Blog (A5E) A5ESRD: Core Rulebooks Now All Completed Making Biggest Open 5E SRD Available

We have finished uploading the full core rules to the Advanced 5th Edition System Reference Document.


We have finished uploading the full core rules (Adventurer’s Guide, Monstrous Menagerie, Trials & Treasures) to the Advanced 5th Edition System Reference Document. The rules content from these books is all released under the Open Gaming License, Creative Commons, and Open RPG Creative License. Third parties are able to use any of these licenses to access the full A5E ruleset and create their own compatible products.

The A5ESRD is the most complete 5E rules SRD available with over 1,200 pages of open content, which is nearly 3 times that contained in the core 5E SRD. It contains the full rules content of the game, and is a fully-featured, fully open, non-rescindible 5E SRD available under multiple licenses.

The next task will be Dungeon Delver’s Guide, after which we will start work on Gate Pass Gazette.


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The OGL requires you to copy the full upstream s15 even if you don’t use content from those works. That’s why some Pathfinder 1E s15s are so long. It’s not that the book contains content from every one of those dozens of sources, it’s that you have to replicate the full s15 of any upstream source. So Bob’s Almanac of Striped Dragons might be included in that list even if the product has no striped dragons of any kind whatsoever.

That is literally my point. If EN Publishing re-wrote the copyrighted fluff, then NONE of those Sec. 15 lines should be there it should only be the A5eSRD line. Which is why I'm saying that it's a copy and paste error from the inspiring materials (ie Pathfinder, 5e, etc.)

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That is literally my point. If EN Publishing re-wrote the copyrighted fluff, then NONE of those Sec. 15 lines should be there it should only be the A5eSRD line. Which is why I'm saying that it's a copy and paste error from the inspiring materials (ie Pathfinder, 5e, etc.)
Unless they didn’t rewrite something from one of the non-Wotc sources that still drew from wotc, which would then require all of the wotc stuff to be included as well.


Minor quirk I noticed: the single source PDF for Section 8, "Adventuring", is "a5e_srd_6_adventuring.pdf". In general the PDF names are a bit randomized in format. They also seem to differ from the file names in the compiled zips. Not any material difference, but could make sorting and updates slightly more difficult.



Couple of questions:

1- It sounds like you plan on adding Gate Pass Gazette to the SRD too, is that right? If so, really awesome!

2- I haven't seen anything about the compatibility in the SRD files; are they present? (I ask because PDF 18 Enchanted Gear includes the item Absurdist Web, which, unlike other extradimensional space items doesn't mention effects on Supply, and instead mentions dead things not decaying, unlike other extradimensional space items), whereas compatibility addresses for all such items.

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We have finished uploading the full core rules (Adventurer’s Guide, Monstrous Menagerie, Trials & Treasures) to the Advanced 5th Edition System Reference Document. The rules content from these books is all released under the Open Gaming License, Creative Commons, and Open RPG Creative License. Third parties are able to use any of these licenses to access the full A5E ruleset and create their own compatible products.

The A5ESRD is the most complete 5E rules SRD available with over 1,200 pages of open content, which is nearly 3 times that contained in the core 5E SRD. It contains the full rules content of the game, and is a fully-featured, fully open, non-rescindible 5E SRD available under multiple licenses.
Speed Test
The next task will be Dungeon Delver’s Guide, after which we will start work on Gate Pass Gazette.
Thanks for doing this and supporting open gaming!! I am looking forward to making some products that work with it.
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Is there a plan to eventually include content from Adventures in Zeitgeist? I imagine the setting itself won't end up in the SRD, but there are some heritages and other player options that would be nice to have.

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