Adv: A Night at the Opera; Judge TwoHeadsBarking


First Post
Continued from The Hanged Man

Leaving the Hanged Man Tavern, your assembled group makes note of the task ahead of you.

The day is waning, as it is becoming late in the afternoon. You have about an hour and a half of daylight left. A cloud hangs low in the air, which has not come low enough to create any vision problems, just yet.

The Dauntonian Fine House of Oration, lies about fifteen minutes away.

[sblock=OOC] You may use this time, to do as you'd like. If you need to buy things you may do so. If you would like to RP your travel to the Theatre or any other place you think you should go to, thats fine by me. This may be a good time to have peaceful introductions.

Let me know when you want to jump forward, into the action.[/sblock]


Adventure Information as of 02/02/2010

Party Members:
Incarnation Warforged Warlock 3 (Stonegod)
Dane Thoradin Dwarf Fighter 2 (Nebten)
Rurdev Shifter Ranger 3 (EvolutionKB)
Sheng Human Sorcerer 1 (Voda Vosa)
Qynn Eladrin Swordmage 1 (Walking Dad)
Hadrak Dwarf Cleric (Mal Malenkirk)
(Party full)

Major Quests: Find and rescue the Warforged Grabbag (Complete!)

Minor Quests: Defend the Theatre on Opening Night

XP Awarded: 400 xp for breaking/tricking you're way into the theatre.
350 xp for the fight against the crew
800 xp for the fight against both the motes and the goblins
300 xp for recovering Grabbag

Treasure Awarded: 150 gp; Alfred
2 suits of chainmail, 2 warhammers, 2 crossbows, 34 crossbow bolts, 2 suits of leather armor, 8 daggers, 2 potions of healing, 80 gp, 1 Moonstone (100 gp), 1 Amber (100 gp), and a very fine Longsword. from the crew.
Arcanist's Glasses, Amulet of Protection +2, Jade Gem (100 gp), a healing potion and 40 gp on the goblin artifice.
Red and Silk Robes (250 gp), Boots of Spider Climbing, Bow with 20 arrows, Obsidian Horse, 2 Jades (100 gp each), a healing potion, 110 gp, 2 sets of leather armor and 2 spears in the dressing rooms and the basement.

Date Started: 10/26/2009
Days Played: 3 Months, 7 days
Judge: TwoHeadsBarking

Rules of Play:

1. Please include your quick stats in your post on the first post of a new page, on each post in combat, and on the first post where your status has changed.

2. In combat I will track your hitpoints and status effects but I'd like you to do the same in your quick stats. After all, I am not perfect.

3. If you are using a wishlist, and it gets updated, please let me know. If you are not using a wishlist, no worries.

4. I will rarely assign treasure to an individual. It is up to you to split things as fairly as you deem.

5. I will roll initiative for all. You do not need to wait for you're turn in initiative to post your actions. If you are posting out of turn, you may want to include a second option in case thigns change.

Effects happen in initiative order. If you roll an attack, and it misses, and later an ally increases your to hit, and is ahead of you initiative you hit! The reverse is also true.

If you tie for initiative with an enemy, you will go first.

6. I will not post full stats for enemies. All status effects will be posted. Auras will be posted once they first take noticeable affect. HP will be posted once bloody. Defenses will be revealed individually once hit. Some familiar monsters are modified.

7. If an sblock is labeled for someone other than you, I ask you not to read it.

8. If you do not post for 2 days, and we are in a skill challenge or combat encounter, I will post for you. I will only use At-Will Powers.

9. If you have an image you'd like to use for your token, please send me the file bal112083(at)

10. If Invisible Castle is down just let me know you're actions and I will make all rolls, just to keep things as fair as possible.
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Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation follows the man out, but says nothing to him as he makes his announcement and leaves. When he is gone, he speaks to the others.

The streets speak in whispers, but we should listen. They carry the voice the wary should heed. Especially before we seek danger.

The warforged them seems still, thinking.

OOC: History check 21 to determine what we know of the playhouse. Then, we should have someone do a Streetwise.
[sblock=Incarnation]Incarnation—Male Warforged Infernal Warlock 3
Initiative: +1, Passive Perception: 15, Passive Insight: 10
AC: 15, Fort: 16, Reflex: 14, Will: 14 — Speed: 6
HP: 42/42, Bloodied: 21, Surge: 10, Surges left: 11/11
+2 save vs. ongoing damage
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Eldritch Blast
Hellish Rebuke

Fiery Bolt
Vampiric Embrace

Flames of Phlegethos
Warforged Resilience
Burning Gauntlets
Full character sheet[/sblock]


First Post
So ya want us to jus' go in der n' git yur pal? You tink he in der? Hmmm. Why not ask?

Who dis Moozle & Mauros?


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
So ya want us to jus' go in der n' git yur pal? You tink he in der? Hmmm. Why not ask?

Who dis Moozle & Mauros?
The warforged looks down on the dwarf, the flames along his arms flaring. Of Moozle I know naught, but Marous Esthanapiros, Flame Mage of the Five, all have heard. All fires were his to command, and his mastery knew no bounds. If our quest ties into the famed mage, I must know. The warforged's words are the most impassioned any who know him have ever heard.


First Post
[sblock=Order of Events]It seems clear to me that Nebten was addressing Alfred. As I never posted him leaving, or even exiting the tavern, I'm going to address him, and then have the character take off. We shall just say, that Incarnation made his first statement when Alfred was not in earshot.[/sblock]

"Because he broke in." Alfred shakes his head. "if they realize thats probably why they're keeping him, and if they don't I'm not gonna be the one who tells him. I'm not stupid enough to spit Directly in the face of the MErchants of Bacarate."

He takes a breathe and shakes his head again. "Wesley Moozle is a grubby little merchant, currently put in charge of running the place. He's greedy and lazy and can suck an egg as far as I'm concerned. Now go do you're hero thing, I've got other things to check up on."

He shuffles away and quickly slips into a crowd.

[sblock=Incarnation]The Dauntonian Fine House of Oration, is one of the older establishments in Daunton. It was at first a stage for traveling performers as well as a meeting house for groups, and politics.

It slowly fell into a bit of seediness and was a House of Burlesque for as long as anyone around can remember. While the average show was of low caliber and taste, due to the lack of rivate performance spaces on the island it was occassionally the home to more advanced arts.

It is said that Mauros himself was a Patron of the House when the finer entertainnet came through, and there is a story of the five clearing it of a haunting early on in their career.[/sblock]

Walking Dad

First Post
Qynn d'Cealis, Eladrin Swordmage 1

"So, any plans beside running straight in?"


Has still to be approved.


[sblock=Mini stat block]
Perception: 17 Insight: 12 Low-light Vision
AC 19 Fortitude 12 Reflex 14 Will 15
Hit Points: 29 / 29 Bloodied: 14
Temporary Hit Points: 0
Resist: -
Saving Throw: +5 vs Charm
Action Points: 1 Second Wind: 1
Healing Surge:7 Surges per day: 10 / 10
At-Will Powers: Aegis of Shielding, Sword Burst, Frigid Blade
Encounter Powers: Feystep, Chilling Blow
Daily Powers: Sweeping Frostblade

Condition: -

Voda Vosa

First Post
The oriental man looks plainly in the eyes at the elf, before he depparts. He doesn't say anything.
Once he's gone, he speaks "I am always willing to get into the glory of battle, but I fear that if we are facing a enemy of the power and caliber that Incarnation describes, we would do well in taking every option in consideration before proceeding. Let us analyze the situation objectively: The merchant can be dealt with by force, as the description of Alfred suited him in the category of coward honorless pig. At worst, we'll have to eliminate his bodyguards. We should infiltrate in the building without hostility, pretending to parley. If that doesn't work, we'll have two options: If the said Marcus is present, we can retreat peacefully to plan a strike. If said subject is not present, force shall triumph if words are not enough."

[sblock=Sheng Zim]Sheng Zim

—Male Human Wild Sorcerer 1
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 10, Passive Insight: 10
AC: 13, Fort: 13, Reflex: 14, Will: 17 — Speed: 6
HP: 26/26, Bloodied: 13, Surge: 6, Surges left: 8/8
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Acid Orb
Chaos Bolt
Burning spray

Bedeviling Burst
Chromatic Orb[/sblock]


Spawn of Khyber/LEB Judge
Incarnation looks plainly at the Jadite. You are not from these lands, so you have not heard the tales of the Five. Needless to say, they are gone, their mortal remains all that remains of them. The flames pulse once, unevenly. Or so they say.

The warforged turned in the direction of the house, thinking. This place, the House of Oration, is tainted by history. Once a place for politics, it fell into shows of a lower sort. Mauros was a patron, but only for the higher class shows that occasionally came in. But the stories also tell of a haunting, a haunting the Five themselves cleared. Such things can return.

Turning back to the others, he adds, Regardless, we should listen to what the streets say of this Moozle and his ties to the Merchants.

OOC: Still suggest a Streetwise; who's best? Incarnation could assist. Do we know about an explicit ties between Moozle and the Merchants other than Alfred's word?


First Post
OOC: Still suggest a Streetwise; who's best? Incarnation could assist. Do we know about an explicit ties between Moozle and the Merchants other than Alfred's word?

[sblock=answer]That would be revealed in a Streetwise check. Unless someone has good reason to have foreknowledge about local merchants or the present theatre community. [/sblock]

Voda Vosa

First Post
"So is he dead?" The monk asks. He chuckles and shrugs. "If you say so, but I wont be of much assistance in such task, as you correctly stated, I'm new to these lands."

OOC: I can help with my +4 from charisma, nothing else I'm afraid.

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