A Monk, a Wizard, and a Swordmage Walk into a Fallcrest; a 4e Story Now game

Lief sits cross-legged on the massive oak door, rocked by choppy waters, trying to calm himself. The air is getting colder. The living lake is propelling him closer to the Dawnforge mountains. Toward his fate. Or something like it.

"You're a good man, Starn," he had said back on the lake's edge, before they parted ways. "Better than him," he said, nodding in Nimozoran's direction—the old wizard was staring at the sky, maybe calculating some impossible equation, maybe lost in time. He had clapped Starn on the back and smiled. Now, he wishes he'd said something about leaving Acamar to his void. Never even think about that thing, he should have advised. Don't let it infect you.

That maw, mammoth and tilting, impossibly huge and impossibly black, a ring of cosmic fire radiating from its fringes. Lief won't forget it. When he closes his eyes it's there, a backdrop hung behind every thought. He sees it—it sees him.

Vorn he hadn't know what to say to. This man was his elder, with a clarity of purpose that Lief had admired since the first time he saw the archer pin-cushion an enemy who clearly deserved it. But Pelor demands different. The sun-shaped brand on the shifter's forehead was a stubborn reminder for a stupid man. He imagined all the people Vorn still had left to murder. Lief judged him for it—harshly. It made him sick to realize that. Vorn would always be his friend, but Lief couldn't be his companion. Pelor dismisses vengeance, and now so does he. He hugged the archer roughly and smiled, and said nothing.

Rooter he would have given a pat, but the pig's body was gone and Lief didn't know anything else was left.

"Wake up," the lake rumbled. But Lief was simply calm, not asleep. He'd made a simple deal with the spirit—take me home, and I'll bring you an offering every year, on the summer's solstice. A gift of water from a lake or river that would never otherwise touch your waters. Some community. And if the spirits of those places want to come along, a little company.

The lake was standoffish. It made him wait an hour while it deliberated, or pretended to. "Meager," it sounded. "As expected." Lief pulled a huge, sodden door from the rubble and pushed it into the water.

That was hours ago, most of a day at least. Now, he opens his eyes. The tributary is narrowing up ahead. The mountains loom, their snowcapped bulk crowding the sky, massive and inevitable. Tiny compared to what he sees when he closes his eyes again.

Goal for the coming conflict: Reach the Creep and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar, when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life.

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* Lief and Vorn each take 1 Advantage forward for their final conflicts.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
0/6 Successes/0 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted:

The wave gathers beneath the makeshift vessel, sending the shifter skyward and then again as the water gathers beneath him. Eyes closed in meditation and in focused rebuke of what torments him within his mind's internal realm, Lief hears the churning water and understands the mighty spirit's departing words; "I will see you when Pelor burns brightest."

The darkness behind Lief's eyes give ways to a speck of light, center-mass. The meek dot struggles to reach the foreground against the hungry, infinite blackness. The mote wobbles, waxes, then wanes. Is it the spirit of his father? An omen from Pelor? Something more? Perhaps less? (1)

Lief knows that if he opens his eyes, he will lose this light.

But if he does not open his eyes, weathering this tidal surge, this titanic wave that is the spirit's final offering to propel the shifter up the Dawnforge tributary, against both current and gravity, will be a profound task indeed. Being spilled from the vessel amidst this violence, among these treacherous, freezing, mountain waters? (2)

If Lief engages with (1), its vs MEDIUM DC. What is the mote and what is the blackness? Is it just a figment or a pivot point of grave importance? If Lief does engage with (1), that puts (2) at HARD DC.

If Lief doesn't engage with (1) and opens his eyes, then (2) becomes MEDIUM DC.

LIEF blocks everything out. The sound of rushing water drains away. The wind on his face is nothing, like a breeze over stone. He shuts it all down. After, he's no stranger to the void now. Lief focuses on that bright mote and imagines it not ahead of him, but below, and his mind falling into it.

Too fast, the white rises up around him.

He sees his father perched on a high tree, digging chaga mushrooms out of the bark. Medicine for his mother, probably. The forest canopy is thick and unbroken in this spot, but sun penetrates in bright columns all around. It smells earthy here. Birds chitter.

This is not real.

"I speak for the keeper—for the lifebringer," Lief's unnamed father says, at his work, not turning to look. "He would advise you. This is an honor."

Lief is not here—this place is nowhere—but his perspective hangs in midair, like a moth or hummingbird hovering in place. He tries to speak and cannot. This is not that kind of interaction.

"The Creep needs cleansing," he says, moving higher on the tree, plucking and stashing more fungus. "This is beyond your abilities, and your master can't work through you. Not yet. Instead, you'll have to lure him, and appeal to him."

The shifter stops his work and turns to Lief. His face is an open vessel. Sunlight, blinding, shines from somewhere inside. "I'm sorry, boy. You'll have to surrender to him."

But how do I find him, Lief wonders. And what about the rest of the Elect—how do I avoid them. Do I surrender to them, too?

This isn't that kind of place. He tumbles back to the waking world, more confused.

Intent: Push away his rising panic long enough to make contact with Pelor, or whatever's trying to aid him in dealing with the Creep.

Primary: Endurance. r(2)+9 = 11 vs. Medium DC 18. Failure.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
0/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
0/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance

* Consequence of failure is a morale-based -1 Skill Checks (save ends). Save at end of each turn until successful.

While LEIF's mind reels with questions, his body is present in the moment and sees him through the hardship. Unconsciously, he rides the tumult of the wave's crest and wild crash upward through the Dawnforge Mountain lowland tributary and up into the snowy midlands. His makeshift vessel smashes hard on a frozen embankment and his body is spilled.

He tumbles from the mysterious wanderings within his mindscape as his body tumbles to a careening stop on the icy sheen of hardpacked snow, right before it spills into a crevasse.

The gaping maw of the crevasse is vast. The other side must be 20 feet with minor elevation. And the purchase his feet has is limited given the ice. Surmounting this would be a testament to borderline supernatural prowess (HARD DC).

A downclimb into the ink-dark bowels of the frozen earth below wouldn't be quite so heinous (MEDIUM DC), but who can say what lurks in that underworld? And only the spirits could possibly guide him to his quarry from there.

What do you do?

LIEF rides the momentum, suddenly sure, despite everything, that Pelor has no plans for him to die here. He kicks off into the gap, searching the opposite wall of the crevasse. He wasn't trained for this. But he was taught to do whatever it takes to find his quarry.

Lief realizes he won't make it. So he pulls his spear—a tool he's never used in a fight, since leaving the Elect—and as he falls short of the crevasse's edge, drives the point into the ice and snow-covered wall. He whips around it, wheeling once, twice, and on the third rotation releases his fingers from the anchored spear and launches upward. Spinning in air, torquing his body to try to land on the lip of the crevasse, he can't help but feel nostalgic for this ridiculous life of his. Even if he finds the Creep, a sacrifice must be made. Poor Lief, he thinks, like a child.

The shifter lands messy, brushes himself off, and sets off toward his prey, who'll most likely be his death.

Intent: Cross the crevasse by any means necessary.

Primary: Acrobatics, wagering Advantage for 2 successes. r(9)+18-1 (Morale penalty) = 26 vs. Hard DC 26. Success.

Saving Throw vs. Morale Penalty. r(12). Success.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
2/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance, Acrobatics
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Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
2/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance, Acrobatics

High in the Dawnforge Mountains now, the windborne snow blinds and flung ice stings.

A sudden, and surely fleeting, moment of respite as the tumult of highland weather's caprice abates.

The stench is overwhelming. Rot. Flooding down from a cave on a sheer crag like water.

A stalker. Massive. Above and on the left. The Dire Snow Leopard, perfectly blended with the backdrop, moves on the vertical rise toward the cave as if the impossibly beautiful beast was on the sure ground. Is that its den? Is that what lies within its prey? Is it The Creep?

Though the foul Primal Elder which The Creep reveres is beyond death, The Creep is not so lucky. That wretched thing is still mortal.

Twenty feet below the cave pocking the sheer wall is the shifter-monk turned Pelor-devotee. Twenty feet below the stalking beast who would gladly make Lief a meal just as it would what lies within the cave.

What do you do? MEDIUM DC

LIEF breathes some warmth into his hands, then pulls his gloves tight against his fingers until the claws jut through. He watches the dire leopard for a bit, in no rush to head it off.

He might need the Creep, but that doesn't mean he likes the damn thing. Maybe they'll take a few pieces out of each other.

After some meditation, his face hunched against the driving snow, Lief runs to the crag and vaults up and onto its face. He moves as fast as his claws, muscles, and brain will allow. As he does, he imagines all the scenarios waiting for him. He sees his death in twenty different ways. He sees the Creep slain, its starved, withered body torn at by a big cat it was too weak to fight off. He sees another black gate splayed open, Acamar's unknowable mouth spilling horrors into this world.

None of what he imagines is anything like what's actually in that cave, once the shifter pulls himself, heaving, into it.

The Creep is fine—and so is the dire leopard. But the Elect are not. There are dozens of them here, huddled around meager embers, their faces drawn and angled with hunger, their collective smell fighting through even the Creep's pervasive rot, a warning, like death scratching at the door. Two of them are spitting the fox carcass brought by the big cat. A pathetic meal for so many so nearly gone.

Still, one of the Blessed of the Elect sees Lief and rises to his feet like a puppet on strings. Behind him, in a nook too far for the firelight to reach, the Creep watches, eyes shining.

Intent: Stalk into the Creep's lair.

Primary: Athletics. r(19)+12 = 31 vs. Medium DC 18. Success.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
3/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance, Acrobatics, Athletics
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Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
3/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance, Acrobatics, Athletics

The desperate leader, if you can call him that, of these ruined people cuts a haggard sign in the air. Sapped of all vitality, it only partially resembles the intent, but Lief can make it out nonetheless:



This rudderless clan, all of their plans and beliefs collapsed, without peace or mercy for the entirety of their ruinous legacy...now plead for both?

The few huddled children look on, too deprived to be frightened.

The stifled snicker-cough of the Creep in the darkness betrays nothing; does he wish the cycle of violence to continue...is that incredulity...does the thing even care?

What does Lief do?

LIEF holds his hands up as he weaves through the crowd, making for the shifters lying near one wall of the cave, too weak to even open their eyes. One of the Blessed of the Elect—a born-and-trained fighter, like him—steps into his path. Lief slips around him in a dancing blur, his boots of the fencing master carrying him forward. He kneels by a woman who's clearly dying. With his back exposed to the Blessed who tried to stop him, Lief goes to work, chewing jerky from his pack before mixing it with a small amount of water. He feeds her slowly, a taste now, with more to come later. He wonders if his mother looked like her, at the end.

There are others almost as bad as her, including a child he'd missed at first, wrapped in furs with only their nose and mouth showing. He moves to them and applies the same rude soup. As he does, he starts talking to the Creep in the primordial tongue Lief had been taught was the only pure language.

"I don't know what you want with my people," he says, not meeting the Creep's eyes. "It looks like you want them to live. But for what? To become their new mogul? To enjoy your own servants? Your own worshippers?"

Lief stands, still looking down at his patients, trying to get a full grasp of who might live. He decides: All of them.

"I won't allow it." He continues working, treating wounds and frostbite on feet, tearing bandages from his clothing when his healer's kit runs out. "Give them to me," he says, finally turning to those eyes and stench in the darkness. "Let me find a place for them. In return, I'll find a way to heal you, too. I'll go wherever it takes, however far, to purge whatever's turned you into," he waves with one hand, "this."

Lief steps closer to the Creep. "Let me save you too."

Intent: Show the Creep he means to help everyone here.

Primary: Heal. r(20)+13 = 33 vs. Medium DC 18. Success.

Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
4/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance, Acrobatics, Athletics, Heal
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Complexity 2 SC, Level 10 (DCs 13/18/26)
Goal (staged): Reach the Creep (3) and convince it to help Lief stop Acamar (5), when that version appears 17 years in the future—even if it costs present-day Lief his life (6).
4/6 Successes/1 Failures/1 Hard DC Available/2 Secondary Skills Available/1 Advantages Available/Primary Skills Exhausted: Endurance, Acrobatics, Athletics, Heal

Through the eerie light, the mostly-shrouded Creep watches Lief care for the sick and deprived like an angel or a hospitaler giving succor to the outcast and downtrodden. The thing, more bones and sagging flesh than muscle, stifles a bemused chuckle.

At Lief's final offering, the wretched creature brings guttering tinder-light to the wall behind him; a distorted painting of what can only be Acamar drawing this world's living things from the surface up into his dark infinity. Staring at the lit cave-picture, "would that you could heal me, boy. Would that you could save me. But we both know that is not your purpose here."

Regarding the painting, The Creep says in as gravelly a voice as a living thing can utter; "this is yours...but not from now-times...nor from what has come to be already...this is yours from beyond this moment. It drew me here. The stench of the coal, of the dye, of your sweat."

Looking at Lief now, "what comes to be? What role did the wizened beast-of-a-thing that addressed you now play?"


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