A notice

Cassiel Moonfall

First Post
*tacted up on the boards with in the rotunda is a nicely scrawled notice. Written on tea colored paper with a pretty henna ink is the following in Common, Elven and Undercommon*

"Tired of those neck bitters after your blood? Maybe scared of those moon barking creatures eating your livestock? Or maybe you want to ward of the warty potion brewers putting hexes on your family? We have the solution! At our brand new location set just near the docks - Moonfall's Procured Antiquities - Come see us for your basic needs. Garlic wine for that unwanted party guest, silver marbles for that ever useful sling thrower, even decanters of endless holy water to keep the hoards of witches at bay! Now opening with low low prices! Come see us soon"

Signed, keeper of the wine and all things drinkably intoxicating, Cassiel Moonfall"

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