Adv: A Night at the Opera; Judge TwoHeadsBarking

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Walking Dad

First Post
Qynn d'Cealis, Eladrin Swordmage 2

"Sorry, if my tactics seemed cowardly, but after the initial hits, attacking the others and partly shielding from the constructs seemed to be the most logical tactic." Qynn explains himself to the others.

Will not continue the adventure series, because I will retire Qynn. Just waiting for TwoHeadsbarking approval of the XP before sending the replacement to the judges.

He will take his gold share nonethless, because anything else would be total out of character.

Thanks to everyone for this great adventure! :)

[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 18 Insight: 13 Low-light Vision
AC 21 Fortitude 13 Reflex 15 Will 16
Hit Points: 18 / 35 Bloodied: 17
Temporary Hit Points: 4
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 0
Healing Surge:8 Surges per day: 7 / 10
At-Will Powers: Aegis of Shielding, Sword Burst, Frigid Blade
Encounter Powers: Feystep, Channeling Shield, Chilling Blow
Daily Powers: Sweeping Frostblade

Condition: -

Gold received: 320gp, 16sp



Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
~~ At the end of the battle ~~

As Incarnation retreated to the shadows, he clutched a small iron vessel. It was an essence, the essence of statue of Mauros, perhaps an echo of himself.

It would serve.

~~ After we all gather ~~

Incarnation nods at Dane's willingness to join. Qynn recuses himself, to which Incarnation does not judge. But he turns to the others. Rurdev, Hadrak. Both of you are capable, and would be a boon to have at my side. So I ask you know if you will join or stay.
[sblock=OOC]Don't mind the thing about the essence. Its just a bit of fun flavor for a magic item Incarnation is getting.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=Scorp]Two things:
- Since I'll likely want to recruit at least one more, I assume I should just have Incarnation pop over to the tavern? I assume you have a new thread when ready.
- And I'm serious about your writing a blurb in the Screamer. After all, anyone who was anyone was at that show! :)[/sblock]

Mal Malenkirk

First Post
The Lady of the Winds has a warning: Winds of darkness are coming. I am an instrument against that fate, and I must seek it before it seeks me. You are all proven. I ask know if you shall join this fate or seek your own. He waits patiently for an answer. Turning to Dane, he adds, A brief rest is acceptable, but with the turn of the week, fate turns against me. I can wait if you will join.

Hadrak salutes the crowd, shake hands, pat kids on the head and having a jolly good time.

-''Wait, what? Waves of darkness?'' he says, startled out of his crowd bath by Incarnation's claims. ''Fate turns against you, you say? The bitch!'' he jests. ''But for a mere mortal like me, trying as best as he can to decipher the will of his god, how would that translate? Does that mean you got mystic assassins on your ass who wants to melt you up into a hundred of collectible miniatures of demons lords? I sure have your back for something like that. Oh! Or for a beer drinking contest. Please say you have been challenged by fate to a beer drinking contest at a stout ale festival called 'The Waves of Delicious Darkness''!That would be awesome.''

[sblock=OOC]I will stick with Hadrak, upon further reflection. I am in for a follow up.[/sblock]


First Post
Rurdev, a bit uncomfortable with the praise of the crowd, inspects his scimitars. The nonmagic one was bent at the tip and had several severe notches. His lightning blade was still in good shape, the magic of the ancestor blade protecting it from damage.

"I'll c-c-come with you as w-well. All of y-y-you have proved y-yourselves as capable and h-honorable allies."

[sblock=ooc]I'm in for the continuation[/sblock]

"I'll n-need to stop and g-get a n-new weapon though," he says looking at his battered scimitar, "and le tg-go of some of m-my past," he whispers looking at his lightning blade.

[sblock=ooc]That is a level for Rurdev too. I should be able to level him up tonight after a little rest. As far as gold goes, as long as I get a share I'm not picky. After I take what I already have, let me see if the extra would help. My plan is to buy a magic axe of some sort, and then pay to have a transfer enchantment ritual done on my scimitar to an axe as well.[/sblock]


First Post
[sblock=ooc]Yes, yes by all means hit the tavern. You may have a many as six party members, including Incarnation.

I'll go make the next thread, which you don't need to enter till you actually have a party. If you're going to wait a full IC week, let me know. Otherwise, when you're ready, you may enter that thread. You will find the warden by travelling into the woods, north of Daunton.

And yes, I promise to post in the screamer. Busy weekend with the little one.[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
[sblock=OOC]The 230gp each split works well for Incarnation (I just spent all but 18gp of it), but I can readjust if folks want more (though he has this coool little gadget now...)[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation bows formally to his allies. The pact is sealed. I cannot answer your question, Hadrak, as it is unknown what forces will be after me. The seeress did not specify, but time is of an essence. A rest of a day and then we gather. That should be enough for wounds and business.

With that, Incarnation takes his leave.

~~ During the break ~~

The essence stolen from the statue was malleable. Perhaps it could be used, somehow? An animate force, to do what Incarnation could not? Perhaps.

He spent time with the forgers of metal and magic. Soon, an iron vessel was forged for the spirit, bound now to Incarnation forever. Other magic were added to his form, the strongest being a tool of his vengeance, to stop those who would thwart his doom.

Then, to the library. He must know of this Warden. He spent time there looking for any records.

And then, the tavern. There were others to gather to the skein of fate. The doom was looming...[sblock=OOC]Just some RP to explain his purchases. He'll also spend some time trying to use History to help find/know about the Warden: 15[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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