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Adapting Carnival of Tears


Just based on reviews I think I'd like to look at putting Carnival of Tears into my ongoing campaign, but I was wondering how easy it would be to adapt. I haven't bought it yet, so I don't know the details of it.

My campaign is based in Sharn in Eberron and I'd like to keep it there if possible. There is a carnival run by the elven house called the Carnival of Shadows that can travel around in the city. My first thought is to have that being the carnival that is invaded by the fey.

Would it readily adapt? Or would I be rebuilding the entire thing? Would it be better to have the party leave the city for the small village?

Thanks for the input!

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(disclaimer: bought, read it, never ran it however it made for a terrific read)

(heavy spoilers ahead - players read it at their own peril)

Carnival of Tears is a standalone horror adventure with a few genuinely terrifying moments. It may be difficult to scale if your party does not meet requirements - there are certain assumptions made which may be rendered by higher level spells.

Secondly, this is a horror adventure. You should be prepared for bad stuff happening to people - on the scale from 0 to 1 SAW (SAW, as in the movie SAW), this scenario would rank around 0.7 SAWs with enterprising GMs bringing the rating up to 1.1 SAW.

To adapt it you need (spoilers follow):

1. A carnival.

2. Winter coming early.

3. Densely populated town (at least 1000 people) with lumber mills.

4. Dark fey.

5. Four 5th level characters.

Finally, try to play it in a single run - some things hit harder if they happen one after another.


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