage instead of 3 (save ends).

M (J5)

* Move Action: 4 sq to N9.

* Standard Action: Charge to R9 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs S's AC: r(7) +14 +1 (charge) +2 (CA) = 24. Miss.

LOCATION: G8, I9, I8, R9. L is in F15.
DAMAGE: E14 & F14 SLAIN. 7 damage to L, 14 damage to V.
DEBUFFS: L and V each take 3 OG necrotic (SE)

LIEF realizes, horrified, that the entire fight has been flipped—he isn't the one staying with the archer to tear through Acamar's hordes while Starn traverses planes. He has to do it. Him, or they all die, all of this was for nothing.*

"Vorn!" the shifter shouts, lobbing a blood apricot, soaked with his own blood, at the archer. Before seeing if Vorn catches it, Lief flows and cartwheels over the arcane machinery toward the alien engine in the center of the chamber. He slams into it and sets to work, blocking out the fact that his friends—the only ones he's ever had!—are being overwhelmed by enemies. Lief wonders if any of this was worth it. He screams, slamming levers and kicking the engine until it reacts. It flickers, hidden mechanisms screaming back at him, and dims.

* Start of Turn: 3 ongoing necrotic damage to Lief.


Minor Action - Ranged 5
Target: 1 Ally
Requirement: Lief makes DC 17 Thievery check at -2 because it's at long range. Failure and his allies DC becomes Hard DC of 25. r(15)+9-2 = 22. Success.
Effect: Lief tosses a Blood Apricot in Vorn's direction.

Immediate Reaction
Trigger: Lief tosses a Blood Apricot in Vorn's direction.
Requirement: The ally must have one hand free and must succeed at a DC 17 Thievery or Perception check. Failure and the Blood Apricot falls to the floor and smashes.
Effect: The ally catches the potion.

TRIGGERS Vorn's Free Action drop Lomgbow in sq H9 and Immediate Reaction to catch the Blood Apricot; Perception r(13) +12 = 25. Succeeds.

drops his bow at his feet as he snares the tossed Blood Apricot from the air!

* Move: 6 sq to L17. Traversing the Arcane Engine squares requires Athletics vs. DC 17. r(5)+12 = 17. Success.

* Standard: Suppress the Alien Engine (DC 17) using Dungeoneering. r(13)+8 = 21. Success.

* End of Turn: Save to end ongoing necrotic damage. r(12). Success.

Conditions to Enemies: Skill Challenge step 1 completed.
HP: 56/66
Healing Surges: 5/9
Current De/Buffs:
AP: 0

The FAR REALM WARDEN exchanges language in the alien tongue of its origin tantamount to:

"detonation...imminent...lord mage...get clear...of blast."

The strange, mercurial aberration pins down the pig-construct in a final clash with Nimozaran riding atop of it.

* Standard Action: Double Attack Mercurial Weapon (M2, weapon) vs R's AC x 2: r(2, 11) + 14 = 16, 25. Hit x 1. r(3, 8) +4 = 15 damage to R. Effect: R is marked by W UtEoWNT.

Double Attack ✦ At-Will
Effect: The warden uses mercurial weapon twice.

DAMAGE: 15 damage to R
CURRENT HP: 17/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Marked by R UEoRNT, V's Quarry, Rampage exhausted, Detonation 17 HP from going off, 0/1 AP

Aware that the end is nigh for its protector from Acamar's realm, FASTORMEL's LORD MAGE, takes awkwardly to rushed flight and then turns once behind the protective cover of the surface, the faceless horror delicately touching back down upon the surface as it charges Starn with a flailing scepter.

The very pressed-upon Wizard-apprentice is somehow able to erect a magical defense to deflect the swing in the nick of time.

* Move Action: Fly (clumsy) Run (+2 speed for -5 atk and grant CA UBoNT) 7 sq to O9 (landing).

* Standard Action: Charge (ground) to Q10 and MBA Scepter (M2, weapon) vs S's AC: r(10) + 14 +1 (charge) -5 (run) +2 (CA) = 22. Miss.

(⚔) Scepter (weapon) ✦ At-Will
Attack: Melee 2 (one creature); +14 vs. AC
Hit: 2d8 + 8 damage, and the lord mage can slide the target 1 square.

CURRENT HP: 130/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT, 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon (fear, psychic) exhausted until Bloodied. LM HAS NO LINE OF EFFECT TO W AND THEREFORE IS PROTECTED AGAINST DETONATION.

Whether sensing the impending destruction within the chamber or being directed by The Great Old One Acamar itself, two of the three ACAMARSPAWNs seek cover between space-disrupting beams while the third embraces its demise.

M (!14)

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs S's Ref: r(14) + 14 = 28. Hit. S takes 8 force damage.

M (G17)

* Move Action: Fly (hover) 4 sq to K19 (altitude 1).

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs L's Ref: r(19) + 14 = 33. Hit. L takes 8 force damage.

M (B12)

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs V's Ref: r(5) + 14 = 19. Miss.

* Move Action: Fly (hover) 6 sq to F7 (altitude 1).

LOCATION: !14, K19, F7
DAMAGE: S and L take 8 force damage.

<The Far Realm erupts, spewing a Temporal Spatial-Vortex (L19) into the material world and a pair of floating, spherical maws, emerge from the vortex!> M (K18) AND M (L18) HAVE NO LINE OF EFFECT TO W AND THEREFORE ARE PROTECTED AGAINST DETONATION.

SC step 1, 2 resolved
LM 130
W 17/130 Marked by V UEoVNT, V's Quarry



STARN, understanding that he needs to move both the strange maw in front of him, and the Lord High Mage away from cover before the Warden detonates, deploys his trusty Beguiling Strands once again. It doesn't seem to bite the smaller monster at first, but the lucky charm Starn acquired once again warps reality. For a split second Starn glimpses a grim path, and then the minion is flung away!

The Lord Mage is caught off guard by the attack and goes reeling. Finally free of his opponents, Starn flings a Magic Missile at the Warden, pulls free of the nearby vortex and hugs the pillar for cover from the impending, massive blast from the Warden exploding!

* Starts Turn: S takes 5 OG (untyped) damage.

* Standard Action: Beguiling Strands (CBl5; enemies, psychic) at M and LM. Roll 5 +13 = 18 vs M's (R9) WILL(19), miss, lucky charm rolls 3 = 21, hit. M (R9) SLAIN. Roll 19 + 13 = 32 vs LM's WILL(23), hit. 8 psychic damage to LM, and LM is pushed to N10.

* Minor Action: Magic Missile (R10, force) at W; 10 -5 (Resist) = 5 force damage to W.

* Move Action: Move (3 sq due to adjacent to S-TV) to R9 (out of LoE of W's Detonation effect)

* Ends Turn: Save vs OG 5 (untyped) damage, roll 18, success.

LOCATION: S in R9, LM pushed to N10
DAMAGE: M (R9) SLAIN. 8 psychic damage to LM. 5 force damage to W.
Conditions to Enemies: LM now in LoE for W's Detonation effect.
HP 14/58
Current Buffs: none

VORN delays until after Rooter & Nimozaran.

Painfully aware that the Far Realm Warden is nearing an unholy detonation, NIMOZARAN shouts "take cover loyal steed!"

The plucky ROOTER shakes his porcine head as he defensively withdraws from the alien warden, bounds over arcane engines, and egresses to safety from the blast!

* Starts Turn: R&N take OG 5 (untyped) damage.

* Move Action: Run (-5 atk and grants CA UBoNT) 8 sq to T11. TRIGGERS OA FROM W's MBA Mercurial Weapon (M2, weapon); r(4) +12 = 16. MISS.

* Move Action: Run (-5 atk and grants CA UBoNT) (auto-passes the DC 15 Athletics required to traverse the challenging terrain component of Arcane Engines w/ +14 Athletics) to P12 (out of LoE of W's Detonation).

* Ends Turn: Save vs OG 5 (untyped); r(8). Fails.

LOCATION: P12 (out of LoE of W's Detonation)
DAMAGE: none
HS: 1/1
CURRENT CONDITIONS: Starn is ward, OG 5 (untyped) damage, -5 atk and grants CA UBoNT.

VORN quickly eats the golden apricot tossed to him by Lief. He feels a surge of energy swell within him, restoring strength to his limbs. He draws two arrows, hoping this gambit works. He sees that his allies should be safely shielded from the warden. He slides a couple feet to his left and retrieves his bow.

He brings one of the arrows… marked by otherworldly fletchings that look like the night sky, swirling stars and all… to his mouth. The other he nocks and aims. He targets the warden, looking past the creatures surrounding him. Hopefully, he wouldn’t have to worry about them for long. He lets the arrow fly.

Then, before waiting for the arrow to strike, he grabs the arrow from his mouth and thrusts it down into the ground at his feet… the world seems to shift around him and he finds himself several feet away, behind the nearby pillar on its western side. Horrific images flash through his mind's eye as the arrow's magic interacts with the other Far Realm energies about. It takes great effort to force the images away.

Then he hears the sound of the warden explode unleashing a deadly torrent of energy about the chamber. He forces himself to keep his eyes open and he clings tightly to the pillar.

* Minor Action: Consume Golden Apricot (healing surge + 2d8 HP return). 16 + r( 3 + 6) = 9 HP back, brings him to full HP.

* Minor Action: PIck up bow from H9.

* Standard Action: Spikes of the Manticore:

First shot vs W AC 25
r(16) +14 -2 Cover (V ignores cover and concealment of his Quarry due to Hunter's Aim) = 30. HIT.
Dmg: r(7+ 4) + r(2+5 + 6) + r( 7) + 9 -5 (Resist All) = 35. W SLAIN. TRIGGERS Far Realm Detonation: When the Far Realm Warden is reduced to 0 hit points, all creatures in the Lord Mage's sanctum that it has line of effect to take damage equal to their bloodied value (minimum 1). TRIGGERS SotM Second shot Immediate Interrupt Stunt:

Teleport Vorn to safety of G7 (no LoE to W's Detonation) Before Far Realm Detonation Goes Off:
Range: Personal
Trigger: Vorn reduces W to 0 Hit Points triggering Detonation
Requirement: Succeed at DC 17 Dungeoneering. Failure and the teleportation causes horrible visions of the Far Realm; Vorn takes psychic damage equal to his Healing Surge value.
Effect: Vorn gets the shot off at his feet just in time, teleporting himself behind the pillar to G7 (out of LoE) before the blast goes off.
Dungeoneering Check: r(5) + 7 = 12. FAIL. Vorn takes 16 psychic damage.

* FLM takes 65 damage (BLOODIED). TRIGGERS ✻ See Beyond the Horizon (fear, psychic) recharge

* Lief takes 33 damage.

* Acamarspawn in !14 SLAIN.

* Langoliers in I9, I8 SLAIN.

DAMAGE: 35 to W; SLAIN. FLM takes 65 damage (BLOODIED). Lief takes 33 damage. Acamarspawn in !14 SLAIN. Langoliers in I9, I8 SLAIN.
Conditions to Enemies: None
HP: 50/66
HS: 6/8
Current De/Buffs: Marked for Death gives me +2d6 damage vs. W for rest of encounter; Skirmishing Stance: if I move 4 squares I get +2 to AC and REF and +1d8 damage on next attack roll; Archery Commander means I don't provoke for ranged attacks while adjacent
AP: 0

The blast incinerates a few of the abberant LANGOLIERS, but those that remain wobble and chomp at the directive of their alien lord and a celestial hell incomprehensible by mortal minds. Vorn and Lief fend off the strange triangular teeth and the crushing maws they are set in.

M (G8)

* Standard Action: Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(9) +14 = 23. Miss.

M (K18)

* Standard Action: Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs L's AC: r(9) +14 = 23. Miss

M (L18)

* Standard Action: Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs L's AC: r(6) +14 = 22. Miss.

LOCATION: G8, K18, L18

LIEF rides the detonation like a wave, whirling and slashing through the horrors between him and the gate. He runs up one of them like a ladder and kicks off onto the upper level. At the precipice of the hideous gate, as he takes a moment to suppress the pain flaring across his back, he looks back at Starn, Vorn, and Rooter. Will he see them again? Will they die while he's across the universe? He'd like to wave, nod—something—but there's no time.

How to cross this portal? Lief asks the damn stag for help, one last time. He sees it on the other side, staring. He presses toward it.

* Standard: Spinning Leopard Maneuver (Daily), shifting his speed to L18, K18, J19, J20, and K21, attacking 3 minions along the way.
r(12)+12 = 24 vs Reflex (22). Hit M at L18. SLAIN.
r(1)+12 = 13 vs Reflex (22). Miss M at K18.
r(14)+12+2 = 26 vs Reflex (22). Hit M at K19. SLAIN.

Traversing the Arcane Engine challenging terrain squares requires Athletics roll vs DC 15. r(3)+12 = 15. Success. Getting up to the upper ledge requires jumping and muscling up onto the ledge, DC 22. r(11)+12 = 23. Success.

* Free: This happens during Spinning Leopard power. Centered Flurry of Blows (from hitting M at K19) deals 6 Damage to M at K18. SLAIN.

* Minor: Iron Resurgence (Encounter) on himself. Spending 2 Healing Surges (32 HP total) and gains half an HS in temporary HP (8 temp HP).

* Move: Cross the Threshold of Acamar's Bridge and Enter the Far Realm (DC 17): Acrobatics, Athletics, Nature, Religion (standard action, adjacent, take 10 radiant damage). Normally this would be a Standard action, but Lief is using Otherworldly Sight (encounter) to make it a move action, rolling Perception instead of Religion. r(2)+15 = 17. Success. Lief takes 10 radiant damage.

LOCATION: The Far Realm!
DAMAGE: 10 radiant damage incoming to L, Minions at K19, K18, and L18 Slain
Conditions to Enemies: SC 3 Complete; Cross the Threshold of Acamar's Bridge and Enter the Far Realm
HP: 45/66 + 8 temp HP
Healing Surges: 3/9
Current De/Buffs:
AP: 0

FASTORMEL's LORD MAGE, undaunted by the turning tide of his warden's detonation and Lief's crossing over into the Far Realm to shut down the bridge, flits across the room to the cover of a pillar as he calls upon Acamar to entangle Rooter, Nimozaran, and Starn with the Temporal-Spatial Vortex!

"A singularity...yessss...all will be one...our lord's promise fulfilled," hisses the faceless Lord Mage as the vortex swallows Nimozaran's apprentice in-full, leaving only the vague silhouette of the young wizard within its opaque depths.

* Standard Action: Quantum Entanglement (CBu10; 2 creatures, force) vs R's and S's Ref: r(18, 4) +12 (+2 CA vs R) = 32, 16. Hit R, miss S. r(3, 4) +4 = 11 force damage and R is pulled 2 sq to R10 and S takes 5 force damage and is pulled 1 sq to R10. HINDERING TERRAIN TRIGGERS R SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN Q11 AND S SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN R9. ONLY ONE PC CAN OCCUPY R10 AND THE HINDERING TERRAIN OF THE TEMPORAL-SPATIAL VORTEX (T-SV). PLAYER OPTS FOR STARN TO GO INTO THE T-SV. NO SAVING THROW. NO PRONE PC.

* Move Action: Fly (clumsy) Run (+2 speed for -5 atk and grant CA UBoNT) 7 sq to S5 (landing).

LOCATION: S5, R at least pulled to Q11...TBD if R or S in R10.
DAMAGE: 11 force damage to R, 5 force damage to S.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: R and S pulled into Hindering Terrain of T-SV R10; pending saving throws for prone.
CURRENT HP: 57/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: -5 ATK and grants CA UBoNT, 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon recharged on Bloodied.

The remaining ACAMARSPAWN fires multiple beams of force that fall just short of Rooter before it understands the pig construct is just barely out of its range. It then fires a beam that nearly takes Vorn's head off and slams into the pillar right beside him, chipping deeply at the marble.

M (F7)

* Move Action: Fly shift (hover) 1 sq to E7 (altitude 1).

* Standard Action: Space-disrupting Beam (R10, force) vs V's Ref: r(16) + 14 = 30. Hit. V takes 8 force damage.

DAMAGE: V takes 8 force damage.

<The Far Realm erupts, spewing a Temporal Spatial-Vortex (G5) into the material world and a pair of floating, spherical maws, emerge from the vortex!>

SC step 1, 2, 3 resolved. Lief in Far Realm for situations 4-6.
LM 57



As the blast from the Warden's demise ripples past, STARN finds a strange moment of peace immersed as he is in the strangeness of the vortex. All of time and space seems open to his mind for a timeless instant, until his master, Nimozaran calls him back. "No boy, that is not the way." As the room comes back into focus, Starn feels strangely reenergized.

* Starts Turn: Dazed in Temporal-spatial Vortex.

* Standard Action: Second Wind. Starn regains 14 hit points and +2 USoNT.

DAMAGE: none
Conditions to Enemies: none
HP: 23/58
HS: 6/9
Current Buffs: Dazed, +2 to defenses USoNT, -5 concealment vs enemies (both ways).
AP: 0

NIMOZARAN notes that Vorn is surrounded by Far Realm monstrosities and aims ROOTER's ice launcher and lobs a bomb at one of them. It takes a square hit and shatters!

* Starts Turn: Takes 5 OG damage.

* Standard Action: Alchemical Ice Launcher attack on M at G8, rolls 20, critical hit, MINION (G8) SLAIN.

* Ends Turn: Save vs OG; r(17). Success.

Conditions to Enemies: n/a
HP: 4/98

VORN sees Lief jump into the portal. He mutters a prayer to the gods to watch over the Shifter and bring him back. He can't linger on this thought, though, as he's surrounded by enemies. He draws and fires first at the Acamarspawn that's a few yards away. Unfortunately, his first shot goes wide. He curses as he nocks another arrow and fires again, killing the creature.

The floating Langoliers close in around him. He keeps his back to the pillar. "Come on, then!" he shouts, as he grits his teeth and readies himself for their attacks.

* Standard: Twin Strike
First shot vs. Acamarspawn (E7) AC 21
r(4) + 14 = 18. MISS.
Second shot vs. Acamarspawn (E7) AC 21
r(14) + 14 = 28. HIT. Acamarspawn (E7) SLAIN.

Conditions to Enemies: None
HP: 50/66
HS: 6/8
Current De/Buffs: Skirmishing Stance: if I move 4 squares I get +2 to AC and REF and +1d8 damage on next attack roll; Archery Commander means I don't provoke for ranged attacks while adjacent
AP: 0

The LANGOLIERs' jaws click and clack, but Vorn fiercely defends their tooth-filled chomping with a deft spin and parry from his bow.

M (F6)

* Standard Action: Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(4) +14 = 18. Miss.

M (G6)

* Standard Action: Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(8) +14 = 22. Miss



Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)
Goal: Close Acamar's alien bridge to the material world.
3/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Thievery, Dungeoneering, Religion

This place...

Outside and beyond the cosmology that encompasses the world and concepts of mortals, primordials, spirits, and deities alike. A place beyond natural law's notions of "creation" and "destruction"...only existing in the theoretical realm of timeless infinity.

As Lief floats oddly, spinning uncontrollably upon a thousand axes that mock spatial geometry, he beholds a pulsing membrane wrapped across nothingness but stretched tight nonetheless. Shapes beyond it...stir...something lurks above him...or is it below?

But before he can even consider the prospect of the unravelling cohesion of his mind, he has to orient and control his body...manage the undoing of his proprioception or some kind of propulsive will (HARD DC 25).


LIEF is furious that the stag lured him, then disappeared, abandoning him to this lawless chaos. He's also become bestial from his wounds—even numbed as they are now, the adrenaline is still dumping through him, pulling his face back in a snarling rictus of fangs.

For what feels like minutes he's lost to instinct, which does nothing in this membrane-wrapped void. He starts to hallucinate. Or remember? No difference here, beyond time and meaning.

"Idiotic," the master says, tripping him easily as Lief, five-years-old and blindfolded, falls in the high grass again. A storm rages above. Wind tears at him, lashing him with wet grass. He's been out here for an hour, blind and bruised, unable to take even a few steps before the master takes him to the ground. And the rest of the Blessed of Elect are watching.

"Weak," the master says when Lief starts moving again. "You move like a man."

Lief knows the kick is coming, and surrenders to it. The force sends him lurching, onto hands and feet, but he keeps moving. Through the wet grass. The other Blessed close in, children like him but strong like him. They shove and push him. He rides it, giving in, flowing into them and rolling over them, moving closer to the smell of roasted meat. Lief makes it into the cave, tears his blindfold off. The spitted baby boar is waiting over a fire. Starved for days, he rips its flesh and eats greasy meat in handfuls.

The rest of the Blessed gather around him, but don't join in. He succeeded, so they fail. Law of the wild. The master stands nearby. This one, he thinks, might survive.

In the nothingness, Lief surrenders to the whirling movement, the lack of control over his body. He remembers his training. He thanks master.

Intent: Orient his senses to sync up with his uncontrollable movement.

Secondary: Exhausting Drunken Monkey movement technique (Encounter) for a +2 to Acrobatics roll.

Primary: Acrobatics. r(6)+18+2 = 26 vs. Hard DC 25. Success.

FASTORMEL's LORD MAGE flits across the room from the cover of a pillar. The voice resounds from within its faceless face.

"Prepare your way to the embrace of master's oblivion" and a brief glimpse beyond the event horizon of Acamar's depths assails Rooter and Nimozaran as well as Starn with the Temporal-Spatial Vortex!

The loyal robot-pig, intent on saving his master from a terrible fate, leaps to intervene and obstructing Starn from the visual phenomenon...and then crashes to the floor, spilling Nimozaran hard onto the stone floor, knocking the old wizard out cold. As the old master tumbles through the air, before he is rendered unconscious, he grabs the folds of his apprentice's robe and pulls Starn from the vortex.

Rooter's eyes flicker...then their light is quenched.

* Move Action: Fly (clumsy) 4 sq to O7 (landing).

* Standard Action: See Beyond the Horizon (ABu1 w/in 5, fear, psychic) centered on R10 vs S's and R/s Will: r(14, 9) +12 (+2 CA vs S and -5 penalty for Total Concealment doesn't apply to Burst/Blast attacks) = 26, 23. Hit R and miss S (24 Will due to SW and Ward). r(4,2) +8 = 14/2 = 7 psychic damage to S, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends). TRIGGERS R's THAT'S SOME PIG IMMEDIATE INTERRUPT (Requirement: Rooter must be within 2 squares of its ward.Trigger: Rooter's ward takes damage.); Rooter trades places with his ward and takes the damage instead. STARN IS IN SQ Q11 (out of TS-V), UNDAMAGED/UNAFFECTED. R&N ARE KNOCKED OUT OF THE CONFLICT (HAD 4 HP REMAINING).

LOCATION: O7, S is in Q11 (out of TS-V of R10)
CURRENT HP: 57/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon exhausted.

<The Far Realm erupts, spewing a Temporal Spatial-Vortex (G9) into the material world and a pair of floating, spherical maws, emerge from the vortex!>

SC step 1, 2, 3, 4 resolved. Lief in Far Realm for situations 4-6.
LM 57
/130 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon exhausted.



STARN needs to get rid of this disgusting Lord Mage if he's going to survive. He quickly hurls a Color Orb at it, hitting the creature squarely and disorienting it for a moment while he slips around to the other side of the vortex, hoping it will give him some concealment. In the meantime he flips another Magic Missile in the direction of the minions besieging his ally, Vorn.

* Standard Action: Color Orb at LM, roll 19 + 13 = 32 vs WILL(23), hit, 1d8(3) + 6(int) +2(implement) = 11 radiant damage and LM is dazed UEoSNT.

* Minor Action: Magic Missile at M (G8), auto hit; M (G8) SLAIN

* Move Action: Move to S11

DAMAGE TO ENEMIES: M (G8) SLAIN, 11 radiant damage to LM.
CONDITIONS TO ENEMIES: LM is DAZED until end of Starn's next turn.
HP: 23/58
AP: 0
HS: 6/9
BUFFS: none

VORN nocks an arrow and fires it with a short draw at one of the floating maws surrounding him. The quick shot doesn't leave him as vulnerable to counterattack as a longer draw.

The maw exploes in a burst of maddening gibberish. He nocks again and fires at another, which implodes with the sound of a rock plunging into water, taking his arrow with it. A third remains, but Vorn wants to get out away from the pillar, so he can start attacking the corrupted Lord Mage.

He moves away from the final maw, and grits his teeth as it bites into his shoulder. He ignores the pain as best he can. He wants to get close enough to Starn to try and help the wizard rally, but realizes the chaotic, swirling vortexes pull at him, slowing his movement. He can't get close enough to Starn to help, but is close enough to the Lord Mage to start finding a weakness in its defenses. He reaches just past the northern face of the pillar. Hopefully, he can get away from the vortexes soon.

* Standard Action: Twin Strike
First shot vs. Langolier (G-6) AC 21
r(13) + 14 = 27. HIT. SLAIN.
Second shot vs. Langolier (G-8) AC 21
r(19) + 14 = 33. HIT. SLAIN.

* Move Action: Run, 1 square to G-8, 3 squares to H-8, 3 squares to I-8, and then 1 square to J-8. TRIGGERS Opportunity attack from Langolier (H-6) MBA vs. Vorn AC 24: r(19) + 14 = 33. HIT. Damage: 4 + 3 necrotic. Ongiong 3 Necrotic, save ends. Failed save means Ongoing 5 necrotic, save ends.

Minor: Make LM my quarry

* End of Turn: Saving Throw vs. Ongiong Necrotic: r (11), SUCCESS.

DAMAGE: 7 incoming damage to V. LANGOLIERS G6 AND G8 SLAIN.
Conditions to Enemies: None
HP: 43/66
HS: 6/8
Current De/Buffs: Skirmishing Stance: if I move 4 squares I get +2 to AC and REF and +1d8 damage on next attack roll; Archery Commander means I don't provoke for ranged attacks while adjacent, Run:
AP: 0

The remaining LANGOLIER rushes a wobbly, spinning charge at Fallcrest's folk hero, briefly demanding the warrior's attention away from the Acamar's herald in this world as necrotic spew from its disgusting maw spills everywhere.

M (F8)

* Standard Action: Charge to I8 and MBA Otherworldly Chomp (M1, necrotic) vs V's AC: r(17) +14 +1(charge) +2 (CA) = 32. Hit. 4 damage + 3 = 7 necrotic damage to V, and V takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends).

DAMAGE: 7 necrotic damage to V.
DEBUFFS: V takes ongoing 3 necrotic damage (save ends).


Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)
Goal: Close Acamar's alien bridge to the material world.
4/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Thievery, Dungeoneering, Religion, Acrobatics

His faculties now under control, the mechanics of his omnidirectional propulsion his own, Lief is now able to appraise the skein of insanity before him. What looked a membrane and an impossible orientation of above/below now clarifies for him.

What lies well beyond the reach of this "Far Realm borderland" is the distant, unimaginable proportions and density of Acamar's Black Hole haunting the deranged celestial-scape of the Far Realm. Even at this distances it dilates, stretches, skewers, replaces time and space in such an odd way that direction seems incomprehensible from one moment to the next.

In this odd, throbbing tunnel of space and time that is the bridge to the material world, Lief feels himself being pulled toward Acamar and "spaghettified" even as Langoliers defy the spatial-temporal arrangement and float by toward the gaping hole to the material world. As the odd, spherical maws pile into the tunnel from the pinhole entrance at the far end, their impossible hunger causes them to gnaw upon the strange walls of the tunnel. Acamar swats them away with gravitational rebukes, ensuring that the walls of his tunnel to the material world remain intact. Clearly, they must remain so for the tunnel and gate to persist...

What do you do? MEDIUM DC. Failure here and Lief takes 1 Healing Surge worth of damage from Acamar's "spaghettification" of the physical projection of his body in the Far Realm.


LIEF has never been more out of his depth. He’s a fool—he’s been told as much. He’s good at one thing only, they told him: hunting.

As time’s gravitic pull stretches and wrings his mind like a wet towel, Lief sees that day, when he left them. Days of torrential ran had bloated the streams into small rivers. Lief, now 20, could see freedom—just past this stream, where hearth fires hung smoke in the sky, a whole city to hide in. He had waited till night, then set the fires and run the other way, masking his scent with hide from a freshly killed boar. He’s made it to these stream with a laugh.

And there were ten of them waiting, scattered in a wide line, in rushing water up to their shoulders. Nowhere to go. The Blessed of the Elect didn’t bother talking—nothing to say to your prey. They waded toward him.

Lief remembered his training. He burst toward them, stomping and hopping across their heads and shoulders, kicking at any upraised limbs. He didn’t use them to cross—not right away. Lief made sure they were all down, drowning, before leaping to the other bank, and freedom.

Now: He waits, motionless, for a spawn to pass near enough, then sinks in with his claws and propels himself from one drifting horror to the next. He half-flies, mostly falls toward a wall of the tunnel, and howls noiselessly in Acamar’s direction as he tears into the membrane.


Intent: Reach the walls of Acamar’s tunnel and shred them.

Secondary: Exhausting Wind Through the Willows attack and movement technique (Encounter) for a +2 to Athletics roll.

Primary: Athletics. r(4)+12+2 = 18 vs. Medium DC 17. Success.

FASTORMEL's LORD MAGE struggles against Starn's disorienting spell, but cannot break free.

The Lord Mage's mind owned wholly by Acamar, the Elder Evil of the Far Realm acts through its servant, pulling the pathetic servants of the material world toward each other...toward their unification in broken body and shattered mind...

Vorn digs his heels in to come to a stop as Starn throws himself just wide of the swirling temporal-spatial vortex, eating stone for the effort!

* Start of Turn: Dazed. Impossible Mind - At the start of its turn, the lord mage makes saving throws to end any dazing effect on it; r(7) +2 = 9. Fails.

* Standard Action: Quantum Entanglement (CBu10; 2 creatures, force) vs V's and S's Ref: r(15, 6) +12 (+2 CA vs V) = 28, 18. Hit V, miss S. r(4, 4) +4 = 12 force damage and V (BLOODIED) is pulled 2 sq to L8 and S takes 6 force damage and is pulled 1 sq to R10. HINDERING TERRAIN OF T-SV TRIGGERS S SAVING THROW FOR PRONE IN T11; r(16). SUCCEEDS. STARN PRONE IN S10.

LOCATION: O7, V is in L8, S pending TS-V of R10
DAMAGE: V takes 12 force damage (BLOODIED) and S takes 6 force damage.
CURRENT HP: 46/130
CURRENT DE/BUFFS: Dazed UEoSNT, V's Quarry, 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon exhausted.

<The Far Realm erupts, spewing a Temporal Spatial-Vortex (L10) into the material world and a pair of floating, spherical maws, emerge from the vortex!>

SC step 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 resolved. Lief in Far Realm for situations 4-6.
LM 46
/130 Dazed UEoSNT, V's Quarry 0/1 AP, Consume and Be Consumed exhausted, See Beyond the Horizon exhausted.



STARN, having just avoided being propelled back into the vortex, scrambles back to his feet and begins to enunciate a series of words of mind bending power, which in fact he uses all his discipline to block from hearing himself, lest they unhinge his own mind! He projects this terrible curse directly at the minds of the Far Realm Inhabitants who cluster around Vorn, and all three of the creatures near him, including the Lord Mage, take the full brunt of the effects.

* Move Action: Stand up from prone.

* Standard Action: Hex of Madness, ranged burst 1 within 10, centered on M8. LM and the M's at M9 and L9 are within the AoE. 13 + 13 = 26 vs L9 WILL(19) hits, vs M9 19 + 13 = 32 vs M9 WILL(19), hits, and 12 + 13 = 25 vs LM WILL(23), hits. Each target takes 26 psychic damage. Ms (L9, M9) SLAIN.

Effect: The zone (yellow box) remains for 1 turn and does 8 psychic damage to any opponent who ends its turn within the zone (sustain, minor).

* Minor Action: Magic Missile at M (H8); SLAIN.

DAMAGE: 26 psychic damage to LM. M (L9), M (H8), and (M9) SLAIN.
Conditions to Enemies: None
Buffs: None

Free from the Langoliers, VORN turns his attention to the Lord Mage. He moves closer to Starn, caught momentarily in one of the vortexes. "We've nearly got him, Starn!" he shouts, hoping to inspire the wizard for one last push.

He fires twice at the Lord Mage, managing to penetrate its arcane defenses each time triggering the vile creature to flail and protest as it collapses inward on itself!

* Move: 1 square to M-9, three squares to N-9, then 2 squares to P-11

* Minor: Invigorating Shout to Starn- Starn regains hit points as if he spent a healing surge and also regains a healing surge.

* Standard: Twin Strike
First shot vs. LM AC 23
r(12) + 14 = 26. HIT.
Dmg: r(8) + 3 + r(2, Skirmishing Stance) + r(5, Quarry) = 18
Second shot vs. LM AC 23
r(19) + 14 = 33. HIT.
Dmg: r(7) + 3 = 10

28 damage to FLM. FLM SLAIN! TRIGGERS:

Triggered Actions
Acamar's Orbit (necrotic, psychic) ✦ Encounter
Trigger: The Fastormel Lord Mage is reduced to 0 hit points
Effect: The FML becomes hindering terrain until the end of the encounter. Any creature that starts its turn in Acamar's Orbit takes 7 necrotic and psychic damage and suffers a -1 to the skill check of the follow-on group move to Escape the Crumbling Tower.
Attack (No Action): Close burst 5 (enemies in the burst); +12 vs. Fortitude
Hit: The target is pulled 4 squares into Acamar's Orbit.

vs Vorn and Starn; r(6, 9) +12 = 18, 21. Miss Vorn, hit Starn. Starn is pulled 4 sq to O7. TRIGGERS STARN SAVE FOR PRONE IN P8; r(16). SUCCEEDS.

The final words of the aberrant, former Lord Mage of Fastormel, ring hollow as his celestial master from beyond does not answer the plea. "MY LORD, PLEASE..."

The thing that was once human long ago collapses in on itself, creating a nexus of powerful necrosis and psychic emanation. The heroes are threatened to be pulled into Acamar's Orbit as the tower begins shaking to its core!

VORN twists his body and claws the ground with his feet and the end of his bow, anchoring himself...but STARN begins hurtling toward the nexus until he erects a fortress of arcane power, arresting his forward motion.

Conditions to Enemies: None
HP: 43/66
HS: 6/8
Current De/Buffs: Skirmishing Stance: if I move 4 squares I get +2 to AC and REF and +1d8 damage on next attack roll; Archery Commander means I don't provoke for ranged attacks while adjacent,
AP: 0


Complexity 2 SC, Level 9 (DCs 12/17/25)
Goal: Close Acamar's alien bridge to the material world.
5/6 Successes/0 Failures/0 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/0 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Thievery, Dungeoneering, Religion, Acrobatics, Athletics

A gravitational wave carrying psychic emanations of horror and loss ripples from the depths of Acamar's ergosphere; the region just beyond the Elder Evil horizon which drags the spacetime of The Far Realm faster than anything possible...utterly deranging the characteristics of this already impossibly alien realm.

It washes over Lief in the tunnel...the unimaginably powerful psychic assault transporting him mentally and emotionally inward...away from his bearings and his task at hand.

The mother holds her child in the final moments. They lock eyes. The birth has taken her and it won't be long now.

Years later a red rock basks in a sun near dusk. The wind kept away from a hidden cave little more than fur-laden hole high in the Dawnforge mountains.

They descend upon the father who has kept their wicked claws at bay from his son for a hard five years in this remote place.

The red rock will soon trade its hue for blood.

"FLEE BOY! DOWN AND AWAY!" comes the shout from the drowning melee.

The boy-Lief is stricken. Paralyzed. What might have been if he fought by his father's side? What might have been if he found a way and fled into the coming night?

Would it have even mattered?



LIEF doesn't want to see any of what Acamar is showing him. It's too much. Which is the point. The Corpse Star is holding his face to the fire, laughing. And the plan is work. Lost in regret, the shifter thrashes against fate, forgetting his mission and his friends fighting for their lives.

The vision is so strong that Lief can smell blood in the air—his father's, the Elect's—and the acrid fear flowing from his boyhood self. That's when it hits him:

This is no vision.

Here in Acamar's tunnel, time and space are stretched, gathered, woven, and knotted. He's not watching his past—Lief is there. Or some part of him...his mind, unable to act on the world, only watch.

He remembers his training—what the stag taught him. He uses the primal boon the stag has gifted him, the wisdom at the root of all things. He channels the momentum of the Corpse God's space-time contortions, riding that wave where Lief wants to go. His mind wends across time, tossed like a leaf in the wind.

He's in that same cave. But there's more lichen near the mouth, and a bigger fire within. His father isn't there—not even his bones. This time hasn't happened yet. It's the future, 17 years forward from the day Lief stepped into the void. A figure, musky and terrible, hunches near the fire.

"You're late," the Creep says, cracking a bone in his black teeth. "Like I thought you'd be."

Lief doesn't know how long he's got, but it can't be long. "How do I do it?" he says, in a voice that doesn't exist, that only a spirit could hear. "How can I break his hold?"

The Creep swallows the femur, tongue searching his mouth for runaway shards. Firelight shines in his mirrored eyes. His voice shakes the cave. "You pray to the time keeper. To Pelor himself. And you give yourself to him—always." The spirit traces a curved, translucent claw like a glass fishhook in the air, making the sign of the sun, and Lief feels it searing into his mind. "You be his vessel," the Creep's eyes meet the shifter's. "You surrender."

Lief doesn't get it. But he doesn't have to. His mind is slipping.

"What did I have to give you, when I came to ask you to help...this version of me? What did you take?"

The Creep's face splits in a grin of jumbled, mismatched teeth, a shifting, cluttered riot of tusks, needles, fangs, and mandibles. "That's for you to find out, O Blessed one." He gives a slight, mocking bow and Lief tumbles back to the present, to the the void, Pelor's light now spewing from his forehead, searing the walls of Acamar's tunnel. Gravitational waves pulse in peristalsis, forcing Lief, source of this pain, away from the Corpse star. Lief hurtles out of the void.


Intent: Redirect Acamar's time distortion to convince the Creep to help me break the bridge.

Secondary: Arcana for +2 to Primary, r(9)+4 = 13 vs. Easy DC 12. Success.

Primary: Become the Tide (Encounter) Primal Boon to shift 17 years forward, instead of 17 years into the past, and Diplomacy. r(19)+3+2 = 24 vs Medium DC 17. Success.

Last edited:

The tower shakes violently as a tidal wave of extraordinary magnitude batters Fastormel Tower's mid-level floors, utterly inundating the bottom floors. The foundation rocked, the tower sways violently, precariously. The masonry of the lake-facing wall of the (former) Lord Mage's Tower cracks, fissures-snaking, and great stone fall away, giving daylight purchase. Arcane engines overload and arc. Acamar's Orbit hungers and begins to pull all matter nearby within. The walls of the haunted tower sprout terrible tentacles.

The heroes gather themselves from the floor the primal elder spirit of Lake Nen rages against this place taken by Far Realm influence...just as it promised...Acamar's tunnel must be closed forevermore.

Remember, per our discussion, Rooter & Nimozaran going down is going to complicate the follow-on Escape the Tidal Wave and the Tower's Ruination Conflict Resolution as Group Check immediately after defeating the tower. So if you guys are scooping up Rooter & Nimo on your egress from the tower, that will increase the level of the Group Check by 1 from level 9 to level 10. 3 PCs means stepping down the typical, level 10 Hard DC (26) back to Medium DC (18). 2/3 of you need success vs DC 18. Succeed and you escape. With taking on the burden of Rooter & Nimozaran, the stakes for failure become (a) someone doesn’t make it out of the tower alive (you guys can choose whom) and (b) this delay has afforded a remnant of the taint of Acamar to escape and pervade the natural world still. I’ll be using (b) to inform obstacle/sitch framing and consequences in Vorn and Lief’s follow-on conflicts.

So think about your approach to this Group Move and then either:

* Everyone make the (same) Skill Check to resolve vs DC 18. You need 2/3 successes.


* Alternatively, if you guys don’t want to approach this as an orthodox Group Move, you caneach make separate moves with separate approaches. However, you won’t be afforded the step down from Hard to Medium for a Group Move. Everyone would make a move of their choice vs the Hard DC of 26. Same deal applies though; you need 2/3 successes.

The pieces of this conflict to inform your Group Move are:

* Tidal Wave crashing against the structure.

* Haunted Tower Minions.

* Crumbling Stair and inundated lower floors.

* Daylight Flooding in the Fractured Wall of the lair.

* Acamar’s Orbit drawing everything in.

* Arcane Engine Overload.

* Rooter and Nimozaran Burden.

As the tower shudders and begins to crack, Starn reaches into the, now dissipating, Vortex surrounding Nimozaran and the cyber-pig. Feeling his way, he rapidly withdraws Rooter's magical core memory crystal, another body can always be built! Unfortunately, he'll have to bring all of Nimozaran, as humans are not nearly so easy to reconstitute! He yanks Nimozaran down off the launcher's pintel and over his back, ditching his own pack in the process.

Starn turns his attention to the question of escape, as Lief appears next to him, having emerged from somewhere in the chaos, and hands him a flask. Starn glances at it and recognizes it, Spectral Form! Knowing the effects are fleeting he nods and starts towards the exit, at which point he sees it plainly for the first time, the Orbit of Acamar. Dread enters Starn's mind as he sees the symbols dancing around the room. This is what Acamar planned for! An entity beyond time, beyond mortal comprehension, an order of intellect as far beyond Starn as he is beyond an ant. Nenglamir was wise!

"Flee! We may already be too late! Flee or be worse than destroyed!"

Burdened as he his Starn leaps ahead, bounding down the first turn of the stair, just as another giant blow sheers off the top of the tower above them, and the stair ahead plummets upward into the abyss of the unfolding Orbit. Turning to his left, Starn quaffs the potion lief gave him and steps off the stair, aiming to cross the central shaft to a point below where the stonework still miraculously stands. As he crosses, half in some other time and space, he can see the very fabric of reality around him is fraying.

Strange angles jut around him, and suddenly Starn is not sure if he's moving towards the tower exit, or deeper into some terrible alternate reality!

Group Acrobatics check, +4 (level) +3 Potion, roll(2) = 9 vs DC18, failure! Starn fails his part of the group check!

LIEF hurtles down the crumbling stairs, absently touching the sun-shaped scar on his forehead. Pelor's symbol isn't raw or painful—it's smooth and old, like his skin was embossed with the mark of the lord of sun, summer, and harvest years ago. Maybe it was? Lief doesn't remember. Time isn't what it used to be for him.

As he leaps, ducks, and rolls, through the wave-buffeted tower, he glances at Starn beside him and sees him decades from now, in his dotage, surrounded by books, Rooter snuffling at embers in the study's fireplace like a pig hunting for truffles. Nimozoran is nowhere to be found—dead, Lief hopes, for the mad wizard's own sake, but well remembered, having finally given Starn what he needed.

Vorn is just behind them in the staircase, having waited to cover their escape with another arrow at an Acamarspawn. Lief sees the accomplished killer years from now, in a near-pitch-black alley, loosing pairs of arrows at once at the small army of pitiless thugs tumbling toward him. He's giving a group of boys, escapees from the syndicate, time to flee. Vorn probably won't make it, but they will.

Then sees another future: Starn imploding in midair as he's sucked into Acamar's wrenching Orbit. Vorn twisted like a toy during a tantrum, coming apart in pieces. And his own feet lifting off the stairs, his sense slowing, then smearing, as Acamar's event horizon holds him for what will feel like years of time-collapsed suspension before his mind and body compress and stretch into the infinite maw of the Corpse Star.

This last possibility Lief dismisses—his steps are sure, and blessed by Pelor Himself. The walls are splitting, gravity is contorting, the frantic escape a fate-looped bookend of the first time he met Starn, and the falling tower they escaped together. Lief will live, he believes. Will his friends?

Acrobatics r(18)+18 = 36 vs. Group check DC 18. That's one success for Lief, one failure for Starn. What's going to happen with Vorn?!


Vorn watches as Lief moves through the chaos with preternatural grace. What chance do I have, he wonders, knowing that he's bound by human limits. He thinks of all that's happened recently, and he realizes that the boys, the bandits they met on the way here, will only make it if there's someone to vouch for them. And only he will do that.

He has to make it, he realizes. He won't accept failure. He follows in Lief's steps, doing what he can to leap forward as the stairs crumble beneath them. He finds himself teetering on the edge as the stone floor falls away, the tower being torn asunder by the waves from without, and Acamar's orbit from within.

He sees one last gap between him and relative safety. Once outside the tower, he knows they can deal with the water. But within? It's only a matter of time until stones collapse on them, or they're swept away, or worse... pulled into the orbit of the corpse star.

He's about to leap out past the tower walls, to an outcropping of rock that juts above the waves outside, when he sees Starn floating in the orbit of Acamar. With little time, he draws one of his star fletched arrows, and fires it at the wizard. It thuds harmlessly into Starn's pack, and then he vanishes. He reappears several yards back, above Vorn. The vigilante dives from the staircase to the rocks outside as Starn drops to the landing behind him. He hopes the wizard can make the jump!

Acrobatics r(16) + 8 = 24 vs. Group check DC 18. SUCCESS 2 out of 3!!

Starn has lost all sense of direction, wandering in the endless maze of thought objects emanating from the mind of The Dark Star of Acamar, caught in its mental orbit. He thinks of the Ranger, Vorn, one who seems never lost, and as he does a strange star enters his vision and then he feels a thud as the arrow's teleportation dweomer takes hold of him, and suddenly he's falling!

Starn instinctively activates Feather Fall. The next thing he knows Vorn is lowering him to the ground and Nimozaran is slipping from his grasp. The old man sits up a moment later, as Starn himself sits down, still dizzy.

Over the next few days the group makes its way back in the direction of Fallcrest, to the caravan stop. Nimozaran, though largely recovered from his earlier state, seems aged by the experience. While perfectly lucid most of the time, he tires easily and sometimes his mind wanders or he forgets where he is. The old wizard's time is past, but Starn by contrast feels almost supernaturally sharp, as though his exposure to the forces from beyond have left him with new abilities.

At the caravan stop Starn finds a single lone vendor, an old man, who only offers his name as Ofer Genga, who travels with his pack mule, apparently unconcerned by the dangers of the Nentir Vale. He welcomes Starn's company, simply nodding as Starn introduces Nimozaran. Having bid Lief and Vorn goodbye Starn makes his way back to Fallcrest, a girl, and a tower.

After reaching the gates Starn, Nimozaran, and Hat Eater turn south. As Ofer Genga turns to move off, the mule stops, and brays at them. The old trader turns to his pack and mutters something like "oh, all right. If you insist." He then turns back to Starn and hands him an object, wrapped in a bit of cloth.

Nimozaran looks on and says "Well, aren't you going to take it?" Sheepishly Starn complies, and Ofer Genga, before turning away, enigmatically states "There were twelve of them, and the great tower itself, at Nerath, the 13th I suppose..."

As Starn and Nimozaran make their way from the gate to the Septarch's Tower, he examines the object. A key, similar to the ones which open their own tower, but of a different shape, wrapped in a square of silk, who's pattern always seems to move and twist when one is not looking directly at it. "Master, what is this?" Starn asks, but Nimozaran has drifted off, and Hat Eater is very carefully keeping him balanced so he doesn't fall off.

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