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Adult: GUCK development forum IV

Erila of Sune

First Post
Erotic Enslavement clarification...

Is this like a thrall? Can you have only one at a given time?

I would say not. The spell has a pretty nasty casting requirement (I don't see any good way to keep someone ecstatic for an hour, or to get them there at a precise moment.) Using it would probably effectively require a major miscelaneous item as the focus.

Which gives me an idea.

Throne of Pleasure(Lesser): This item can appear as anything from a true throne to a torture rack, but it must be constructed from precious metals valued at no less than 50,000 GP and two or more gems valued at no less than 5,000 GP each. Lesser Thrones must be keyed to a specific type and gender. The most commonly encountered variation appears as a throne with a large, phallic object between where the legs are obviously meant to be placed, with restraints placed about the ankles and the arm-rests, keyed to humanoid females. When the restraints on any given throne are locked into place, the subject is subjected to a physical arousal check each round. The Throne has a Sexual Prowess bonus of +25 on those it is keyed to affect, but no bonus against other creatures. This is a Medium Wondrous item.

Throne of Pleasure(Greater): As the above, but the prices for the construction are doubled. Those whom the item is keyed to must make an Arousal check every round they view the device in or become horny, then lustful. If lustful, they must make a Will save (DC 15) every round to resist the urge to strip and strap into the device. The Throne's Prowess bonus is +40 to keyed individuals, and +30 to all others who are placed in it with the restraints closed. Finally, an ecstatic character remains so, without suffering physical harm, while strapped into the device.

Feel free to edit the above as you see fit.

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First Post
I hesitate to edit you version, but this is my attempt at a clearer and 'tweaked' description with some details added. Oh, and an item of my own with some more indirect carnal uses.

Throne of Pleasure, Lesser: This item can appear as anything from a true throne to a torture rack, but is always intended for a being to be placed on or in and includes suitable restraints. Each item of this type is keyed to a specific type and gender when created.

When the restraints on any given lesser throne of pleasureare locked into place around a being of the type it is keyed to, the victim is subjected to a physical arousal check each extended round. For purposed of this check the throne makes Prowess checks with a total bonus of +25.

The most common version and is keyed to humanoid females and appears as a heavy throne with a large, phallic object between where the legs are obviously meant to be placed, with manacles placed about the ankles and the arm rests.

Moderate evocation; CL: 10th; Craft Wonderous Item, induce orgasm; Price: 20,000 gp; Weight: 500 lbs.

Throne of Pleasure, Greater:

This item functions and appears as a lesser throne of pleasure with the following exceptions:

The greater throne of pleasure normally makes its Prowess check at a total bonus of +40, but will functions against any character of either the correct gender or type placed within it using a +30 total bonus. Any character who becomes ecstatic due to the item's checks remains in that state without any physical harm from it until released.

The first time a keyed being views a greater throne of pleasure, and for each full minute thereafter it is within their view, a Will save (DC 14) is required. If failed, they become horny and will take the first reasonable opportunity which does not run counter to their alignment to place their self, or to be placed, within the device.

Strong evocation; CL: 14th; Craft Wonderous Item, endurance, obsession, rapture; Price: 70,000 gp; Weight: 500 lbs.

Ring of Souls Entwined:

This pair of gold rings, decorated with two hearts entwined, allows the wearers to temporarily exchange bodies if both are willing. This effect functions only when each is worn by seperate beings within 200 feet of each other and should be treated as though each wearer had successfully possessed the other's body using magic jar.

The wearers can remain exchanged for an indefinate duration, but revert to their normal bodies if either the ring is removed, the wearers move more than 200 feet apart, or upon command.

Strong necromancy; CL 12th; Forge Ring, magic jar; Price 54,000 for a matched pair.

Erila of Sune

First Post
The edited Thrones look good, although I think the following lines should be added:

Lesser Throne: These items are commonly commissioned by royalty and nobility for the purposes of keeping their concubines docile and satisfied when they are unable to attend them. It's quite effective, as these concubines become so addicted to the pleasures of the flesh that they will perform much more eagerly than normal. (If a class is devoted to turning people into concubines, allow it to add a bonus to that class's efforts.) Others keep it around for personal entertainment.

Greater Throne: These are only found in the most base and debauch of slave-houses. They are a vital component in the casting of the Erotic Enslavement spell for many wizards who can't be bothered with the specifics of the carnal arts.

The Lone Badger

First Post
Wrote this and thought I'd post it. Feel free to include it or not as you like, and to edit it for clarity, punctuation, consistency with other material or any other reason.

Inter-species Relationships

Many humans have an attitude of 'will try anything once', and among the vast diversity of humans you will find at least one with a fetish for almost anything. Whilst most humans look down on those who couple outside the species, there are nevertheless a considerable number of secret or open relationships with others. Given the fertility of humans, they are represented in a large number of cross-breeds.

Elves tend to look down on the other races, and rarely consider them as viable sex partners. Those that do are often viewed as demeaning themselves, but despite this young elves sometimes 'slum it' with other races, and human/elf pairings are far from unheard of. Some elven priests and arcanists have established intimate relationships with Celestials, there is no stigma attached to such a relationship and indeed it is considerable admirable. Due to their low fertility elven cross-breeds tend to be rare, although the number of half-elves indicates that human fertility is enough to compensate for this.

Dwarves are very conservative sexually and almost never have sex except with their life-partner, leave alone those of other species. Those who do however are not discriminated against, though their unions are never blessed with children.

Halflings are sexually curious, but rarely explore far from familiar ground. Those who do however are frequently famous for their perversity and willingness to try anything they are likely to survive.

Half-elves and half-orcs tend to identify with the mores of the race they were brought up in, though their obvious ancestry tends to encourage them to greater diversity. Half-elves in particular are famous lovers of anything that stands still long enough. Since half-orcs usually have non-traditionally handsome looks they are often willing to look further afield to find a willing partner.


Celestials always mate for love, although Eladrin can be rather impulsive about who they love. The soul is everything, and they are unconcerned about the physical form their lover wears. If they are physically unable to couple with them they either obtain shapechanging magic, or form a platonic relationship. As Outsiders Celestials can crossbreed with nearly anything, although fertility tends to be low. The child takes the form of the other parent, altered by the power of the Heavens.

The opposite of Celestials, Fiends view sex as a way of inflicting suffering and humiliation on others. Black-hearted mortals sometimes willingly couple with fiends either to engage in the foulest perversions or to conceive a child of great power, but the greatest horrors are for those unfortunates who are captured. Fiends rarely change their shape, they enjoy the pain and horror their form inflicts on their partner. The exception to these general rules are the Succubi and Erinyes, who often take the shapes of comely mortals to tempt and corrupt the forces of good, or to satisfy the desires of evil summoners. Like Celestials Fiends can crossbreed with anything, the child being similar to the other parent but corrupted by darkness.

Dragons usually mate with their own kind but there are exceptions. Some dragons enjoy diversity and experimenting with different partners, and use their shapechanging magic to assist. Others, particularly red dragons, seek to breed an army of half-breed children to serve them. Still others fall in love with a member of another species. Some dragons can inherently shapeship, and most others learn Polymorph as a sorcerer spell, but due to the short duration and 'unnatural' feeling of the form many prefer to couple in their natural form if size permits. Dragons are normally extremely infertile, but for unknown reasons when mating with another species they nearly always conceive if no precautions are taken. Draconic mothers lay an egg as normal which hatches into a half-dragon, which if expecting to be suckled may require the dragon to procure a wet-nurse. Mothers of other species give birth (or lay eggs) as normal for their species, allthough the greater size of a half-dragon may complicate delivery. Some sages assert that the other races are in fact the distant descendants of ancient draconic coupling with animals, but few take them seriously.


The Druidic ability to wildshape obviously leave them open to sexual contact with the animals in their area, with which they have formed a close bond. Some druids see this as simple bestiality, and avoid it. Others see it as a way to get further in tune with nature, and to relieve pressures built up with too long away from other humans. Still others attempt to build up the numbers of a species in local decline, although a single person is seldom enough to make much difference. It is an individual choice, and druids view it as private and not to be discussed. Since the animal form mimics the condition of the druid, and humans are in perpetual oestrus, a female druid will always appear 'in season' and if not desiring a liason will have to deter potential suitors. Unlike Polymorph a druid becomes a true example of the species and is capable of becoming pregnant or impregnating his partner - the resulting offspring will be an animal of the appropriate type and unusual intelligence (although not sentient). Female druids can shapeshift normally until the last month of their pregnancy (which has a gestation period equal to that of the animal), whereupon they must stay in the appropriate form until the child is born.


The longer duration and the ability to take any form you can imagine make this spell a favourite among powerful arcanists looking for sexual variety. Popular uses for this spell include coupling with those it would normally be biologically impossible to have sex with, and to simulate interspecies sex without needing to leave the established relationship. Because seperated parts do not revert in form anything sired by a user of this spell will have a biological father of the form the father was in, rather than the arcanist. Two humans could potentially have half-dragon children. This also allows female casters to father children.


Blessing of Fertility
Level: Fertility 6
Components: V, S, DF
Casting Time: 1 minute
Range: Touch
Targets: 2 willing corporeal creatures of different genders
Duration: 1 month
Saving throw: Will negates (harmless)
Spell resistance: Yes (harmless)

This spell effects two willing creatures such that they are fertile with each other, creating halfbreed offspring. The spell lasts one month during which the female partner must become pregnant, if the two creatures are not normally able to couple with each other additional magic must be used. The child will combine features of the two parents, possibly becoming a monstrous humanoid, a tauric creature (see Savage Species), or something stranger. If there is an existing creature type combining the two parents (such as a centaur for human and equine) the child is one of them, otherwise it will be something new. The nature of the offspring will always be such that the mother can carry and deliver it without harm, although it may undergo rapid growth once born to reach its proper size. The child matures at a normal rate and will breed true, potentially creating a new species. The fertility of the affected couple is equal to that of the more fertile partner.

The effect of this spell can be duplicated with a Limited Wish, Wish or Miracle, although only certain gods would grant it as a Miracle.
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First Post
In Command Plants, it is noted that the sexual ability of the ravishing
foliage is half of the caster's level.

"Since its an eighth level druid spell, the caster would have to be at
least 15th level, which would be a pleasure check skill of 8 (rounded
up). "

What does this pleasure check skill refer to? Sexual Prowess?

Trying to write an example to clear my own head on the the rules. I'm confused! ^_^


First Post
Its been quite awhile since I've sen activity either; though, if anyone is interested, I've been using the rules to create a CRPG text game based on it, mostly inspired by some of the ideas that I saw in the GUCK. Hopefully it'll integrate well.

*comes up gasping for air*

My greatest and most sincere apologies, everyone, for being absent for the past month or so. My hard drive decided to spontaneously unformat itself, with somewhat predictable consequences. I have lost my personal copy of the GUCK, the spell lists I was working on, and, well, everything else. I've just received respite from my internet cold-turkey as we try to sort everything out, and I thought I'd speak to you all first.

I haven't had an opportunity to go over everything in detail yet, but it looks like you've all been keeping busy in my abscence - and you have my most heartfelt thanks in that regard. Once I've regathered my materials I'll set about a writeup of the brilliant work done; it's the least I can do by way of thanks.

I'm afraid I haven't heard from VVrayven, though; are you still out there, oh Mistress of Spells?

Anyways, with such fantastic contributions on board I look forward to us all knuckling down and running that last stretch to finish the GUCK. More postage soon!


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