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A Sojourn in Sairundan [Judge: Manzanita]


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Kurgahz Vuultan, Half-Orc Cleric 1 of Taurusk; AC 14, HP 10/10

OOC: Sorry to skip, but I probably won't be able to post again till tomorrow night...

Kurgahz, tired of missing with his idiotic crossbow, shoves it back in his belt while running forward as far as he can towards the Ogre. (Run 80' to bring range to 25')

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Rae ArdGaoth said:
OOC: Regarding Trouvere's question about firing into melee: The penalty for firing into melee does apply, and it takes into account the poor angle. So fire away, with a -4 penalty.
OOC: Okay, but if we can get into position so that the missile attack comes from the opposite side of the ogre from Cludge, so that he's 10' away, we can avoid the penalty, right?
The Ogre Battle
Round -2 (10:36:00):
•Conuld casts mage armor (expires at 11:36:00) and takes out his nonexistent scroll.
Round -1 (10:36:06):
•Conuld casts expeditious retreat from aforementioned nonexistent scroll.
OOC: I sense mocking mockage of mockery! :) Nice map, though.

Rae ArdGaoth

Microsoft Paint.


Actually, its a Photoshop CS2 file with several overlapping pattern layers for the water, forest, rocks, etc. And each character has their own layer for ease of movement.


First Post
Shadya drops her bow and draws one of her scimitars, then quickly runs forward as far as she can.

OOC: Next round she'll double move within 10' of the ogre, which is as far as she can get :)

Rae ArdGaoth

Trouvere said:
OOC: Okay, but if we can get into position so that the missile attack comes from the opposite side of the ogre from Cludge, so that he's 10' away, we can avoid the penalty, right?
Unfortunately no. The RAW clearly state that two combatants are in melee when they threaten one another and are less than 10' apart. The penalty applies regardless of the position of the two engaged in melee or that of the firer.

Shadya drops her bow and hustles forward while fumbling her scimitar out of its sheath. (65' from ogre)

Kurgahz casts aside his crossbow and barrels past Shadya and the others to join Cludge in melee. (25' from ogre)

Cludge is up, then Conuld again.


SRD said:
If your target (or the part of your target you’re aiming at, if it’s a big target) is at least 10 feet away from the nearest friendly character, you can avoid the -4 penalty, even if the creature you’re aiming at is engaged in melee with a friendly character.
When does this rule apply?[/sblock]Conuld speeds closer to the ogre, relishing the feeling of freedom that his magically enhanced speed gives him.

OOC: moving to the rocky square that I suppose you could call G7, 10' down from the start of the bridge.


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Cludge Slatefist, Dwarven Fighter 2 HP:23 AC:15

Seeing that the ogre is still standing slack-jawed and not responding to his presence nearby, Cludge takes a massive, joint-cracking backswing with his greatsword and swings it with all his might at the ogre's midsection....
[sblock=Cludge attack roll #1, 2 points power attack] 12[/sblock]

OOC: Looks like he whiffed, but in case that connects, damage is 12. Cludge's AC versus the ogre is 19.

Rae ArdGaoth

[Sblock=OOC: ]If the ogre was using a reach weapon, he would threaten a larger area, and so if Cludge were within range of say a halberd and Conuld aimed at the far side of the ogre, then the penalty wouldn't apply. Dragons (and other gargantuan+ creatures) have natural reach attacks as well. But the ogre, being 10' across and threatening only adjacent squares, will always cause Conuld to incur that -4 penalty. [/sblock]


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Finally close enough to see the creature's dull and beady eyes, Kurgahz decides to try and disarm the beast before he wakes from his dim-witted confusion. Speaking strange words in a hoarse and guttural voice, he finishes by biting his own tongue hard enough to make it bleed. Spitting some of it out onto his now glowing hand, he cocks back his arm and lets fly the globule of glowing blood which arcs through the air to strike the Ogre's greatclub where it explodes into a mass of gooey, slippery blood coating the entire object... "Ket'ss ssee how he likess that!" Kurgahz sneers with anticipation.

OOC: Ogre gets a Reflex save DC14 or he drops his greatclub and has to make another same Reflex save any round later in order to pick it up. (As the 1st level Wiz/Sor Grease spell.)

Voidrunner's Codex

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