So, there's not a lot to report. We've been playing weekly and they are through the first adventure of Ghosts of Saltmarsh and working on some of the GoS and Dragon of Icespire Peak mini-quests. They've acquired two new members: a Lizardfolk, and a Yuan-Ti. The existing members convinced the new members to make Ber-compatible races.
The Yuan-ti player really wanted to bring the snake god Dendar from Forgotten Realms along as his Warlock patron, even after multiple attempts to get him to switch to the Voice of Rot, so he wrote up a backstory about living in a ziggurat full of VoR worshippers and being disgusted with them not accepting the true snake-death god. So he'd become a sort of snake-death-cult Mormon, trying to win convertees to his fancy new religion.
They got a ship at the end of the first GoS adventure and now we are using the Acquisitions Incorporated rules to set it up as an import business, making weekly trips to Seobriga and bringing back exotic items from the home country.
They got a mission to help a guy survey a mine. The mine was full of wererats. Instead of killing them, they negotiated to have them hired by the mine company and began proceedings to give them a union.
There's a young black dragon cruising about the island, clearly from an egg that was kept safe during the time when dragons were "extinct."
He's made a base on top of the ziggurat from Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan. That ziggurat is probably connected to one of the new planets. They're big fans of Sargon of Uggat, whose father was cup-bearer to Ur-Zababa, so it might be to his world. We'll see if they pursue that.
Sid Minos may end up getting dragged to hell.. oh wait, there's no hell... well, there's Jiese. It'll be a nice stand in. The Golden Legion of Gear the Shimmering has set up camp there for the time being. Some of their old PCs are replacing major players from Descent into Avernus. Gear, of course, was a Zeitgeist PC who got replaced by an evil reflection in the Golden Legion's headquarters in the Gyre and has now taken them over. They've heard about this already from a "friendly" imp who's been following them around since they killed his master.
My intention is that the reason we've backtracked in technology somewhat (in addition to me not wanting to have to do a ton of conversion to bring technology to 20th-century levels) is that the infestation on Jiese has somehow corrupted its connection to the world. Probably so the devils can keep all the tech to themselves and have awesome Mad Max infernal engine chases. Two of our players are big Wasteland Weekend aficionados. I need to get them to Jiese.
Current plan is to just sort of see what they want to do out of my huge collection of 5e material, but keep leaving connections to Zeitgeist. Somewhere after 10th level they'll have to deal with the big cosmic stuff, which is currently very wibbly and waiting to see what they actually do.
This past week they almost died clearing out a Kuo-Toa infestation of a local ranch. The Kuo-Toa were displaced by the dragon. The dragon is sitting on a ziggurat.