• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

A Vital Issue

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First you must calculate falling damage for the force of you hitting the lava, which is based on the sum total mass of your character and whatever it is carrying multiplied by the gravitational acceleration of your game's planet (taking minute adjustments into account for gravity's weakening as altitude increases). Refer to a logarithmic damage table to determine how many d7 dice to roll.

If you survive falling damage, you will need to calculate the rate of reaction for the lava burning your skin. For this you will need to look up the elemental content of the lava by molar mass, the elemental content of your character's skin by molar mass, the difference in temperature between the ambient atmosphere and the lava, and the starting enthalpy of the reaction. You will need to dig out your college chemistry books for this one, because you will need to calculate the total enthalpy of the reaction per second. You then cross-reference this number with another curve plot to find out how many d32 dice to roll for lava damage per round.

5E will also come packaged with a TI calculator and a copy of Matlab and will retail for approximately $6999.99 USD ($7599.99 Canadian).


It might be one of those "you had to be there" kind of jokes. :)

If I recall correctly, a long time ago, some veteran ENWorld posters and friends at Gencon were wisecracking about some forum conversations about how much damage Lava should do in 3E. (I'm guessing it wasn't long after the 3rd Star Wars prequel, too.) The end result was the OGL product I linked to. :D
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If you're a 1st edition-style PC, you die. No save.

If you're a 2nd edition-style PC, you get to make a saving throw. If you fail, you die. If you succeed... never mind, you're not going to succeed.

If you're a 3rd edition-style PC, you get to make a Swim check. If you fail, you take 20d6 damage. If you succeed, you take half damage and Swim out of the lava.

If you're a 4th edition-style PC, you get to make a saving throw. If you fail, you take 5 ongoing fire damage. You may exit the lava pool as a minor action.

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