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Adult: GUCK development forum IV

I've managed to finish a draft copy of the sexual diseases section, so it is included below for you vultures to pick over. I've been nothing if not pedantic in my criticisms of others (*keeps pedant goggles to one side*), so spare me no mercy. First copies are there to be improved, after all.

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Intimate relations can cost the curious adventurer their purse, life plans or even (with the help of succubi) their mortal soul. As if this wasn’t enough of a deterrent, their health is under constant threat from an array of mundane and magical sexual diseases.

Mundane Diseases
Whilst not as debilitating as their magical kin, mundane sexual diseases are nevertheless a burden to those carrying them. They are treated much like any other disease in D&D, complete with incubation times, Fortitude save DCs, and ability score damage. They may be overcome by casting remove disease, or by successfully saving against them twice in a row (except where otherwise stated). Their chief difference is their infection method – Sexual. A sexual encounter with someone harbouring the disease requires the character to make a Fortitude save against it, modified by any contraceptives used. Failure means the character is infected. To randomly determine a mundane disease, roll on Table X-XX: Mundane Diseases, below.

Table X-XX: Magical Diseases
d% Roll / Disease / Infection / DC / Incubation / Ability damage
01-10 / Blossom / Sexual / 13 / 1d3 days / 1d2 Str
11-20 / Cheese rot / Sexual / 14 / 2d4 days / 1d2 Con
21-30 / Crimson boil / Sexual / 16 / 2d10 days / 1d6 Cha*
31-40 / Harlot fever / Sexual / 14 / 1 day / 1d6 Wis*
41-50 / Itching fury / Sexual / 12 / 1d4 days / 1d4 Dex
51-60 / Pallid droop / Sexual / 13 / 2d6 days / 1d4 Str
61-70 / Scrotal bloat / Sexual / 15 / 2d3 days / 1d8 Dex
71-80 / Seething fever / Sexual / 16 / 2d6 days / 1d4 Con*
81-90 / Tuna dredge / Sexual / 12 / 1d6 days / 1d3 Str
91-00 / Yellow bugger / Sexual / 15 / 1 day / 1d4 Int
* On a failure, characters must make another save or one point of damage is permanent.

Blossom: A bizarre lymphatic infection. When a character takes any ability damage from this disease, they are affected by a continuous pheromone cloud effect until they are cured. This only affects creatures of the same race as the character.
Cheese rot: An unpleasant affliction characterised by yellow discharge. Characters using Oral proficiencies on someone infected by cheese rot take a –4 circumstance penalty.
Crimson boil: Permanent Charisma drain from this disease causes unsightly red boils to appear. Victims usually degenerate afterward into delusions, stupor, spasms and death. Crimson boil requires three successful checks in a row to be rid of.
Harlot fever: Characters who take permanent Wisdom drain from this disease are stricken by the nymphomania/satyriasis kink, with a Potency equal to the points of permanent Wisdom drain taken.
Itching fury: Causes a constant nagging itch that proves severely distracting. Characters affected by itching fury take a –4 circumstance penalty to all Concentration checks.
Pallid droop: Males infected by the disease become impotent; all Prowess checks made against them suffer a –4 circumstance penalty.
Scrotal bloat: A truly hideous disease. Female sufferers suffer from painful swelling, effectively decreasing the size category of their vagina by one; male sufferers sport raw and hideously swollen testicles. Characters infected by scrotal bloat cannot run.
Seething fever: A rightly feared virus that weakens the body, often terminally. Seething fever requires three successful checks to be rid of.
Tuna dredge: Women suffering from tuna dredge secrete an oily black fluid smelling strongly of tuna: anyone using Oral proficiencies against them suffer a –8 circumstance penalty, and they are often followed around by cats and other hungry animals.
Yellow bugger: Originating from orc and goblinoid raids, yellow bugger causes a distinctive ochre pallor and decline in mental abilities.

Magical Diseases
These weird and deadly magical blights are of unknown origin; scholars hazard they could be crafted weapons of war, results of experiments turned awry or the result of interbreeding with strange creatures. Magical diseases are transmitted much like their mundane counterparts, but are enchantments, of a sort: they cannot be overcome naturally and remove disease will not work on them, but break enchantment and remove curse will. Dispel magic will dispel the disease on a successful check; see Table X-XX2: Magical Diseases for caster levels and random determination.

Table X-XX2: Magical Diseases
d% Roll / Disease / Infection / DC / Incubation / Ability damage / Caster Level
01-10 / Elemental Secretion / Sexual / 14 / 1d6 days / 1d3 Str / 5th
11-20 / Freud’s Immersion / Sexual / 17 / 1d2 days / 1d8 Wis* / 9th
21-30 / Morden’s Petrification / Sexual / 19 / 2d6 days / 1d6 Str / 11th
31-40 / Mummy Crotch Rot / Sexual / 19 / 1 day / 1d6 Con* / 11th
41-50 / Orgasmic Arcana / Sexual / 19 / 1d10 days / 1d2 Con / 11th
51-60 / Orgasmic Channelling / Sexual / 19 / 1d10 days / 1d2 Con / 11th
61-70 / Screaming Glamer / Sexual / 14 / 1d3 days / 1d4 Cha / 5th
71-80 / Shata’s Bane / Sexual / 17 / 1 day / 1d3 Con*/ 9th
81-90 / Toto’s Irresistible Performance / Sexual / 17 / 1d2 days / 1d6 Wis* / 9th
91-00 / Voyeur’s Dream / Sexual / 16 / 1d3 days / 1d4 Wis / 7th
* On a failure, characters must make another save or one point of damage is permanent.

Elemental Secretion: Upon Climax, a character infected with Energy Secretion shoots forth a stream of elemental energy, dealing 1d6+1/HD damage to whatever gets in its way. When infected, roll a d% to determine which kind of secretion the infection causes: 01-20 a stream of acid, 21-40 a bolt of electricity, 41-60 a gout of fire, 61-80 a blast of cold, 81-00 a wave of sonic energy. Using the withdrawal method gives a chance of avoiding the blast – if the conception check is negated by use of the withdrawal method, no damage is inflicted (but arguments over who has to sleep on the burnt patch may still remain).
Freud’s Immersion: Sufferers of Freud’s Immersion begin to obsess over sexual matters, before long becoming lost in a realm of misperception and fantasy. Characters who take permanent Charisma drain from this disease receive the nymphomania/satyriasis kink, at a Potency equal the points of permanent Charisma drain taken, and are continually Horny. A spell of higher caster level that prevents or reduces horniness can suppress this effect for the spell’s duration.
Morden’s Petrification: Upon Climax, a character with Morden’s Petrification secretes a potent fluid that acts as a transmute flesh to stone spell on their partner. Using the withdrawal method gives a chance of avoiding this secretion – if the conception check is negated by use of the withdrawal method, no damage is inflicted (but arguments over who has to sleep on the burnt patch may still remain).
Mummy Crotch Rot: The effects of this hideous groin-wasting disease is terrible to behold. For every point of permanent Constitution drain taken, the character will become incapable of any physical arousal. Only a greater restoration, limited wish, wish, miracle or similar effect can reverse this.
Orgasmic Arcana: A character infected with Orgasmic Arcana is imbued with volatile magic. Upon their first Climax in a sexual session, roll on the 1st-level arcane scroll list and apply the spell effect: harmless effects are usually targeted on the infected character, and others are usually cast on their partner (DM has final and evil discretion over this). The second Climax in a sexual session requires a roll on the 2nd-level arcane scroll list, the third Climax on the 3rd-level arcane scroll list, and so on up to the 9th level arcane spell list upon the 0th Climax and beyond.
Orgasmic Channelling: A character infected with Orgasmic Channelling has a tenuous link to the Inner Planes. Upon their first Climax in a sexual session, they cast either cure minor wounds (if of good alignment) or inflict minor wounds (if of evil alignment) on their partner. Neutral characters roll randomly between them in each instance. The second Climax in a sexual session results in the casting of either cure or inflict light wounds, the third in cure or inflict moderate wounds, the fourth in cure or inflict severe wounds, and the fifth in cure or inflict critical wounds.
Screaming Glamer: During intercourse, a character infected by the Screaming Glamer has an irresistible urge to scream, shout and moan loudly. Furthermore, every minute of direct sexual activity doubles their volume and the distance they can be heard from. Sufferers are also incapable of keeping quiet in social situations.
Shata’s Bane: Whenever a character with Shata’s Bane rolls a natural 1 for a check, they must (in addition to normal effects) make a Fort save against the disease or instantly be brought to Climax for a minute, suffering sexual fatigue afterward.
Toto’s Irresistible Performance: Characters infected by Toto’s Irresistible Performance automatically have the nymphomania/satyriasis kink at Potency 5. Anyone they sleep with adds 5 to their gratification, and automatically ‘catches’ nymphomania/satyriasis at Potency 5. This effect is at the caster level of Toto’s Irresistible Performance, and may be negated in much the same way.
Voyeur’s Dream: When a character with Voyeur’s Dream Climaxes, everyone within a mile feels that someone has Climaxed. Should they Climax again in that sexual session, people within a mile sense that someone done so, and where. Each further time they Climax, everyone within a mile knows that they have done so, where they are, and receives a dream-like vision of what they’re doing. A Spot check (DC XX) allows a viewer to identify the people involved in the act. Characters undergoing Ecstasy extend the range of this effect to ten miles.

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One gripe: Only barrier-type contraceptives should have an effect on the chance of infection. Sperm/egg/implantation contraceptives would have no effect.

Then divide contraceptives into barrier and non-barrier types. Barrier types are cheaper, but non-barrier offer a way of reducing probabilities even further. What do people think of that one?


First Post
Good stuff.

I am still working on my list of contraceptives, but work is keeping me pretty busy, so it'll be a little while. Loren is right about the effectiveness of various contraceptives when it comes to disease prevention. An IUD won't do squat for that. My list/writeup will reflect that (and the corresponding saving throw bonuses). What range of bonus do you think we should go with? Stick to a +1 for regular, +2 for MW? Or beef it up a little, to a +2/+4 maybe?


First Post
Two comments on first level spells:

dire chastity is too strong for a 1st level spell IMO. I would also make an opposite verison of it; a spell to protect the wizard's daughter against NC situation.

The rest looks great to me (considering the above comments)


The EN World kitten
Hi guys!

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I had to recover from the double whammy of moving myself back from Japan to America, and then from GenCon.

While I wish I could say that this marks my full-time return to these forums, its still going to be a little longer. I discovered that for some reason, our home computer will not let me log on at EN World! It lets me sign in, but when I sign in, it just redirects me to the registration screen...grrr...

Needless to say, this is driving me up the wall, since I really want to participate but can't. I have already ordered a new computer for myself (for various reasons) but Im anticipating its arrival around the 3rd of September or so. Until then, my posting here will be very infrequent, if at all (right now Im at the public library).

I apologize for the inconvenience this causes, as I do still want to work on both the spells list, and on spell effect rules on unborn children. If you guys are willing to wait for me, I'd be much obliged, and if not, then I totally understand. Just wanted to fill you in on why I suddenly fell so silent.
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Had a thought on a spell:

Simultaneous Orgasm
Level: Brd 2, Sor/Wiz 2
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels)
Target: 1 creature
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
An improved version of delay orgasm. The DC increase is +30 +1/level but this does not apply in any round that one's partner orgasms.

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