Level Up (A5E) A5E and O5E 3PP Adventures


aka Ian Eller
After a good bit of hemming and hawing between TotV and A5E, I have decided on latter (in no small part due to the way A5E really embraces Open Gaming, but that's neither here nor there).

I decided I wanted to run some pre written adventures for it as a way to fully get my bearings before I start a homebrew campaign. Riffing off something @darjr suggested in another thread, I think I want to run one adventure per Tier.

So, all that is preamble to my question: for those with experience, how does A5E generally work with adventures written for O5E? Mostly I am focusing on 3PP adventures because I am not terribly interested in giving WotC money. (Although I think I might kick off with the TotYP Forge of Fury because I already own it and also it is a great tier 1 module.)

Have you encountered any issues with using O5E modules with A5E? If so, what sorts of mitigating factors did you use? What 3PP modules would you suggest for A5E use at different tiers? And, of course, are there specifically written for A5E modules you would recommend. Extra points if your recommendations are easily available on Fantasy Grounds, but that isn't a deal breaker.


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I've run the whole Spelljammer 'Light of Xaryxis' campaign with A5e. No problem at all, but fights can get a bit easier, depending on classes in the party (Arachnid Guardian Adept gets f*cking awesome beyond level 5...). Adding some Exploration Challenges spices up the whole thing.

You run O5E adventures as-is. We tan through Tomb of Annihilation using the A5E rules.

You can switch out monsters for the A5E versions if you want to (or magic items) but you don’t have to. They’re completely compatible as written.

After a good bit of hemming and hawing between TotV and A5E, I have decided on latter (in no small part due to the way A5E really embraces Open Gaming, but that's neither here nor there).

I decided I wanted to run some pre written adventures for it as a way to fully get my bearings before I start a homebrew campaign. Riffing off something @darjr suggested in another thread, I think I want to run one adventure per Tier.

So, all that is preamble to my question: for those with experience, how does A5E generally work with adventures written for O5E? Mostly I am focusing on 3PP adventures because I am not terribly interested in giving WotC money. (Although I think I might kick off with the TotYP Forge of Fury because I already own it and also it is a great tier 1 module.)

Have you encountered any issues with using O5E modules with A5E? If so, what sorts of mitigating factors did you use? What 3PP modules would you suggest for A5E use at different tiers? And, of course, are there specifically written for A5E modules you would recommend. Extra points if your recommendations are easily available on Fantasy Grounds, but that isn't a deal breaker.

To Save a Kingdom is a module for A5E.

I’m currently running Strahd and HoT using A5E (with an O5E fighter champion) characters and I’ve had no problems.

Thanks everyone.

For clarity, I was asking about experiences with A5E and non WotC O5E adventures. It sounds like there isn't a concern in any case, though.

In general, as Morrus said, the power levels are meant to be balanced even between O5e and A5e, so there shouldn't be any issues. However, 3PP stuff may or may not attempt to align themselves with the same ideas of balance, so YMMV. But if you find that most people say a particular 3PP adventure is well-balanced, it should still be well-balanced with A5e.

The only concession I've made is generally replacing monsters/NPCs with their A5E equivalents if available, and then only because they tend to have more interesting abilities.
I almost always replace the MM monsters with the LevelUp equivalent, unless I replace it with a Flee Mortals equivalent. I have never found a 2014 5E monster that was better than an A5E version.

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