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A Warlock Alone, Island Empire solo game

J. Alexander

First Post
Grondrolls 1d20 +2, getting [3,2] = (5)Professional sailor

Michael Stormrolls 1d20, getting [5] = (5)Guiesspi

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 4, getting [12,4] = (16) Michael

Hopefully that will suffice for us to catch up and intercept, If not Grond will just have to carry Michael as he runs towads the ship walking on water if that is possible and if it is necessary.

I do think if we sneak up on them the two of us will be able to take the ship, we will start on the quarterdeck ad work our way from there as from there we will have control of the ship and force them to come to us.....tha is of course if invisible castle does not curse us lol

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You put your skills to work, but soon it becomes clear that the little boat simply isn't fast enough without truely extraordinary sailing. Once it becomes clear that you will fall short of intercepting the ship, Grond picks you up and begins to run across the water. He is able to run up behind the ship and grab some hanging fish netting. Gussippe stays with the smaller boat and follows as best he can. Grond and Michael find themselves climbing up the back of the small ship. There appears to be two halflings and a human on the quarterdeck.

J. Alexander

First Post
Michael will go invisble and move to attack the human, while Grond will move to attack the two halflings..using his great axe, both will move silently and Grond will attack after Michael does hopefully allowing Michael to get a sneak attack in...Can you sneak attack withEldritch Blast?

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 +16, getting [8,16] = (24)Move Silently
Grondrolls 1d20 +2, getting [11,2] = (13)Move

For their first attacks they roll

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 +9, getting [12,9] = (21) doing 3d6+1, getting
[2,5,6,1] = (14) damage

Grondrolls 1d20 + 8, getting [9,8] = (17)Attack doing 3d6 +5, getting [5,5,6,5] = (21)

Initative rolls are:

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 +4, getting [12,4] = (16)
Grondrolls 1d20 +4, getting [8,4] = (12)



OOC: Listen checks 1d20+3=17, 1d20+3=21, 1d20+5=14

OOC: Initiative checks Crewrolls 1d20+1, getting [6,1] = (7)

Crewrolls 1d20+2, getting [10,2] = (12)

Crewrolls 1d20+2, getting [6,2] = (8)

As you are slipping forward the deck creaks omminously under Grond's great weight alerting all the crew on the quarterdeck to your approach. Fortunately, Michael got in his Eldritch Blast in time to surprise the human who goes down in a cracking pool of magical energy. Grond cuts the first halfing down before he can act. The other manages to draw a sword and swing (1d20+2=21) at Grond. He amazes the big man with a deft blow (2d6+2=6).

OOC: Michael is up, remember -4 for throwing into melee.

J. Alexander

First Post
Storm and Company

Michael will grab the wheel and sharply altera the ships course, hoping to throw everyone a little off balace. Is this a sailing ship or or a galley, I am under the impression it is a fast galley with oars, but i could be wrong. If it is a galley, Michael will move to the stairs and prepare to deal with any crew attempting to climb the ladder. If it is a sailing ship, he will pull the mainsail pin to release the sail and bring the ship to a eventual halt.

Grondrolls 1d20 + 8, getting [4,8] = (12) Attack, if that is a hit Grondrolls 3d6, getting
[1,5,5] = (11),damage. Perhaps when I move by him i will enable grond to get a +2 flank for that while i more than likely trigger an attack of opportunity. The goal is to secure the ladder way and slow the ship etc, until Grond can come up an support me. I am thinking if it is set right, the sudden attack by us, and some good dice rolls could allow me to run a very crediable bluff on the rest of the crew....

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 6, getting [18,6] = (24)Locating Mainsail pin


The ship is smaller than the Rumpled Bedsheet, but it is a sailing vessel. It is rigged out as a fishing vessel, but that is just a thin disguise. It is a low sleek little ship. The mainsail is on the foredeck mast, so you'll need to go down to the foredeck to release it. The course alteration you can of course perform here. Grond misses the halfling and feeling confident after that last blow he attacks (1d20+3=5) again, but this time misses wildly. He shouts "to arms we are boarded!" At this point Michael is at the head of the stairs just to the left of the wheel.

J. Alexander

First Post
Storm and Company

Grond will continue to attack the halfling, i am assuming at this point we both have him flanked,Grondrolls 1d20 + 8, getting [9,8] = (17)Attack, if he gets the flanking bonus he will be at 19 to hit. Damage is Grondrolls 3d6 +5, getting [5,5,6,5] = (21).

Michael after altering the course, will step to the railing overlooking the maindeck and scan for anyone answering the halflings call. He will also scan the deck and rigging to see if there is anyoneelse in the immediate area. The first person he see, gets an eldritch blast...Michael Storm rolls 1d20 + 9, getting [1,9] = 10 WELL MAYBE NOT :)

As they attempt to come on deck, Michael will say in a lound voice " I HAVE TAKEN THE SHIP, the first person thru that doorway dies, throw your arms thru the doorway onto the deck or i will burn the ship down around you.

Should i roll bluff or diplomacy.


Grond is able to drop the halfling. At this point you see a couple of people in the rigging and toss an eldritch blast their way. It misses, but does look impressive. On the maindeck you see 4 sailors moving toward the stairs. There isn't really a forecastle on this little ship, just the maindeck and the quarterdeck. A new shout goes up, "the captain is dead, he's killed the captain." You suspect it was the second halfling.

OOC: Roll which ever is better for you. I'm feeling generous today.

J. Alexander

First Post
Storm and Company

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 9, getting [6,9] = (15)Diplomacy {bites dont it}

Michael will contiue to the railing, and throw another eldritch blast at the people in the rigging, just to get their attention..he will then bellow "I want those sails reffed now, and those weapons on the deck, anyone who does not obey instanly will become shark bait. All officers and mates to the maindeck. Weapons to be placed on the deck as you exit. NOW DO IT, BEFORE I BURN THIS SHIP AND EVERY LAST PERSON IN IT TO THE WATER. When he says that Michael will toss a flask of oil onto the maindeck hoping to hit the main mast,,

Michael Stormrolls 1d20 + 8, getting [15,8] = (23) oil

Grond will then move up to support Michael, blocking the stairway onto the quarterdeck, letting his gorey axe be seen as he waits for an his next victum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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