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a thought inspired by Rhane's post on Nugan's Rant



One thing I wanted to state after reading Rhane's post. I know I have offered "advice" to you as well as other players. Especially when it comes to certain things that certain races just don't do, okay the ones from DnD. Now I am wondering these people are telling you who you can play with and who you can't. If this is because you have joined a group with a character then this type of thing is to be expected. But if that isn't the case then tell them to take a flying leap and put them on iggie on the site AND your IM's.

There is a very bad elitist attitude around this site. I had a character that spouted off some "folk lore"(yes it does exist in any world, not everyone knows every single detail about everything as some of the characters and players seem to think) and a few players started jumping down my throat for it because they thought I have no clue. I was very satisfying to show two of these players that indeed I did know my stuff and in fact had forgotten more about DnD than they will most likely ever learn.

A thing to remember, just because it says in one book or another that a devil has to be this or has to be that doesn't mean the player is playing by that campaign setting. If you want totally game specific rping then try the Scarred Lands site which happens to be a very good place to actually to online playing and not just going into a tavern and drinking and never actually doing anything but bad mouthing other characters and players.

The other night I was unfortunate to witness an rper that was taking personal issues out with someone's style of rp and using it vaguely ic. Well it also happens that both of the players are people that I enjoy roleplaying with. Now the one that was doing the slamming happens to be one that is getting tied up with the storyline of one of my characters and I will be ignoring that character from now on. If you have a problem with someone's style of rp then tell them in a pm or keep your bloody mouth shut. All this bashing of people trying to veil it as IC actions has gone too far in my humble opinion. Now if this messes up the storyline my character is involved in then oh well, if the ones I am playing with can't see the wrongness that occurred then I shouldn't be rping with them in the first place and will quickly rectify that situation as I have done in the past. Now people might think they are being witty but what they are actually showing us is that they are nothing better than a spoiled child that has to whine over not getting their way. News flash you might be witty, you might even be borderline genious but I would rather rp with someone that doesn't have enough brain cells in their head to rub them together to get a clear thought that to play with a pompous jerk who thinks they are so much better than anyone else. It is players like this that are making the ISRP areas a chore to rp in at times. Even when you put those people on ignore you still end up hearing about what they said to this person and what they said to that person.

If it isn't plain to see I am sick and tired of these people, as well with the ones that don't do anything about them and just sit back and let it happen. Everyone keeps saying what would make this place so much better but they continue to interact with these people. If we ALL would quit then they would have no reason to come back to the site and then we could go about making it a better place. The same goes for the powergamers and the snerts, twinks or what ever you wish to call them. If you notice they are being snerts iggy them. If someone asks why tell them honestly though not in a mean way why you no longer interact with them. If you find this is causing you problems with your rping get in touch with me, there are many on this site that know my email addy as well as have me on IM's and they can get in touch with me and I will make it a point to make a character for the sole purpose of rping with you. Now I know that is in no way a treat or anything like that, but I am willing to play with those that are being shunned because they refuse to play with the godmoders on this site and their elitist views as well.


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Originally posted by Fenmarel
A thing to remember, just because it says in one book or another that a devil has to be this or has to be that doesn't mean the player is playing by that campaign setting.

Indeed. But, it doesn't mean I have to like the "good guy" devil. I shouldn't be expected too either just because they've amended their way. Given time, perhaps, but to some a devil is a devil.

Originally posted by Fenmarel
News flash you might be witty, you might even be borderline genious but I would rather rp with someone that doesn't have enough brain cells in their head to rub them together to get a clear thought that to play with a pompous jerk who thinks they are so much better than anyone else.

I'd say the character I play is a pompous jerk maybe 40% of the time. I'll play my character how I want..if I should be understanding (OOC) of people who play ungodly numbers of fiends, undead and the like. It should go the same way towards my character's personality..as long as it stays IC. Of course, you could ignore me. No skin off my back.

I dunno if we're talking about jerk in the same way, but oh well heh.



I wasn't meaning the nicey nice devils and fiends that seem to flock to this site but was meaning that just because say the Planescape setting says it has to be this way doesn't mean that the abilities and places of refuge have to be the same for other campaign settings. Just about all cultures have their versions of devils and demons.

Oh a side note there are many forms of evil, most only recognize the in your face evil and not the more subtle shades of it. I know of a character, forgive me Ark, that is playing an L/E fiend and many think he is not evil because he uses the harder route of subtle evil than walking into a room and boasting of your power and demanding everyone to bow before their might.

Oh sure you can play your characters how ever you wish to. Anyone has that right, but when they do take BLATENT OOC issues with players and turn them into very poorly masked IC slams of a character that player has crossed all lines of decency and decorum. These are the things I am talking about not the usual "well I don't like paladins so neither does my character" type of attitude but the "I can't believe that player is doing that better teach him/her a lesson" type attitude that so many of the players, mainly the older ones, seem to have.





Just a small reminder, if people are picking on a player because of how he or she plays, disguised as in charater or not, it could be considered harassment and it is something that you, as witness, should be reporting. Sure, ignore the character/player as you see fit, but let us WizOs know about it. Give us the details. Harassment is not something tollerated on site.


First Post
Okay, so we were talking about entirely different things..my mistake.

Once it becomes personal attacks masked as IC slams, then it is your responsibility to report them. Of course, what is blatent to you, might not be blatent to me. If I don't know the "bad blood" between two players, all I see is their characters arguing. So, yes, I sit back and let it happen.

Edit: For the record, I do hate paladins..grr.. But I'm pratically playing one anyway.



Well Reesa as a matter of fact I have been reporting such incidents, and I will continue to do so. Like right now I am fixing to send one concerning the stalking of minors on this site by cyber sexual predators.




Fenmarel said:
Well Reesa as a matter of fact I have been reporting such incidents, and I will continue to do so. Like right now I am fixing to send one concerning the stalking of minors on this site by cyber sexual predators.


Thanks Jason. :) I wasn't meaning you directly, but everyone who sees someone doing something like this needs to report them. So many times we hear of this or that being wrong, or people breaking CoC, and no one reports it. Things like this need to be reported.

Best wishes,


First Post
Like right now I am fixing to send one concerning the stalking of minors on this site by cyber sexual predators.

:confused: :eek: :mad: :twitch:

Huh... didn't think we had too bad of a problem with that here. Report away, please! This sort of thing definately needs to be reported.


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