Blog (A5E) A5ESRD: Core Rulebooks Now All Completed Making Biggest Open 5E SRD Available


We have finished uploading the full core rules (Adventurer’s Guide, Monstrous Menagerie, Trials & Treasures) to the Advanced 5th Edition System Reference Document. The rules content from these books is all released under the Open Gaming License, Creative Commons, and Open RPG Creative License. Third parties are able to use any of these licenses to access the full A5E ruleset and create their own compatible products.

The A5ESRD is the most complete 5E rules SRD available with over 1,200 pages of open content, which is nearly 3 times that contained in the core 5E SRD. It contains the full rules content of the game, and is a fully-featured, fully open, non-rescindible 5E SRD available under multiple licenses.

The next task will be Dungeon Delver’s Guide, after which we will start work on Gate Pass Gazette.


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Using all three licenses on the same "document" might be an issue. You may want some clarifying legal text saying that downstream publishers can use the CC and ORC, or the OGL and CC, or just the CC

Right now it appears that all three licenses must be applied to downstream publishers. At least that was my impression via a brief read.

Using all three licenses on the same "document" might be an issue. You may want some clarifying legal text saying that downstream publishers can use the CC and ORC, or the OGL and CC, or just the CC

Right now it appears that all three licenses must be applied to downstream publishers. At least that was my impression via a brief read.
We’ve done this with legal advice from our lawyers, and will continue to follow their advice. :)

We’ve done this with legal advice from our lawyers, and will continue to follow their advice. :)
Sorry, I was reading on my phone and hadn't downloaded the Legal Information.PDF, just looking at the webpage itself. So that was entirely my fault. :)

You might want to double check the links to, The one in the CC section has the correct text, but the link is wrong. :)

Thank you very much. This ensures that 5e will survive in some form for a decade or more. Between this, the WoTC SRD, and the Black Flag SRD, we'll have a wealth of options to choose from. There are plenty of hints the upcoming D&D revision in 2024 will be accompanied by a change in business strategy.And it looks like the new strategy may be hostile to interoperability by third-party publishers working outside of the "official" channels. I wouldn't be surprised if the new rules contain some features designed to break backward compatibility..But this move means publishers have a meaningful alternative.

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