A question about Highlander

Helena Real

bit.ly/ato-qs (she/her)
Highlander was (and still is) one of my life-long obsessions. Its world always felt so mysterious and cool.

I ran a one-shot using a fan made adaptation to WoD 1.0 rules back in the day and it was lots of fun. I remember someone creating a more in-depth version for WoD 2.0 rules that I read but never got to play.

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I ran a one-shot using a fan made adaptation to WoD 1.0 rules back in the day and it was lots of fun. I remember someone creating a more in-depth version for WoD 2.0 rules that I read but never got to play.
I remember those rules creeping around various BBSes before the days of AOL. Someone spent a lot of time coming up with those rules.


Unrepentant DM Supremacist
There's also talk amongst fan circles that the prize might have been tailored to the last immortal. MacLeod won the prize, and so, for him, it was ultimate knowledge and mortality.

That's always been my interpretation. Connor hates being immortal and seeing everyone he cares about die, but he's also not going to let another immortal kill him. OTOH, someone like the Kurgan would use the Prize to be a tyrant. The Prize grants the last immortal standing his greatest wish. The ending of The Source supports that idea, though unfortunately like most Highlander movies it's hot garbage.

I'll be honest, I think the TV show was better than any of the movies. I could be a bit biased because I first encountered the franchise through the show. But a TV series also served the premise better than a movie, because it was able to explore much more of Duncan's past than the films could do for Connor, and Duncan ended up being a much more well-rounded character as a result.


It's been almost thirty years since I last saw an episode. While I cannot vouch for the overall quality of the series, the fact that it was actually watchable puts it heads and shoulders above any of the original movie's sequels.

It would have improved the sequels that's for sure.

I've rewatched in twice in the last 15 years or so. First season is villain of the week, last season is kinda bad.

The middle bit yeah it's fun in an early 90s kind of way.

Best Highlander overall imho.

It's on Amazon here (or was).


Thanks for the replies, people! I'm glad to see that there isn't a clear answer - makes me feel better about the hour I wasted yesterday pondering the question.


Unrepentant DM Supremacist
Easiest answer is the immortals didn't know what the prize was.

That's a good one too, and it also kind of fits with The Source.

You know people really hate the second film, but for me, it's just forgettable and an an inconsequential part of the franchise the show simply disregarded completely and rightfully so.

It's the Source that's the really big disappointment and I've said this before. There's this whole idea behind it that the Immortals don't know what the Source is and they have all sorts of legends surrounding it. And much of what they think they know is wrong. For example, it's implied that there's a different reason to them existing than killing each other for power, and that even the whole idea behind the Game, that there can be only one, itself is wrong. Unfortunately, none of the cool ideas really get explored and too much of the movie is a bunch of meaningless fight scenes in an apocalyptic near future. That's why it's such a let down, it had so much potential and it was all squandered.


That's a good one too, and it also kind of fits with The Source.

You know people really hate the second film, but for me, it's just forgettable and an an inconsequential part of the franchise the show simply disregarded completely and rightfully so.

It's the Source that's the really big disappointment and I've said this before. There's this whole idea behind it that the Immortals don't know what the Source is and they have all sorts of legends surrounding it. And much of what they think they know is wrong. For example, it's implied that there's a different reason to them existing than killing each other for power, and that even the whole idea behind the Game, that there can be only one, itself is wrong. Unfortunately, none of the cool ideas really get explored and too much of the movie is a bunch of meaningless fight scenes in an apocalyptic near future. That's why it's such a let down, it had so much potential and it was all squandered.

Highlander 1 and the TV show thumbs up. They made sone other stuff.

I liked 3 more than 2 but I was young lol.


Unrepentant DM Supremacist
Highlander 3 is probably the second best movie, but that's a VERY low bar to clear. It has two main problems, a goofy for the EVULZ villain and it exists completely outside the show's continuity.
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Kobold Stew's quick guide to Highlander.

Highlander. Excellent movie with an amazing original modern mythology that has never been topped. Lightning strikes. 5/5
Highlander II. Curiously, this movie was never made, and there are no records of it, or of its director's cut to be found. 0/5
Highlander III. Sorcerer. An attempt to reboot a sequel with a foolishly low budget. Is an adequate tv hour-length story but lacks the substance of a film. 1/5
This is perhaps not surprising, because
Highlander The Series had been going for two seasons at this point, and would continue for 4 more. It is mostly good, focusing on Duncan MacLeod not Connor. It reframes some of the mythology from the film, but remains true to the spirit, and the period flashbacks are excellent. Fight coordinators make sure to be accurate for what techniques MacLeod knows in the 17th century as opposed to the 19th c., which blade he uses, etc. I can talk about the series all day. Solid characters. Roland Gift as Xavier St Cloud is the best recurring villain, and will inspire the villain in Highlander Endgame. Sure, there are dud episodes, but this is genre tv in the 90s, made under the most improbable circumstances (including an international partnership that requires MacLeod to move to France for half of every season).
Seasons 1-5 are great. 4/5
Highlander IV. Endgame. Was made at this time. It was an attempt to pass off the baton from Duncan to Connor. It had an idea for innovation to the myth (Sanctuary) which would have circumvented the rules of the Game. 3/5 if you like both the original film and the series, but otherwise 1/5.
Highlander The Series Season 6 is an attempt to find traction for a spinoff series, with every episode attempting to be a stealth pilot. 1/5.
Highlander: The Raven was a one-season spinoff that emerged from the final season of the series. No good stories, but it did have a very attractive star. 2/5
Highlander V. Sanctuary. Yes another attempt to milk this series for some cash, with no inspiration or ideas. 0/5.

There were various animated series and an animated movie. Nothing to get your hopes up for.

I'll be honest, I think the TV show was better than any of the movies. I could be a bit biased because I first encountered the franchise through the show. But a TV series also served the premise better than a movie, because it was able to explore much more of Duncan's past than the films could do for Connor, and Duncan ended up being a much more well-rounded character as a result.
I agree!
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