Level Up (A5E) A variant idea for the Planetouched heritage in A5e

What if the Planetouched Heritage in A5e was composed of three closely related lineages? A Celestial lineage (Aasimar), a Fiendish lineage (Tiefling) and an Elemental lineage (Genasi)

This idea came to me after I bought Purple Martin Games' Manual of Adventurous Resources: Wilderness, and I got to look at the Goblinoid heritage. Each of the Planetouched lineages would work like a heritage by presenting a set of commonly shared traits (age, size, speed, Darkvision plus one or two signature abilities). So all of the Celestial Planetouched, for instance, would have their own set of signature abilities that would set them apart from those of the Fiendish and Elemental Planetouched.

With regards to gifts, I think each lineage would have their own set of gifts that point to a particular ancestry among the celestials, fiends and elementals. The Celestial Planetouched could have gifts that tie them to angels, archons, guardinals or even the couatls. The Fiendish Planetouched could have gifts to tie them to devils, demons, daemons or demodands. As for the Elemental Planetouched, I am kind of torn between them having gifts that tie to a particular kind of elemental such as a genie or a mephit, or gifts that point to a particular element and it's permutations (ex. Earth- Metal, Crystal, Sand, etc.) I would like to see the former only because it's never been done before for the Genasi. It always seems like that the latter is done for them. 😋

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Elemental (Genasi) Lineage

Elemental Planetouched typically mature at the same rate as their non-Planetouched kin, but live a few years longer.
Size: Elemental Planetouched are usually of similar build and size to their non-Planetouched kin. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.
Speed. Your base Speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Thanks to your supernatural ancestors, your vision is not impeded by darkened conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Shape Element
I see this particular signature ability as a consolidation of the four elemental cantrips in 5e- Control Flames, Gust, Mold Earth and Shape Water- into one spell-like ability. If you pick a gift such as Gift of the Winds in order to become an Air Genasi, then Shape Element becomes Shape Air and functions much like Gust.
Resist Element
While the Fire Genasi can resist fire attacks, the other three Genasi in the past have usually been given resistance to another energy damage type such as lightning, acid and cold. I suspect it's because the damage associated with a spell from the air, earth and water schools is physical (slashing, bludgeoning and piercing) rather energy (Fire, Cold, Lightning, etc.). Air and Water typically do bludgeoning damage while Earth does all three kinds of physical damage. Still, I find it weird that a Genasi from one of these three elements can't shrug off these damage types when it comes to spells from those three schools I mentioned. I am going to limit this trait to spells from a particular element. So an Earth Genasi could still be hurt by someone wielding a manufactured weapon made from their element. I am leaning toward a saving throw bonus that is tied to their Proficiency bonus and perhaps Resistance. Like Shape Element, the gift you pick determines which element you get to resist.

1. Gift of the Winds (Air Genasi)
2. Gift of Rumbling Stone (Earth Genasi)
3. Gift of Blistering Flames (Fire Genasi)
4. GIft of the Waves (Water Genasi)


Elemental (Genasi) Lineage

Elemental Planetouched typically mature at the same rate as their non-Planetouched kin, but live a few years longer.
Size: Elemental Planetouched are usually of similar build and size to their non-Planetouched kin. You are Medium or Small. You choose the size when you select this race.
Speed. Your base Speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. Thanks to your supernatural ancestors, your vision is not impeded by darkened conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.

Shape Element
I see this particular signature ability as a consolidation of the four elemental cantrips in 5e- Control Flames, Gust, Mold Earth and Shape Water- into one spell-like ability. If you pick a gift such as Gift of the Winds in order to become an Air Genasi, then Shape Element becomes Shape Air and functions much like Gust.
Resist Element
While the Fire Genasi can resist fire attacks, the other three Genasi in the past have usually been given resistance to another energy damage type such as lightning, acid and cold. I suspect it's because the damage associated with a spell from the air, earth and water schools is physical (slashing, bludgeoning and piercing) rather energy (Fire, Cold, Lightning, etc.). Air and Water typically do bludgeoning damage while Earth does all three kinds of physical damage. Still, I find it weird that a Genasi from one of these three elements can't shrug off these damage types when it comes to spells from those three schools I mentioned. I am going to limit this trait to spells from a particular element. So an Earth Genasi could still be hurt by someone wielding a manufactured weapon made from their element. I am leaning toward a saving throw bonus that is tied to their Proficiency bonus and perhaps Resistance. Like Shape Element, the gift you pick determines which element you get to resist.

1. Gift of the Winds (Air Genasi)
2. Gift of Rumbling Stone (Earth Genasi)
3. Gift of Blistering Flames (Fire Genasi)
4. GIft of the Waves (Water Genasi)
Expertise die on Dexterity (air), Constitution (earth), and Wisdom (water) saving throws?

Expertise die on Dexterity (air), Constitution (earth), and Wisdom (water) saving throws?
Good question. I am not sure if it could be this simple. I looked at some Earth spells in Kibbles' Generic Elemental Spells to see which ability was used in a save. The spells Create Pit, Earth Ripple, Stone Coffin, Fissure, Avalanche, and Volcanic Burst required DEX saving throws. The spells Seismic Wave and Quicksand required a STR saving throw. Then there are those spells that don't allow a save at all. It would be easier to say that a Genasi would receive an Expertise die to any save involving damage coming from their own element.


Good question. I am not sure if it could be this simple. I looked at some Earth spells in Kibbles' Generic Elemental Spells to see which ability was used in a save. The spells Create Pit, Earth Ripple, Stone Coffin, Fissure, Avalanche, and Volcanic Burst required DEX saving throws. The spells Seismic Wave and Quicksand required a STR saving throw. Then there are those spells that don't allow a save at all. It would be easier to say that a Genasi would receive an Expertise die to any save involving damage coming from their own element.
Sure, but it would be highly situational if you’re not playing a fire genasi

Humanoid Elemental
You have both the Humanoid and Elemental creature types. The description of each Genasi in Monsters of the Multiverse IMO points to their dual type nature.

Voidrunner's Codex

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