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A Sojourn in Sairundan Part 2 [Judge: Manzanita]


Conuld takes a deep breath and comes to a sudden decision. From a pocket within his pouch, he takes a pinch of powdered iron and, head bowed, begins spellcasting, and watches as his feet recede from view. Now standing at twice his normal height, he marches towards the shameful scuffle. As he draws near, he casts a second quick spell. A high piercing howling scream as loud as a dozen men, tries to cut through the tumult, like the anger of angels, on and on.

Conuld stands still facing the rioting Helatians, palms outwards. Sparkling silver flames play around his foot-long hands, and drip along his arms.[sblock=Edit]"Please use this distraction to clear a space around the prisoner as best you can," he mouths silently into the minds of his Sairundani friends. OOC: Oops.. of course this spell has ended, since Conuld moved out of range of the men. Unless it kicks back in within its original duration when he returns?[/sblock]OOC: casting enlarge person, then ghost sound, and using prestidigitation
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Rae ArdGaoth


More than a couple of the crowd notice Conuld as he grows large and the flames begin to dance around his hands. They grab each other and point, the fear obvious in their eyes. Then the shriek comes, and every head turns. Gram also turns, and he looks just as horrified as the rest of them. A few back away slowly, but most seem frozen in fear. The battered orc lays all but forgotten on the cold stone of the pavilion.

The two Sairundani men from before make no signal that they have heard Conuld's whispered message (OOC: Yes, the spell ends when you walk out of range.)


The sound dies away. "Fear not, you are saved from great error," says Conuld, from a throat grown resonant with eightfold size, and with a smile that he hopes looks beatific, but which is more one of relief. "Retribution is not yours to take, at this time."

Into the silence, he speaks short strange words of Draconic, twisting a piece of wool between his fingers. The shimmering silver flames vanish from his hands only to spring up larger around the orc, twisting silently into a strange curtain that shields him from view. More flames rise up around the wizard's own form.

"Those of violent intent would do well not to draw near the flame," says Conuld, then, getting perhaps a little carried away, repeats the remark in Celestial, stumbling a little over these words.

"Gram, these people should return to their homes. Now."

OOC: silent image

Rae ArdGaoth

OOC: Rystil's gonna be AWOL AWL (absent with leave! ;)) a lot, or so he says, so let's not wait for him. Shadya can take charge of the interrogation for now, keeping Lasair's wishes in mind (though since they were only presented in OOC... well, whatever).

Cludge and Kurgahz also have pending actions.

Rystil Arden

First Post
(OOC: Okay, I have a little time for ENWorld now--I'll try to channel it all into this game for now)

"I am sure that you do not wish to be imprisoned or executed for your treasonous activities and attempted murder," Lasair speaks calmly to the two men, "If you wish me to give you a lighter sentence, you will tell me everything you know, particularly information on the people you hired you and your associate in the shadows who was trying to kill you to prevent us from capturing you."

Rae ArdGaoth

As soon as the men have allowed themselves to be tied up, they begin struggling against their bonds. "Wha- Hey! No, no no no! Witch, you messed with my mind! Get out of our heads!" the second thug says. The once-cloaked-man struggles also, but quietly, and he seems to accept that there will be no escape for him.

When Lasair asks her question, the second thug spits on the ground and strains his muscles, shouting, "I'm not telling you anything!" The other man, however, looks at Lasair with cockiness and says, "Look, I know you think you've won tonight, but you haven't. The Kaati Shut aren't ones to let their brothers rot in prison, and they're certainly not ones to kill their own. That shot was meant for you, Witch. I don't know who you are, or who you think you are, but you don't know this city. The council dishes out execution orders, not mind-muddlers on rooftops. We'll take our chances with the authorities, thanks."

Rystil Arden

First Post
'And this is exactly why we can't bring them back to the authorities' Lasair sends to Meliana who then sends the same message to Shadya, 'They seem to have friends in high places. They'll probably get right out.'

(OOC: Well, if Diplomacy +19 won't get her anywhere, it's time for Plan B)

'Vhalless dogs...They use poison and fight with cowardice...'

"What a pity. I had hoped to do this the easy way, but if you will not listen to reason, I will have the answers from you regardless, and then, well...Actually I only need one of you in order to get all the answers I need. Perhaps I should hand whichever one is least cooperative over to my companion here--her brother was targetted by your poison, so I'm sure she will not stand for you to be released by your allies and fail to pay for what you have done."

(OOC: If none will still answer her willingly, she'll do the Suggestion I mentioned a few posts ago.)


First Post
"The justice of the desert is harsh, and I need only an excuse to extract it here and now," Shadya says, while sitting on a ledge, not looking quite at them. "Your friends can not save you here."

Voidrunner's Codex

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